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joined 2022 October 13 22:26:27 UTC
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User ID: 1630



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 October 13 22:26:27 UTC


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User ID: 1630

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A thousand pardons! I'm new here. Won't make same mistake twice.

First, the good news: Have made a number of concurrent improvements in my life over the past ~3 months. Went to gym or pool almost every day since late July. Cut way back on carbs, sugar, drinking. Dropped 25 pounds, BMI has gone from obese to merely overweight (goal is to lose another 25 and get ratio down to "normal" by April). Deleted Twitter, Facebook and YouTube from phone, with hard-to-quantify but palpable benefits for calm and focus.

All well and good. If anything it's seemed too easy at my age. What I could use advice on is how to sustain it. Work is likely to get more stressful in the coming weeks. Soon the weather will be colder outside and the sky will get darker earlier in the day. Put all these things together, and the temptation to backslide into bad habits (indulging in "comfort" food, self-medicating with beer, skipping the gym "just for today") is liable to rear its head. Suggestions to keep the momentum going?

More granularly -- any recommendations for inexpensive CGMs (Levels looks awesome but well out of my budget)? And any advice on trying intermittent fasting -- e.g. the relative merits of "16/8" vs "5/2"?

The one lifehack I can share, assuming it's real and not woo, is I've started developing a taste for apple cider vinegar, which supposedly is good for weight loss. I mix 1 tbsp into my (plain Greek) yogurt in the morning. An acquired taste, but it's growing on me. May start using it as salad dressing soon. Also finding soup is a great way to fill up at meals without overeating.

Thanks all....

oh shit it's Friday not Wednesday... sorry.