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joined 2022 September 05 16:06:37 UTC
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User ID: 617



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User ID: 617

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there are a lot of psychological traits that are worthwhile besides just intelligence - honesty, conscientiousness, perseverance, a sense for fairness, and so forth.

These are all fluid in a way that intelligence is not. I can practice radical honesty, I can force my self to be more conscientious, etc. Intelligence is a hard limit on potential, and no such thing exists for how many lies I tell.

The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts.

Economic leftists oppose excessive immigration. It moves the supply and demand curve of labor in favor of employers, and is also shown to reduce the workforce's propensity to unionize or otherwise collectively bargain.

Heat shock proteins bro

You could say the same for scientology.

State parks

There's self-selected groups that have every combination of intelligence/athleticism.

I'm here for procedurally-generated, tailored buildings.

Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe. It's literary enough to hit the checkpoints, and the story just rocks. Plenty of essays to be written about what it all means, especially during its reading before it all comes together.

What's the latest on the Duke - BYU volleyball racist heckler? Has it been confirmed/corroborated yet, or is it looking like a hoax?

Packers fan also. Their defense played really well against a delpleted Bucs team, and Doubs is coming into himself, which is really good to see. I was really happy to see Bakhtiari on the field again, what a long recovery.

Farm league

Diaspora was so good, I've read it three times.

Blindsight by Peter Watts

Three Body Problem trilogy by Cixin Liu

Anathem by Neal Stephenson

I don't think this was a Florida play, as much as it was a national overture laying more groundwork for a potential presidential run.

The 50 migrants didn't last a day before they were removed from a rich people's playground. Immigrants for thee, etc.

The gas stove emissions in queation are NOx, not particulates

I continue to visit my family three sundays a month for a family dinner, they're my favorite people and it keeps me grounded.

Induction needs bigger 'burners', they're often only 6 inches and can warp cookware because of uneven heating.

You used to be able to use imperfect queries to get what you wanted.

Three times is enemy action

EVE Online for MMOs

Freshly laundered, cold cotton, and freshly laundered, cold cotton.

I enjoyed it a lot, I wish there were more shows like it. It was quantum computing, not AI though.

Have you ever seen Shutter Island?

It's linguistic gerrymandering

Olives are delicious