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joined 2022 September 04 22:15:28 UTC
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User ID: 204



1 follower   follows 7 users   joined 2022 September 04 22:15:28 UTC


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User ID: 204

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I wanted to ask about Farewell to Alms. It's about how Britain escaped the malthusian trap through industrialization. The idea is that it took centuries of selective pressure to shape culture (and possibly biology) to create the kind of people capable of doing so. Also, inheritance laws among nobles meant that the first born son got everything, and the other sons were pushed to the middle/upper middle class, bringing elite culture with them. Apparently, the author thinks we're fucked and that we're running on momentum. Was curious is anyone knew anything. It's the kind of book that I'm surprised Scott hasn't reviewed

Victor Frankl is a gem, that book was useful to me when I wasn't in a great place. Feels a lot more grounded and practical than a lot of the pop psych fluff floating around our culture

I'm not sure, but to help I clicked it a million times on your profile

Are we going to be zero nonsense?

thanks for the free shit

  • -10


Please save us from our marseyless fate. Imagine how much more compelling ten pages of text could be if tastefully punctuated by cartoon cat emojis. I can't tell if I'm joking

90 percent of the time I short post and I've never gotten shit for it. Except for when I'm a dumbass, but that isn't really a length issue

Unironic thanks, we'd be struck on reddit without the rdrama code, and reddit put a damper on autistically examining every aspect of our culture in the nerdiest way possible. (Trains. I mean trains) test: 🚂🚃🚃

No kidding, I didn't even think of that. Share the gossip!

Roughly how many users have migrated so far?

I do think they have moral worth, but I've always wondered what anti-hunters think happens to animals that aren't shot in the wild. Best case scenario they get pushed out of the pack and die of starvation. Or they get killed by a predator, or disease. Some guy with a gun is not an obviously worse source of death to me, though I think they have to eat the meat for it to be ethical.

Animals don't retire to the Bahamas

lowkey bragging about reading 3k pages in a week

They're further along in terms of sex, love and life being commoditized. We'll get there soon, though

Maybe cultures that grew into industrialization had more of a chance to gradually adapt to it?

Or maybe in their effort to catch up, they made a lot of unwise sacrifices to reorient their entire society to be 100 percent in service of that goal? Probably more the latter.

I'm not sure if that's the explanation. But it does seem to me that Japan and Korea are ahead of the curve compared to us, in terms of tech, capitalism/life being commoditized, and culture.

Korea completely transformed itself from an agricultural country to one of the most advanced countries on the planet in a matter of decades. I think that goes a long way to explain their broken fertility rate.

I don't think industrialize late --> want to catch up --> over orient toward modernity is an implausible hypothesis

What makes you think progressives want to dismantle capitalism? Those are just kids on reddit. Real life progressives are heavily integrated into capitalism, and progressivism's big cultural wins align curiously well with capitalism

We're too autistic and awkward to know how to take a compliment

As a guy that did steroids, I gotta say you're overselling them. They will make you a better athlete, but they will not make a bad athlete into a good athlete. Not really.

I think adderall is more effective based on my own experiences with both.

There are reasons to oppose steroid use, but steroids mentally compromising soldiers isn't at the top of my list. I've been on steroids, they don't make you a different person. The number of people who are totally fine mentally without them but risk taking maniacs on them is very small

The grey tribe has very little actual power, though. Even if they're the ones pushing the development, the rewards will be reaped by the blue tribe. Just look at how grey tribe preferences got effortlessly pushed aside the moment the blue tribe took an interest in tech

Jokes and motteposters, name a more iconic duo

I'm sure that they pandered to me in some way. But nothing so crass as "you're a man, so you kick ass, unlike those dumb women". That people can read that shit and genuinely like it baffles me. I used to use the hugo awards to find sci fi worth reading, but now I just don't read it much. Or I read old shit.

There's massively overlap when it comes to rdrama/themotte posters

This is a good idea. Use /r/themotte as a feeder sub