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Beware of he who would deny you access to information...

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joined 2022 September 09 02:56:55 UTC


User ID: 1057


Beware of he who would deny you access to information...

1 follower   follows 4 users   joined 2022 September 09 02:56:55 UTC


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User ID: 1057

We're going through a similar process now. Reddit has become increasingly hostile - we just had a comment removed for discussing the meaning of various types of parenthesis, I'm not making that up, I'm not exaggerating, that's a thing that happened - and if the community is to survive, we need to disengage from Reddit.

I have done a cursory search on both reddit and here but I cannot find the juicy gossip. I really absolutely have to know the specifics of this incident. Yes it is salacious gossip. Yes it is an utterly irrational guilty pleasure. But please please please can someone spill the beans on exactly what went down.?

And please, just this once, can we ignore the usual motte precepts and fully and shamelessly engage in friend/enemy distinctions? Can we embrace sarcasm and mockery just this once? Can we be a little uncharitable to our censorious enemies? Can we pretend that they will never read this because they probably won't?

Please I would love someone to leak all the intimate details of the parenthetical comment being deleted while I engage in apelike disdain of my outgroup.

Thank you in advance, and please forgive me this one time for bucking the very pillars upon which the Motte rests.

And a Reddit Admin got involved and deleted the comment?

Because that sounds kinda outgroupy to me.

Thank you. My entire lifetime, teachers warned me that we must always be on the look out for anyone infringing on free speech or authoritarians censoring us and that they ALWAYS try to start small and then move on to bigger issues.

Then one day I woke up and half of my fellow countrymen were pro-censorship. I am still confused by this.

But presumably, Zorba wouldn't lie to us. And there was ongoing censorship in other threads. Until I see strong evidence otherwise, I am going to assume it was the Stazi.

Yes. Censors are my eternal outgroup.

I love the sweet sweet juicy gossip of how horrible my censorious outgroup is.

I think MSNBC viewers might have a strong class action lawsuit for brain damage caused by weapons grade military propaganda.

Link is in the title. I should acknowledge my bias that I am a staunch pureblood antivaxxer(unexperimentally jabbed person who strongly disagreees with MRNA mandates.) I have taken Ivermectin for Covid. My significant other is fully up to date on jabs, having gotten the mouse jab just earlier today. We did have an argument, but as civilized persons, we don't believe in mandates.

That said, all things being equal, I trust doctors providing treatment on the ground more than corporate funded RCT's. Also, I tend to believe the opposite of whatever current centralized power is pushing as a message and that has served me well as a truth seeking mechanic in the past 3 years. So I agree with Alexandros and personally believe that Scott Alexander's blog on Ivermectin was sloppy at best, and cowardly at worst.

What, if any pressure, has the current Whitehouse applied to Reddit, in regards to censorship?

Since it has recently been revealed that the Whitehouse pressures Facebook (and the FBI pressures FB as well), Twitter, Youtube into censoring American citizens, I wonder if similar pressure has been applied to Reddit.

I thought this was the culture war thread where we can say whatever we want whenever we want?



sorry I thought it was common knowledge that the Whitehouse coordinates with social media giants to censor American citizens.

Just don't talk about it or you will get massively downvoted.

I would replace your term "Twitter mercenaries" with "Twitter vigilantes." Perhaps some get paid but it's my understanding that most do so out of sheer love of persecution.

But according to the doctrine of Orthodox Intersectionality, the hatred of mormons is a good thing to be encourage.


There was a breakthrough in Balakliya, although Russian contigents continue fighting within the city.


To my understanding this represents an escalation of the war, wherein NATO forces commanded by Nato leadership are directly involved in a major offensive for the first time.

Will be interesting to see how Russia responds.

I do think we are in danger of overestimating the Ukrainian counteroffensive. Yes they have had initial success, but so did the Germans at the Bastogne. I think by the end of the week it will be more clear.


It appears Russian forces withdrew from Kupyansk late last night.

  • -19

No. What I said makes more sense. Nato has been funding this war from the beginning. The CIA worked with Nato to establish Ukraine's independence in the first place.

But there are British and American boots on the ground, likely using mercenaries as a thin veneer of plausible deniability.

  • -27

A loss in manpower, equipment, and morale.

Also it's not culture war. It's medical science.

Have the mods considered that now that we are off of Reddit, it's silly to cram everything into a Culture War thread?

I mean, I understand why it was useful when the Reddit Stazi were listening in. But now that we have fled the country, jumped over the wall, and escaped, do we really need to cram ourselves so unnaturally into on single thread?

Breathe. Go outside. Let there be many threads with many conversations, controversial ones even!

The rules that were created under oppression should be abolished when we have fled to the new prairie!

“Seven times I have despised my soul:

The first time when I saw her being meek that she might attain height.

The second time when I saw her limping before the crippled..."

-Khalil Gibran

Nice video. Thanks for linking it as I never would have watched it otherwise.

Female hypoagency at its finest. And that is not intended as a smear against women, only that it appears that our society often fails to assign agency to women whereas men are seen as hyperagentic.

It must be the null hypothesis if they hope to get through peer review.

As of press time, the fundraiser has pulled in $226.69, $10 of which was donated by Kay himself.

Can we all just take a moment of solemn silence to appreciate the advanced level of trolling here?

Master class.

Als0, I had to look up your reference, which I posted here in case anyone else besides me was lost:

"The Law Of Merited Impossibility is an epistemological construct governing the paradoxical way overclass opinion makers frame the discourse about the clash between religious liberty and gay civil rights. It is best summed up by the phrase, “It’s a complete absurdity to believe that Christians will suffer a single thing from the expansion of gay rights, and boy, do they deserve what they’re going to get.”"

And at some point, I have to ask which is more likely: that I cannot possibly see the truth, or that I am being told a lie that would advantage the people telling it to me.

Bruh, you just described the last five years perfectly.