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User ID: 2883



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User ID: 2883

okay, so you knew she had justified her speculation

No more so than Otis Eugene Ray. Rank speculation is not justification. Your definition may differ.

If you believe that this story is more than wishcasting you should ask yourself why real conservative media outlets aren't repeating it.

No one else in the media se3ms to think she has justified herself. Foxnews and OAN haven't jumped on this. It's wishcasting.

I agree that this would be really, really bad.

But I dont see any reason to believe its true beyond wanting to believe its true.

Julie Kelly does not justify her assertion.

The DOJ's Doctored Crime Scene Photo of Mar-a-Lago Raid

Did you read this link?

The author doesn't justify they assertion at all. They take this snippet:

"[If] the investigative team found a document with classification markings, it removed the document, segregated it, and replaced it with a placeholder sheet. The investigative team used classified cover sheets for that purpose.”

And assert that the photo is using those placeholder sheets.

But the quote doesn't say that. And the filing doesn't say that.

Can anyone else justify this assertion that the photo includes cover sheets provided by the FBI?

I would find it disturbing if true, but I see no reason to accept this reporter's assertion as fact.

Perhaps not.

But they do believe Biden will end the country.

"a continuation of the Biden administration is national suicide" - Bill Barr

Were you aware that your own link says that there were 134 republicans in the room during counting?