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joined 2022 September 04 21:54:12 UTC


User ID: 189



2 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 21:54:12 UTC


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User ID: 189

Quebec would fit in nicely as yet another ethnic/language minority in the US

Historically the rent and lifestyle would have been good enough that we'd have been immediately flooded with Americans, destroying the local culture.

As it is, Rest-of-Canadians have been doing this all by themselves.

As an independentist, what you're saying is true but irrelevant. People are fully economically illiterate, there is nothing close to a popular consciousness that we'd hurt from missing those transfers. We expect short-term economic injury from the turmoil, but that's pretty much it.

I don't think technocracy is once-in-a-generation hard, I just think our democracies are optimizing for something entirely incompatible

@FCfromSSC origin story is iconic. I relate to the terror and depression of cancellation, but I could never put it down like you did. I'd say "go on The Bailey" but that'd be missing the point.

Our mods are wise and generous \o/ Thank you for the round-up Nara!

The effect is so strong that at some point pictures of single young white urban men in advertising have become gay-coded. Usually if I see such an ad on my commute it's trying to sell me PrEP.

Started the Bible (TOB translation). Integral Notes version.

It's a very busy text. I slightly regret not going with the Essential Notes version.

I tried starting Thomas Cook's 1728 translation of Hesiod's Theogony, picked at random. I'm having the opposite problem here; I'm failing to contextualize anything.

If this is done at anything less than world-ending scale, technological society will hormetically adapt to prevent future instances. It is all but hopeless.

It is paternalistic and egalitarian.

Look into ChatGPT plug-ins, tool-using AIs are already here and it's a matter of years before they're able to replace ~every mid-skill labor job, if not necessarily cost-effectively at first