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User ID: 1789



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User ID: 1789

I do find it quite fascinating how the class-status-marker associations of outdoor sports like fishing and hunting, and rural living in general, are completely reversed in the UK compared to the USA.

I mean, just look at how different these two very similarly-named magazines are:

Country Life - UK-based lifestyle magazine for people who can afford two million pounds for a manor house, and vacation in the Maldives and Seychelles.

Country Living - USA-based lifestyle magazine for fans of Kelly Clarkson and decorating one's porch with gourds in the fall.

This isn't a response to urquan, but to the commenter they were replying to. I took particular issue with this line:

God has a plan for you, and you don't get to duck out of that plan just because you're feeling wretched.

If that's the answer a Christian would give in your friend's case, my response would be "then your God is an asshole, since his plan is apparently to cause a human being, and everybody who knows and loves them and has to watch, immense suffering as they waste away, for no good reason whatsoever."

I live with somebody who is slowly dying from a degenerative neurological condition. It is heartbreaking to see their life gradually, painfully and inevitably reduced to nothing. What's God's purpose in doing this? To teach me patience and compassion? Surely an omnipotent God could do that without destroying another human being in the process.

I know none of this is any new insight to the faithful, they've had to deal with arguments from unbelievers about why a just God would allow suffering to exists for as long as religion has existed.

You're going to be shocked when you learn that Black people who use the n-word regularly in their own discourse get mad when people who aren't Black use it.

Less sarcastically: it's a well-known, timeless and universal fact about humanity that cultures get upset when outsiders make fun of their culture, or attempt to adopt aspects of their culture in an insincere or imperfect way, even if they themselves do the exact same thing all the time.

but then the median viewer's going to be muttering at her TV something along the lines of "Oi wot's all this shite made outta rattlesnake meat, I 'fort it's Mexican week? Where's the bloody tacos?"

I really don't know what GBBO viewership demographics are like in the UK. However, the way you phrased and spelled your imaginary median viewer's quote implies that they would be lower class British, the equivalent of a southern/hick/redneck accent in the US. And as a American fan of The Great British Baking Show, I can confidently say that the American fanbase is solidly Blue Tribe, educated, urban, PMC, etc. And I certainly don't react that way ("Yo, I thought this was supposed to be British, where's the steak and kidney pie?") whenever they pull out some obscure European cake or bread or pudding I've never heard of for a technical challenge. I Google it and go "huh, that's interesting". I agree that GBBO/S doesn't have a requirement to teach anybody anything, but one of the reasons I do enjoy it is the opportunity to learn about baked goods I'm unfamiliar with.

For what it's worth, the only commentary I've seen on Mexican week online was a bunch of TikTok videos making fun of Brits inability to pronounce "avocado" and "guacamole".

If the protester was predominantly agreed to be righteous, the protest would be unnecessary; the contra-factual target(s) and/or their society(s) would already be trying to carry out the protester's desires.

In general, I can agree that somebody is right about an issue without approving of their tactics in trying to convince others.

More specifically, I can agree that my wife is correct that we need to replace the carpets, and still be annoyed if she slashes my car's tires every morning before I leave for work until I agree to call the carpet store immediately.