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joined 2022 September 25 09:14:45 UTC
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User ID: 1345



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User ID: 1345

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Japan is not tropical, and Japanese food is not particularly flavorful, unless you count Japonicized continental foods like ramen and gyoza. As someone mentioned upthread with respect to British cursive, traditional Japanese cuisine is largely about purity and fresh ingredients that stand on their own.

An interesting result of an economy where everyone is equally talented is that the least enjoyable jobs pay the best. People actually have to choose to do those jobs rather than being stuck with them because they're not smart enough to be engineers or whatever.

No, but a reduction in marginal rates would. Lump-sum tax credits are basically welfare, with neutral or harmful incentive effects, while reductions in marginal rates have beneficial incentive effects.

The thing that's especially bad about blanket student loan cancellation is that it can't really be justified on either incentive or distributional grounds. That is, it doesn't encourage working harder or saving more, the way marginal rate cuts would, and it isn't targeted to people who are in particular need of help, the way traditional welfare is.

They might also figure this makes it easier to issue and revoke access than if they had to issue/collect physical tokens.

Wouldn't token-based authentication give each token a unique code whose access can be revoked in the event that the token is lost or stolen?

I think this is a general failing of LLMs. They're just regurgitating remixed training data, and when you ask weird questions like this, the likelihood that the relevant training data are dominated by trolling/joke answers is high.

In some ways what we have now is the worst of both worlds. We have open borders for criminals and for low-skilled workers who are willing to work for low wages off the books, but we have tightly restricted immigration for highly skilled workers.

Selective immigration, probably. We're not getting random Jamaicans.


Do you mean yumi (bow)?

Is it even remotely feasible to target cloud seeding to a 300-acre plot of land, or economically feasible to seed a large enough area to ensure rainfall on that plot?