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joined 2023 January 31 10:21:46 UTC


User ID: 2140



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 January 31 10:21:46 UTC


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User ID: 2140

Thanks! Downloading now.

Similarly disappointed by Tears of the kingdom.

If I can give a recommendation in return - Outer Wilds is great to go into blind. It's the best mystery / puzzle solve game I've ever seen by a mile. Actually, it's the best game I've ever experienced by a long shot. I wish I could play it again for the first time. DLC is fantastic too.

can anyone offer testimonials of having significantly altered their personality through conscious effort?

I have gone from an extremely negative person to a moderately positive one within 2 years. My friends have noticed and commented. I set out to try and 'fix' my depression, not change my personality per se. I relate to your experiences a lot. I wouldn't consider myself a socialite nowadays, but things are much better. I did not realize my social awkwardness was in part due to my depression / mild anxiety.

I have two pieces of advice to offer; meditation and to care less for what others think of you.

Meditation isn't a tool but it has the helpful side effect of robbing your thoughts of their power over you. When you have thoughts of tracking body language, emotional stress, eye contact, you can notice these things as thoughts appearing that do not hold any weight. You can let go of them and just be.

When the thoughts and *feelings *of anxiety have less power over you, you'll be paying attention to what is being said, not where your hands are etc. If you are unfamiliar with meditation it is really difficult to describe the difference in experience. I guess you'll have to trust a stranger on the internet here (hopefully).

I highly, highly recommend the Waking Up app. Treat it as seriously as religion, practice daily and make your way through the theory section.

Additionally here's a fun blog on caring less about what people think (and being less stuck in your own head). The analogy of the mammoth always stuck with me.


Best of luck.

Looks like we have similar taste / views on music.

They're a bit of an outlier on my usual listening habits. But I think King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard is the greatest band alive today. Curious if you like them?

I like to use post it flags that stick out the edges. I then highlight the section. I have a system of color coding that I've developed that I really enjoy.

It's also quite interesting to see how the good books end up full of flags sticking out the side.

There have been other amendments to the constitution. Why not make another to improve things?

I don't think the founders could foresee the future that well that they could predict events hundreds (or thousands) of years in the future and consider everything.