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joined 2022 November 09 21:32:36 UTC


User ID: 1832



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 November 09 21:32:36 UTC


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User ID: 1832

Squat sitting and cross-legged sitting are the ideal ways to sit and read IMO. The first takes pressure off your lower spine while together they keep your muscles limbered and ensure good flexibility. Backup method: random chair. I've always enjoyed reading in rocking-style chairs for some reason, even though their resting position typically leaves you in a presumably unhealthy posture, with your head and upper body curving forward to maintain equilibrium. I guess they make sitting somewhat 'active', and I am by nature a bit of an ADD rat.

Right, been a while since I read this stuff.

By the time Christians conquered Japan in 1945 they didn't really care to convert defeated populations anymore.

Early attempts by the Jesuits to convert Nippon led to a freakout over national security and the expulsion of the Spanish, though not the Portuguese, and there was also the extreme suppression of any lingering Christian belief. The inciting incident was supposedly a Spanish captain boasting that Christian missionaries were but a prelude to Iberian conquest. Japan successfully maintained its near-isolation for the next few centuries.

But the Abrahamic religions are downright viral.