@Ortho_wraithness_Stice's banner p




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joined 2023 April 03 02:34:50 UTC


User ID: 2309



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 April 03 02:34:50 UTC


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User ID: 2309

What would be the optimal sources for fine-grained demographic data on social media/messaging platform userbases? E.g. finding out how many US-based Hindi-speakers use Twitter, or what % of WhatsApp users in the US are messaging in Spanish? I know it won't be perfect or uniform, but trying to find the clearest route to public teeth-sinkable-into data to test some potentially quite interesting thoughts.

It's possible whole movements will be established where people choose, perhaps for aesthetic reasons, to consume only books published before the advent of - say - GPT-4, to ensure they only read 'confirmed' human fiction.

Can we backdate this to the advent of social media/smartphones?