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joined 2023 January 20 20:13:01 UTC


User ID: 2115



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 January 20 20:13:01 UTC


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User ID: 2115

Republicans don't really care about election security, so the idea of spending piles of money to improve election security is unappealing to them.


Democrats dont really care about poor people, so the idea of trading minor barriers to voting to improve the lives of poor people is unappealing to them.

If the parties were honest about what they cared about, it would be obvious to trade voter-ID for a program that provided grants and assistance to people for getting IDs. But they're not honest.

What other similarly publicized product demos have included such failures?

The sledgehammer was not applied to the window.

If either Democrats or Republicans really cared about the poor and electoral security respectively, they would call the other on their reapective claims. This equilibrium only holds if they both don't value what they claim to value.

Which is why the second window on the second door also broke, right?

remember the victory lap everyone did when a window broke on a tesla truck (after getting hit with a baseball bat)

You're leaving out how this was in the context of a demonstration of how strong the window was.

You don't have to hate someone to enjoy them failing after bragging about how great something of theirs is. You just need to be human.


Doesn't sound like everyone just ignored his flop.

People love to see the rich, powerfull, and successful fail. It doesn't take a biased media to gin up interest in a car producer saying his windows are strong and then breaking them (twice) during the demonstration of their strength.

I'm not saying people aren't biased against Musk. I'm saying that if you think this is evidence of that bias, you are wrong.

What specifically did went so badly in a Meta or Google glass demostration event?

When you're talking up your product based on how strong your windows are, it's pretty noteworthy when they fail repeatedly during your demonstration.

There is absolutely bias against musk. But highlighting this failed demo is not an example of it.

Maybe the chance fighter jet is just… even more unlikely than that? Based on what?

A bacterium has about 10^-12 grams of mass, and a self replicating molecule would have much less.

A F16 has about 10^7 grams of mass.

Assuming they are assembled by random processes, we would absolutely expect thing with more than 10 quintillion times as much mass to be significantly more unlikely to be randomly assembled.