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This reminds me of what the criminologist Mark Kleiman proposed years ago, before he died.

But as we know policy is now dictated by social media which makes anything smart almost impossible to implement. It's about competing vibes. And the vibe around this still looks far too right wing, I'm sure.

Well there are many on the dissident right and weirdo left who believe that the world both before social media and orthogonal to it is the real mind virus. So they have a complicated relationship with acknowledging this kind of problem.

You're right about vulnerable young men. I remember reading that the average Robinhood user balance is $200.

Update: it's $240.

Agreed. Progressives like to get very granular with much of their idpol classifications but not THIS granular. Just as the HBD folk like to say that evolution does not end at the neck, racial classification does not end at White People.

One way of undermining the woke stack is to deny any of it matters, perhaps ala official colorblind civic nationalism, and deliberately obfuscating. Another way of undermining it is to say that every kind of ethnicity or racial classification matters, massively muddying their methodological waters.

You can sound kind of moronic and simple if you take the former tack. But if you actually appreciate what the civic nationalists aim for, might maintain a sophisticated credibility by going far beyond what the progressives do. Hopefully exploding their paradigm, provoking exhaustion, and falling back on civic nationalism by default.

I feel like there's some kind of revisionist history going on with this whole conservatism is actually just fine with not being prepared to have kids, you'll learn it along the way!

That was absolutely not the impression or messagw I got growing up in the '80s and '90s. It was considered quite important to be prepared to have children. You don't just pump one out and hope for the best.

Right. It would be nice if the trads could both stick it to neoliberalism but also sire a cozy family, but in practice you are definitely more enmeshed within consumerist capitalism when you go the marriage and children route. It matches my own observations of people my age who are married. Buying drones, Amazon Prime membership, Disney+, two homes, new cars, Vrbo rentals.

Tangentially, the people I know who become successful enough to actually live something of a life the boomers got to enjoy are more into progressive nostrums, not less. It kind of makes sense; the more professional success - required to have a family - the more you're not able to turn a blind eye to woke rituals but actually must participate. Kids in schools, ditto.

The most conservative guys I know are single.

What I find weird is that you would think wordsmiths would be the most sympathetic to this constant abuse of language and it's cheapening, but wordsmiths are precisely the people leading us into this brave New World.

I liking it too intellectuals obviously being the most sympathetic to the idea that free expression is vital. Turns out that was way off base.

In either case, it's because words and ideas have power that they've been abused like this. Only people who understand the heft of a word like genocide can wield it to include people they are sympathetic to but for whom the term should not apply, heretofore.

This is interesting because I believe that studies have shown progressives relatively unhappy and often mentally ill. Their myopia the causes them distress in service of the cause, but allows them to rack up political wins. The grill pillers otoh are on the periphery making little political impact, but generally content and mentally well.

I have anecdotal evidence in support of what you're saying however. In my job there is an emerging team leader who is MtF trans who rallies everyone and engages in all the pats on the back and mutual positive reinforcement you speak of. Real girl power stuff. Of course my team is about 75% female, which helps.

The tireless focus on blacks exclusively really gives away an America-centric worldview. I'm enjoying Sandman on Netflix but wow does that colorwash everyone except blacks and whites.

When you say in private in response to stated opposition, it suggests that they privately admit to this. But they don't even do that in private, in my experience. But they do often behave as if they believe it, yes.

I think the perspective of someone like Hanania is to a large degree born of the way social media just presents an onslaught of topicality. It's non-stop news, which is entirely made up of object level details and the triggered sentiment that goes along with that. It's very difficult to think high level, more like a political philosopher. Everyone goes into second order intellectual mode ala journalism, not some kind of academic-style creative synthesizer. A low-key tabloidization of everything is where even the smartest people are basically at now, and they're beginning to rationalize it. "Great minds think about ideas, media minds think about events, small minds think about people" is being rendered almost impossible to uphold.

People have already talked about the way the age of books and newspapers allowed for more disembodied reasoning. Now it's a bunch of little thumbnails of someone whose face you just want to punch (in an online environment that mimics a small town, as Megan McArdle observed) and whatever argument is attached to that, well so much the worse for it.

The people on the right who think the problem now is we didn't censor enough back in the day, I'm not sure what could have been done then would have any bearing on where we are now. Who saw censorship largely occurring in private hands in a handful of companies in California? 99% of the discussion of censorship had everything to do with government actions until about 5 minutes ago.

This is too totalizing and bleak. It's a matter of degree of censorship, and approximation to liberal attitudes on speech. It hasn't been exactly like it is now since forever, otherwise we wouldn't all be talking about censorship in the current era as if something important really has changed in the last decade or so.

Tangentially, speaking in terms of "we shouldn't let that happen again, so let's censor harder," fails to grasp that there are a number of disagreements within one's own tribe or political camp.

Yeah this is really testing the concept of "liberal conservatism." One must ask themselves are they more liberal or are they more conservative? I think what's confounding is that for many classical liberals, they truly believe they reinforce each other and cannot be broken up.

Well there are conservatives who would like to claim the artistic class as their own, upset that it was ever ceded to the left.

This shows the limits of orienting one's political position around opposition to tribal enemies (if they're into it I'm out of of it) . It does injustice to political evolution in ideation.

It's part of a long-standing trend you see in Western conservatism, where precedent-destroying economic activity is celebrated while simultaneously traditional gender roles and such is upheld.

Can we talk about Sandman instead? Anyone watching that?

Or how about Cobra Kai? Though that one I admit is a bit dimwitted and downscale.

Yea. Everything is such an ensemble cast now. To tie this into politics, sure there's more minority representation but no given minority feels particularly represented. Everyone's getting drowned out by too many egos in the pot.

Well I would classify as right-wing and utilitarian. A materialist, empirically-driven ev. psych, sociobiological and economic pov I think ends up at least vaguely there.

People can quibble with what falls under the umbrella of "welfare state." I think something like seat belt and helmet laws would, and do, ruffle the feathers of a lot of natural rights libertarians but doesn't rise to the level of "holy shot this is socialism," which would put it unequivocally in the left wing, non-conservative camp.

Isn't the nuclear warhead fact precisely the reason not to tussle with Russia?

The nuke fear was sky high during portions of the Cold War. Which was why it was important not to make it hot.

I run into "young Stalin is so hot" a lot.

Yes the whole idea of touching grass can easily be construed as a form of escapist quietism.

I think if you care about the direction of society something you simply have to risk mental unwellness and a certain myopic obsession with politics.

Though there are weird implications of this, like conservatives being less interested in grillpilling and having families and instead staying single and devoting all their resources to politics, much like progressives do.

My coworker brought this up just recently. When asked by another coworker why the Royal Family seemed (disputedly) to have it out for Megan Markle, they - they're trans, and by far the most politically vocal on the team - responded with "racism." The co-worker who had brought it up suggested it was because she was American. No, they don't like the Duchess because she's black, full stop.

As far as I know they haven't begun to use chemical weapons, which is sort of in between typical arsenal and nukes.

They aren't being "shipped." They're not auto parts.

Yeah, I know quite a few people who smoke here and there, say when they're drinking. But not daily smokers or anything.