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joined 2022 September 21 16:52:44 UTC


User ID: 1301



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User ID: 1301

That's a good characterization of The Number of the Beast. When I saw them on their "Seventh Son" tour, there was a Christian group that managed to get into the front rows, and they were throwing bibles onto the stage. Dickinson picked up one of the books, and said something like, "Good book, this. I did a lot of research for this album from it."

if the username looks like a real name, then opinion discarded – at best, it's some sellout

In the subthread that was linked up above, the guy doing most of the accusing is tptacek. That's Thomas Ptacek, and he's one of the industry experts in the field of cryptography. He doesn't have anything to prove. When he says something about crypto, everyone listens. So I'm pretty disappointed to see that he's got such a closed mind about this. But your heuristic is definitely failing here.

Your comment makes me fantasize of a world where the traditional gatekeepers wind up making themselves irrelevant. In one giant bandaid-ripping, society our culture finds that it's dragged itself into a whole new paradigm such that those who had seemed to be at the steering wheel are revealed to be just as irrelevant. Alas, I don't think this daydream is likely to be realized.