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joined 2022 September 12 13:00:36 UTC


User ID: 1158



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User ID: 1158

Creatine is great, I'd take it everyday if it not for the two times I used it (a couple of months) I noticed thinning on my hair and hairs on my pillow after I wake up. There's a lot of anecdotal data on the internet confirming this, even though the studies do not support an increase in DHT, probably something else is causing the thinning. So beware if you have a genetic predisposition to losing hair.

There's a lot going on, international media against right-wingers as usual, a lot of confirmed vote fraud across the country and more to come. I think this is really Argentina's last chance to get back on track, this elections are against the current administration, responsible for 50% of poverty, 140% inflation and so on.

It's a very well established political structure that will do anything to hold power and not much people can do, probably already a lost cause.

A month later but all I can say is not sure. A lot of indoctrination in schools (re-writing history there), and people that don't care.

Don't remember if these were in the link I posted about Montoneros in power, but the fathers of Malena Galmarini (wife of probably next president Massa) were Montoneros, placed a bomb in a park and killed a firefighter. The list goes on and on, there was even a security minister Taiana who actually he set up bombs himself.

Who in Montoneros was in Unión por la Patria (or whatever the Peronists/Kirchnerists called themselves at the moment)? That's news to me and definitely a pretty terrible look.

Indeed, here's a long list (pais.com website after 12ft.io, spanish)*. This is why the Villarruel thing is exaggerated and used as political ammo. In their speeches, many Kirchnerists portray themselves as the successors of the Montoneros. Many use the claim "I'm a child of disappeared persons" to assert a moral high ground, a stance that has been widely accepted in society for at least the past 20 years.
While the list might be slightly outdated and includes many who aren't directly affiliated, there are notable names such as "Vaca Narvaja". One of the Vaca Narvaja family members is the current Argentine ambassador to China, married Cristina Kirchner's daughter, and has links to far-left groups in southern Argentina that dispute the nation's authority and claim lands for themselves.

That's news to me and definitely a pretty terrible look.

It's important to note that from their perspective, this isn't concerning, quite the opposite.

*actual pay-walled link: https://elpais.com/internacional/2015/04/30/actualidad/1430418707_784416.html. It's in spanish but I assume the google translator toolkit is available to interested people. I use it in brave at least.

he has made ambiguous statements that seem to wink at a more progressive

I was about to make a comment about the pope because of recent politics and statements, apparently he warned against the "little adolphs" of the world, referring to a politician running for president in Argentina. He's more than winking progressive, he's a left-wing politician.

First of all, thanks for your posts as always! Really interesting stuff

About Argentina

as a lawyer defended officers accused of crimes against humanity. She claims the mass disappearances were understandable and necessary to defeat leftist terrorists

Source? Your provided links don't mention this at all, perhaps it's mentioned in the book, but I haven't read it.
As far as I know, Villaruel's advocacy primarily centers around seeking justice for the victims of the guerrilla group Montoneros, who are often forgotten and disregarded. Interestingly, many individuals associated with Montoneros currently hold positions of power within the far-left populist party. There's a reason why, since 2003, the narrative has shifted to assert that the Montoneros did nothing wrong. This is evident in the removal of the prologue "Theory of two demons" from the book "Nunca Mas" (Never Again), which was written by Sabato.

For some reason, in contrast to my experience in Wikipedia, the Spanish version of this article is accurate while the English version says something entirely different. Probably better to use this link and translate the page: Teoria de los dos demonios

The far-left party has used the outcry over the dictatorship to claim moral high ground for the past 20 years. It's worth noting that this same party, along with human rights organizations, denounces the use of Tasers as being similar to the torture methods employed during the dictatorship.

This has understandably drawn the ire of Argentina’s human rights organizations and isn’t just an issue of the past

What's interesting is that Villaruel has been engaged in this cause for 20 years, and it's only now that a scandal has emerged around it. From a political standpoint, it seems that the far-left party aims to create polarization by positioning Milei as their opponent rather than Bullrich. Since the primaries, the three main parties, each with nearly 30% of the votes, include Massa (far-left), Bullrich (center-right), and Milei (Libertarian).

In other news, Tucker Carlson was in Buenos Aires with Milei's team yesterday and is dropping the interview next week on X.
Hope it's as interesting as other interviews Milei had given, he frequently quotes chapters and books of Murray, Robarth, Friedman and Hayek among some people, not common at all for other politicians to do (and I mean quoting books at all).


Wow, didn't know that. I glanced it over a couple of times and had that reaction, "what is this shit" but also read some confusing shitposting I didn't get. Isn't it most of it shitposting? I also remember checking out their repo and had the same comment style.

Totally fair, thanks for the reply. I've only lurked Twitter and lately I've been following the with_replys of Musk.

Why do you suspect the rate limiting didn't stop the scraping? Also why would it be strange to think that bots scrap data for ai training.

The blocking logged-out browsing also think is bad user experience, but the argument to stop the scraping along the rate limit seems coherent. Always suffered the "Log in to continue browsing" pop up as a lurker and it's really annoying.

I think the name change is silly and the Twitter brand is very big and valuable as to drop it. Nonetheless, as a lurker on Twitter, I don't understand the arguments for "everything is worse" or "musk is ruining Twitter". All I can see is more features and improved functionality in a sort time. Video uploads, long text, subscription for money, encrypted dms?, Group conversations/streaming. A lot of new stuff.

Maybe some real users of Twitter can tell me how is it worse, but everything seems tribal hate. I even heard journalists say "now anyone can buy the blue check" as in pure garbage functionality. In that case is status loss.

There's a big problem with crypto for regular use when you hear the creator of Ethereum, in a podcast, talk about the paranoid rampage he suffered for three days to make a transaction (albeit probably the biggest ever).

He inspected and coded his own library/script because he was so unsure of the inherent safety of the running environment for that virtual money.

It'd be interesting to know how many reports did Soriek get. I really like the international updates :)

Reading the contributions, I recognize @Sloot from reddit. Have to say, even enjoyed some of your sarcastic low-effort comments there