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joined 2022 September 05 01:23:43 UTC
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User ID: 337



0 followers   follows 14 users   joined 2022 September 05 01:23:43 UTC


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User ID: 337

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And yet, it is a moral crisis. Changes in technology cannot be blamed here. Just as the opportunity to steal separates thieves from honest men, the opportunity to overeat reveals the gluttons among us

Yet curiously, their gluttony disappears when sth like Tirzepatide is introduced into their bodies.

But it's sad, frankly, when people tell themselves that they can never lose weight. Because some of them will believe it.

I could lose lots of weight - even without modern drugs. The thing is, it's like holding your breath. With additional effects like your thought process being regularly hijacked to think not just about eating, but even stuff related to eating (it's pretty bizarre). Eventually you will be compelled to stop. And then overeat until you reach your initial weight. And then maintain it. Almost as if it's not about random whims made at the time ("I want this ice cream now"), but organism attempting to maintain homeostasis (and not caring that its idea of homeostatic amount of fat is unhealthy).

With Tirzepatide, I went down from about 103kg IIRC, to 84-ish (and I still continue to lose weight). Without any suffering. It's laughable that some non-fat people think they're virtuously eating less than they actually want to eat.

I only ever got banned from /r/sneerclub (for pointlessly arguing with them, and they even warned beforehand TBF), /r/drama for... drama? (I never commented there) and one other subreddit for reasons unrelated to CW.

Really, it doesn't seem to be as simple as posting something anti-progressive. Maybe it's a risk, but fairly low one.

Handle? Or is it a separate identity?