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joined 2022 September 09 13:38:40 UTC

I wish I could tell you who I really am.


User ID: 1077



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 09 13:38:40 UTC


I wish I could tell you who I really am.


User ID: 1077

I don’t think a blank endorsement of any president is a good idea, especially Trump.

I actually find this kind of post completely useless. You need fact-based arguments between two parties, you are doing little more than making a final judgement in bold.

Not that it’s a wrong statement, it’s just this post moves away from an evidence-based discussion.

Wait, please explain. How are things gender normed? How are the scores manipulated?

Everyone please take this with a grain of salt because this is a bit of a tangent.

I agree with your general sentiment, BUT the role for Corlys Velaryon, aka the "Sea Snake" is a literal slam dunk for any semi competent director & actor. If you read the books and followed the lore obsessively you will likely recognize that Corlys is one of the most interesting characters George Martin has written, the dude literally went around the world and has explored corners of the earth untouched by anyone else in Westeros. With this said, it was the only disappointment in HOTD for me - I can't help but recognize how "dumbed down" and simplified this character has become. I really felt like the role was presented with much of its depth missing - and whether its the fault of the writers (who did an otherwise great job with season 1) or the actor (who admitted to never reading the books in interviews and truly has no idea how complex his character is) has been the one critique I can make.

The Sea Snake is one of the most intriguing characters in GOT, and he just becomes "another Velaryon" in HOTD. He should have been more of a standout, much more than he is.

It is however, an extremely effective form of value transfer. And it will contribute to capital flight, remittances, and quite a few other forms of cross border transfers at alarming rates for a while.

Its scary that you don't know the full extent to which its being used. ransomware, large overseas exchanges that process every individual who is trying to circumvent rules in traditional financial institutions, and quite a bit more. Do you understand why the darknet marketplace Hydra was sanctioned?

With countries like Argentina, you're seeing cryptocurrency kiosks proliferate throughout neighborhoods because that is the best store of value compared to a person's worthless fiat that is constantly being devalued. That is not only capital flight - it even expedites the process of inflation (not like the country doesn't deserve it).

I don't disagree with anything you said in your comment.

The dogecoin idiots are louder, while the defi programmers are actually building something.