@ParthenonParthenoff's banner p




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joined 2022 September 05 10:12:35 UTC


User ID: 524



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 10:12:35 UTC


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User ID: 524

  1. At least on my browser, I have to log in at least once a day, sometimes more. If there is something on your end that you can do about it so that I can stay logged in for as long as possible, that would be awesome. (I apologise if this is actually an issue on my end...)

  2. I suggest that people (doesn't have to be mods...) periodically post on the Motte subreddit with a link to this website, so that every possible user is regularly reminded of this website's existence. People could even link directly to quality contributions, so that it's not "self-promotion spam", although I think that self-promotion spam would be totally fine!

BTW, I am hugely impressed at how excellent this new forum has been, especially the fact that it could be so good, right from the start! I even aesthetically prefer it quite a bit when compared to new reddit AND old reddit, which is surprising!

Is there an equivalent to "AUTOMOD_MULTIPART_LOCKME" (or whatever it was called), for keeping long effortposts in order? Since the character limit is 10k here (same as on reddit, I think?). (I apologize if this is a repeat question.)

You're right, that's the issue, thank you so much, and thanks to /u/ZorbaTHut as well!

Or, would it be better to publish super-long things as a standalone post, instead? (Although, in that case it might be nice to have a character limit of more than 20k...)