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joined 2022 September 04 21:54:12 UTC


User ID: 189



2 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 21:54:12 UTC


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User ID: 189

About to go on a one-month "digital declutter" in the style of Cal Newport's Digital Minimalism. 6/10 book, worth reading if you're suffering from screen addiction. Dovetails well with Matthew Crawford's The World Beyond Your Head.

Read The World Beyond Your Head. Might get you out of your rut, might, not, either way it's interesting thought on the topic of discipline, motivation and flourishing.

Just installed Before, it's super neat! Working on configuring it.

I want to understand more about what you're working with/where you're coming from.

I need the same speech but spoken by a hotter guy so I can send it to my girlfriend.

(On second thought I'm going to speak these words to her myself instead of outsourcing my masculinity)

Iā€™d say what distinguished the forum originally was more a commitment to free speech than to civility, though it had both of course.

In my mod days we experimented with keeping to a particular Overton window, above and beyond what was required to continue existing on reddit, in order to keep posters broadly comfortable. Drawing the line was frustrating and arbitrary and I hated doing it. Stuff like, don't insist on conspicuously misgendering trans posters, and don't lay 100% of the blame for any given issue on Mexicans/Jews/whatever. In any given specific situation we could have reasonably ruled in either direction, but if we'd radically committed to either free speech or civility the moderation would have become exploitable and the forum would have blown up.

It also makes such posts cattier, which is a disincentive in and of itself.

@HlynkaCG serves an important social function as resident boomer, if he is forced out then surely this place will crumble to dust.

The main theme is about how slavery obliterates everything it comes into contact with, and specifically, the identity of the enslaved.

C. V. Gheorghiu's The 25th Hour, a whirlwind tour of European labor camps and concentration camps during World War II, also does a lot with this theme. It's fairly didactic though. His other book La Seconde Chance is a work of genius, and much better written; unfortunately it has not been translated to English.

c===3 is manlier.