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joined 2022 September 06 02:09:16 UTC


User ID: 791



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User ID: 791

I bet some advertisers especially love targeting consumers who use ad-blockers because the use of an ad-blocker is correlated with some kinds of purchases. Google has probably figured out a way to monetize the premium value that its ad-blocking customers have. This system only works if using an ad-blocker is unusual enough so as to signal something special about you.

Acting. Once we have a Stable Diffusion for movies (Any guesses on when this happens?), few will hire actors. We will likely have an explosion in content as anyone who can write can make a film, and lots of book get quickly made into movies. I can't wait for the Worm movie.

For a few months many of my neighbors repeatedly got scam phone calls with my name and number on the Caller ID. I supposed in a few years these calls will also have my voice.

Since loss of muscle mass is a major problem for the elderly, should people in their 50s take steroids to build up muscle mass?

I was asking to see if I should be taking steroids.

I think for most people "I find X disgusting" = "X is disgusting" = "X is bad". The idea that one's personal sense of disgust is not a reliable guide to morality doesn't occur to most people.

But I wonder if Mormons benefit in job markets from being considered trustworthy? Better to have people privately discriminating in favor of you than giving you public support.

Lots of people get jobs through connections. If you think someone is honest you are more likely to recommend them to be hired by your firm.

The focus in academia is on preventing new Garrett Joneses from getting tenure rather than reducing the scope of tenure by firing the few openly non-woke professors. Most tenured woke professors are smart enough to understand that if you weaken tenure, changing moral fashions means something they have written in the past could get them targeted, especially by a college administration looking to save money.

Given that the media will undoubtedly be making significant cost-saving use of AI generated art, it would turn out to be embarrassing to them to condemn it now.

The next US presidential election could be key to what happens to woke. If DeSantis wins, the federal government might interpret existing civil rights laws as mostly outlawing woke because it discriminates against white people and creates a hostile work environment for them. If Harris is the next president, we might view the Biden administration as the "before times".

The Department of Justice has enormous power over how to interpret and enforce laws, and the President picks the top people in the Department of Justice. Prosecutors are far more important than judges or juries in the US justice system (outside of cases where one person sues another person) because most cases (over 90%) are settled outside of court. The President picks the top federal prosecutors.

Businesses really don't want to be sued by the federal government for civil rights violations. A DeSantis administration could sue if you have too much woke-stuff, and a Harris administration if you have too little. Antitrust laws are extremely vague. A DeSantis administration could tell Twitter/Facebook/Google that they will be sued for antitrust violations if they ban conservatives, and a Harris administration would tell big tech it gets accused of antitrust violations if it doesn't do a better job of banning hate speech. Financial institutions desperately need to keep in the good graces of the Federal government, and so the feds can coerce credit card companies and banks to financially deplatform selected targets.

He can replace the top people at the Department of Justice.

When Microsoft first got big it had a policy of ignoring politics so politicians started threatening Microsoft with antitrust actions, which caused Microsoft to become a massive contributor to politicians.

The purpose of academic feminism is to advance the position of women as defined by leftists elites. As feminists might say, you are implicitly accepting a highly male autistic notion of truth that you think can exist outside of existing power dynamics, and even if we grant that everything you say is "true" this truth is an information hazard (feminists wouldn't use this exact term) whose promoting will do far more harm than good. From my own viewpoint, while yes the last sentence makes feminism look bad to rationalists, the feminists are acting as normal humans do in avoiding promoting beliefs that help their near enemies and cut against their cherished beliefs.

Most of the time someone uses a gun for self-defense they hold and show their gun to someone who appears threatening. I imagine that if you live in a dangerous neighborhood that chance that you would have cause to use a gun in such a manner over the course of a decade is above 50%.

Agreed. Until the last episode everything was a bit too simple, but that last episode was fantastic TV.

Immigration helps Republicans, abortion Democrats. DeSantis increased the amount of time the news media focused on immigration.

You lose allies when you suffer strategic losses, not when you succeed in ruthlessly waging war.

Isn't Russia framing the conflict as Russia vs the American Empire?

To test for diligence, graduation from the school should require 1 month of extremely difficult and often boring work, 7 days a week 15 hours a day often with students working in teams. To test for emotional resilience, while working students will be insulted and yelled at by the instructors. To get students to go through this, pay the first few graduates $50,000. Eventually, the quality of the past graduates will make graduating from the program a good enough signal so that you don't have to pay students.

My guess is that teachers find it much more enjoyable to teach using whole language compared to phonics, and so our non-consumer based public school system mostly uses whole language instruction.

Does the EU have an American-like deep state bureaucracy that is going to push for its own identity-politics left-of-center thing regardless of who is elected or appointed to what office? If so, is this bureaucracy in sync with much of the elite media so that going against it gets you labeled as basically evil and stupid?

So it's "deep-state" by design and without pretense.

My guess is that the conflict mostly comes down to disrespect, and when the disrespect was called out, the person doing the disrespecting did not sufficiently admit guilt.