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joined 2022 September 12 02:37:19 UTC


User ID: 1148



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 12 02:37:19 UTC


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User ID: 1148

Have we really made the transition from “they’re not recruiting your children” to “so what if they are?”

My surface level thought after you mentioning impeachment is that there actually is a path to Biden’s removal here. Democrats want him out, and they’re already sharpening their knives and preparing post-midterm hit pieces. Republicans will want to impeach when they take the house. If that happens on these grounds, the party could let swing state senators vote for removal if that’s the public sentiment. Biden either sees which way the wind is blowing and resigns or he’s convicted and removed. Kamala takes the reins and begins campaigning from office for 2022.

Strategically, the question is are dems willing to make Kamala the incumbent. She’s probably not their best 2022 shot.

The easiest thing is going to be to use your network to get into something. Do you have a linked in? Do you have contacts from your retail management career who have moved into other parts of the business like finance or logistics? A good reference to (figuratively) put your resume on someone’s desk will be more affective than any other strategy.

He never said he would let people go “randomly”. The way to stay employed is always to be someone who is viewed as indispensable. He will get to work figuring out which teams and individuals are generating value and which are not.

I think degradation of the use/mention distinction is unhelpful with regard to “speak clearly”, hence at odds with the purpose of this forum.

At some point is it worth simply running your own sqlite database? You could make a lightweight front-end if you wanted and customize it to your exact specs.