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User ID: 2250



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User ID: 2250

There was a post high up on reddit featuring a clip from Jack Reacher season 2's opening, where a man deduces that a woman in front of him at the ATM is being held hostage by a carjacker. For extra morality simplification in case the audience is thinking too hard, her kid is in the car too. The hero then walks over, smashes the window, and beats the shit out of the carjacker. Very cathartic, and the reddit post is titled as something like this is every guy's fantasy.

My fantasy is keeping myself out of trouble and to avoid injecting myself in such situations so that I can live to die another day. I rather enjoy living and having my body bereft of stab wounds and bullet holes. A random woman certainly wouldn’t reciprocate to provide free protection services if the situations were reversed.

Well, this is very dramatic, but I'd rather wish more lower-level heroics took place. Instead of beating up a carjacker to save a child, can we have a hero who beats on the door of the reserved parking spot thief and leave a note that says to never intimidate the poor woman ever again?

I’m more than down with normalizing vigilantism against antisocial behavior in the spirit of a general “fuck around and find out”edness. It should be open season for motorists to provide mostly peaceful love-taps to groups of “teens” riding their bicycles dangerously in the streets, for storeowners or third-parties to Rooftop Korean-away looting flash mobs like the compound outbreak scene in 28 Weeks Later. In the current state of affairs, this is largely restricted by Who? Whom? concerns, as a certain NYC subway marine found out the hard way.

However, I don’t like the gender-biased nature of it. Women already feel entitled to random men serving as their white-knights, meat-shields, and bodyguards; I’d prefer not to exacerbate that. If women are to be regarded as Strong Independent #GirlBosses with the rights and status of men, they can solve their own problems and fight their own battles. Fists, knives, and bullets hurt men too. I’m not a fan of Schrodinger’s feminism, where women are #GirlBosses one moment and damsels in distress the next, depending on what’s more beneficial and emotionally convenient for them.

If the Reddit woman in her 20s or 30s were instead a small man in his 20s or 30s, hardly would anyone call for a “hero” to step-up on his behalf. Beating on some hot-head’s door may result in it opening for a fist or knife fight. Who knows what might happen to your defeated body if you lose the fight. If you win, it may result in protracted legal, social, and professional troubles, especially if the hot-head is a member of a favored class. It’s also a great way to get yourself shot right through the door. You’d deserve it too for white-knighting, fucking around and finding out, when you’re not a peak human with borderline supernatural powers like Jack Reacher.

If she were my daughter, I think my system-level advice would be to try to escape that environment entirely, which might mean moving to a safer city/town, or paying more to go to a higher end apartment complex, etc.

Yes. To paraphrase Steve Sailer, the tough part of being poor in Western countries is not for lack of essentials or material goods, but rather having to live next to other poor people. And violent, low impulse control, and generally antisocial behavior is far more common among the poor.

In this specific case, the reddit thread mostly has people suggesting she call the apartment complex to tow the car next time this happens, and to file a complaint so there is a record of potential violence and intimidation. Another upvoted comment says to put up a camera near her car so she'd know if he retaliates, maybe by keying her car or something.

If moving is not an option, these are reasonable solutions for a woman (or a man, for that matter).

Chinese surveillance / social credit state. Use technology and broad public support to directly manage against low level offenses.

The cure might be worse than the disease here. The surveillance and social credit system could be readily turned against you in anarcho-tyrannic fashion.

Japanese homogeneity. Stop outsiders and troublemakers from entering society. Then in this cohesive society, everyone pitches in to punish low level offenses without the additional complication of being accused of discrimination.

Without mass deportations (or something more... drastic), the ship has already set sail on this front in the United States and Europe. Eugenics would work, but might take too long depending on what degree of eugenics is deployed, even if it somehow could be.

Semi-failed state where the stakes are high for low level offenders themselves. Some guy parks in your spot? Shoot up his car windows. No legal consequence will come because that's considered a misdemeanor here. Perhaps things escalate, but perhaps not, but at least he won't park in your spot again.

Tempting, but escalating when you’re less crazy and have more to lose than your opponent is a risky venture, to say the least.

Surely a rich society has a fourth option?

Calling for and voting in a manner for politicians, DAs, and the police to just do their jobs. For a Reddit woman in her 20s or 30s, chances are this is a leopard-eating-her-face situation.

I really do feel bad for Joe regarding Hunter. He doesn’t appear to have been a particularly awful father.

Speculation: As a toddler, Hunter might have received lifelong mild brain damage from the accident that killed his mother and sister. Wikipedia notes that, “Beau suffered multiple broken bones while Hunter sustained a fractured skull and severe traumatic brain injuries.”

If your funeral doesn’t include ceremonial recitations of the having-a-daughter-is-the-ultimate-and-final-cuck copypasta and the contents of the late FBI crime statistics bot, were you ever really alive in the first place?

First, the obvious one: In the last few decades, suburban growth hasn't been caused by racism. As a matter of fact, blacks and immigrants are moving to the suburbs at a faster rate than whites. Meanwhile, whites have moved into the cities.

I’d like to discourage such a framing, that somehow action [X] is only legitimate if blacks and other non-Asian minorities undertake it.

Such a framing but reifies the moral prioritisation of lower-achieving minorities over whites and Asians. Relevant Motte post: Please just tell me where you think white people are supposed to live.


The same proportions Harvard has now, but perhaps even more tilted in favor of blacks and latinos.

Harvard (and similar schools) will find a way to further stack the deck in favor of blacks and latinos, and against Asians and whites. Regardless of what SCOTUS has to say. It would be a distinct "fuck you" to SCOTUS, wrong thinkers, and those of the wrong demographics.


As Espenshade and Chung (2005) found—at top schools, in the absence of racial preferences, nearly 4/5 of spots occupied by blacks and latinos would be assumed by Asians. This would only be more extreme at a school like Harvard nowadays, given tail-effects and how things in general have progressed since then.

So a conservative estimate would be like, via cocktail arithmetic and rounding "nearly 4/5" down to 3/4: 46% white, 31% Asian, 14.3% multiracial, 2.7% black, 1.6% latino, 3.8% South Asian, etc. by applying a 1 - 3/4 constant to blacks and latinos and transferring the residual to Asians. Given the assumptions, this would already be very favourable to blacks, and to a lesser extent, latinos (or should I say latinx?).

Um actually black samurai were totally a thing historically. But even if they weren't, why does it matter and why are you so bothered about an ahistoric depiction of a black man pairing up with a young Japanese woman to kill a bunch of Japanese men? It's only a video game.


On the bright side, this should be a boom for jokes and memes beyond the obligatory "dass rite, we wuz samuraiz n shieett."

For example, the top appearing comment on the YouTube trailer says "The most heroic thing about this trailer is that they left the comments open." Another commenter remarks, "I cannot wait for Ubisoft to make an assassin's creed game set in Africa and make the main character a Chinese man." Assassin's Creed: Empire of Dust does indeed have some gravitas as a title. There are a bunch of Japanese comments and I'd like to imagine they're chudding out hardcore, but haven't plugged them into a translator lest my illusions get shattered.

Looking at Wikipedia, apparently there are something like 25 Assassin's Creed titles between the main and spinoff series? I would have guessed there were like five.

Yeah, this is an instance where I think the cyber-bullying meme could apply unironically:

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Dating App Pressure Real Hahahaha Girl Just Unmatch And Ghost Like Girl Just Do What You Usually Do To Most Men Haha

This list of acts sounds tailor-made to provide increased latitude and optionality for women by which to anarcho-tyrannically police, punish, or get revenge on men for hurting their feelings or not venerating their Wonderfulness: Brad for giving her the ick, Brad for not knowing his place and staying in his lane, Chad for leaving her on read or flaking on her (in other words, treating her like how women commonly treat men), Chad (or worse, Brad) for pump and dumping her.

"Pressured" and "unwanted" are subjective terms that can be claimed retroactively by women. A man doesn't know if his good faith efforts at coordinating a meet-up could be construed as "pressured" or not, nor does he know if his good-faith efforts at sexual escalation (to the extent such efforts can be made in "good faith") could be construed as "unwanted" or not. Be too vanilla in your texts and you might just get left on read for being boring.

It’s pretty funny how half-decent looking chicks and greater can summon a simp army at a moment’s notice by playing damsel in distress. It reminds me of a possibly-15-year-old-by-now meme of a chick posting a Facebook status update of “feeling sad :(“ and getting a ton of likes and comments to the tune of “omg are you okay?” “what happened?!” juxtaposed against a guy’s status update of “just found a cure for cancer!” that got one like and one comment from a male friend saying “cool dude”. What innocent times those were.

But yeah, nowadays in mainstream online discourse, it’s fairly a given that any male expectation of their girlfriends/wives to not do things like wear slutty outfits, go clubbing, post bikini pics, flirt with other men, grind up against other men will be denounced as toxic, insecure, and controlling. Because such expectations compromise the sacred right of women to have FUN, and anything that impedes a queen’s ability to have FUN must be wrong in and of itself. Men’s preferences are toxic and problematic, in contrast to women’s which are brave and valid. Men’s feelings are fundamentally illegitimate and they’re the problem if they’re compromising their girlfriends’/wives’ ability to feel fun, flirty, stunning, beautiful, brave, wonderful, and empowered.

A bizarre but amusing manifestation of this is pregnant women and alcohol. Whenever a hint of the topic comes up on subreddits such as AmItheAsshole or BestofRedditorUpdates, there’s a vocal contingent that insists pregnant women can have alcohol in moderation and should feel free to exercise that right. Boyfriends/husbands who don’t want their pregnant girlfriends/wives drinking are just being selfish, paranoid, and controlling. Any third-parties who discourage pregnant women from drinking are just invasive, misogynistic naysayers who want to control women’s bodies. I suppose it’s too much to ask a woman to abstain from alcohol for nine months.

"Men increasingly alienated from an education credentialist complex that hates them; women and their hypergamous impulses hardest hit."

Also related is polygyny, with Merited Impossibility to boot. Ugh, young women definitely don't prefer being a side-chick to a Chad than the main-chick of a Brad, but if they do it's only because male shittiness creates female-dominated environments, so young women are the true victims here in having no choice but to be polygynous.

Nice policy. I'll tell you the three things this will achieve:

(1) Sweet

(2) Fuck

(3) All

Such policies achieving sweet fuck all is the feature, not a bug.

"So where's the part where we start catching criminals and punishing them?"

"That's the neat part, we don't."

As @CriticalDuty mentions above, any sort of effective policy would mean more blacks in jails and prisons, which is unacceptable to those who consider black lives to matter more.

The laundry list of soft-hearted, impotent plans-for-action that excuses the agency and accountability of criminals sounds like right-wing parody, complete with forced acronyms for do-nothing programs and task (lack of) forces.

Re: security guards - now that anyone can walk into a store, grab something off the racks or the shelves, and walk right back out while telling you to fuck yourself, because any attempt to even lay a hand on them is ASSAULT, THAT'S ASSAULT, I'M SUING YOU AND THE STORE, there's not much they can do in reality

Pretty typical anarcho-tyranny, when shoplifters have greater protections than the employees or good Samaritans who try to stop them.

As for "train employees in de-escalation tactics", oh yeah that's gonna work. "Oh please, Ms. Shoplifter, I know systemic racism and poverty have impacted you which is why you're grabbing a carefully calculated amount under what would get you done for a felony, but if I just ask you nicely you'll hand everything back".

At this point we might as well just drop the act and have third base coaches stationed at store exits, to enthusiastically wave shoplifters out the store.

Emily Blunt's character gets overpowered twice in Sicario. Once in the apartment scene with John Bernthal's character, and once in the bunker by Josh Brolin's character.

This was praised for subverting expectations in being a relatively more realistic depiction of how a normal sized female would fare against a normal sized male in actual close-quarters combat, but also heavily criticized for the same reason (perhaps moreso). Yet the two scenes were still very much non-gorey, especially compared to the experiences of John Bernthal's character.

However, it's noteworthy how Sicario is... noteworthy... for this reason—that Emily Blunt's character was not some hyperagentic badass #GirlBoss—but a novice who's only there for technicality-related reasons, and who gets dominated and/or in-over-her-head multiple times.

In Dragonball Z, a scene that Western audiences commonly pearl-clutch at (and in-universe, it's also viewed as especially despicable) is where Majin Spopovich beats up Videl at a World Tournament. Spopovich is viewed as disgustingly evil, but he could be hailed as the ultimate feminist and gender egalitarian in treating a teenage girl as he would a teenage boy. Good for Bibidi and Babidi in maintaining a company culture that doesn't see sex.

I've not seen a mainstream Western film (or any film for that matter) that comes close to depicting a woman experiencing the level of extended physical brutality commonly inflicted upon men in movies and having her #GirlBoss illusions shattered as happened in the Videl scene.

Even explicit gore movies tend to cut away and/or make the camerawork more ambiguous when it comes to violence inflicted upon females.

Wow, just wow. I thought promoting hate upon vulnerable groups was against the rules here.

I enjoy the author’s sudden breaking of the fourth wall to deliver the Russell Conjugation. Men are revealed and held accountable; women are doxxed and harassed.

Women have always been the primary victims of doxxing.

Relevant recent comment:

it’s fairly well-accepted that men, for the most part, are thirsty coomers who will take what they can get. A lot of men will readily admit that they’re weak for female youth and beauty, and it’s morally agnostic just like how apples fall from trees. They don’t pretend their preferences have some sort of moral underpinning.

In contrast is the mainstream view that women are Wonderful, and that women’s attraction for men are but moral litmus tests for men who have the “correct” attitudes and behaviors, a view that in mainstream and online discourse many men will whiteknight and women will fight tooth and nail to protect and insist. It’s evergreen Just World insistence.

It's no surprise that sayings such as "you don't ask a fish how to fish, you ask fishermen" have been gaining ground. A few more thoughts:

  • The Women are Wonderful effect, Just World fallacy, with a touch of tautology. Only men with the “correct” values and behaviors are attractive to women, as women are only attracted to men with the “correct” values and behavior.

  • Control. It reinforces the status of women as social and moral arbiters. Coincidentally, the “correct” values and behaviors of men are also those that just so happen to benefit women (often at great personal cost to the men themselves) and abide by mainstream progressive norms: Being just as eager to wife-up women who’ve “had their fun” just as they would virgins, women who are single or divorced mothers (Real Men don’t care about biology) just as childless women, tattooed women just as tattoo-less women, “plus-sized” women just as slim women, old women just as young women. In “mistaken” paternity events (which totally don’t happen by the way, but when they do it’s because you stupid men deserve it), men shouldn’t punish the children and should continue to raise the children (because the biology of it doesn’t matter, as mentioned).

  • Virtue signaling. If I’m a mid-male who gets tepid once-in-a-month sex with my mid, aging wife who’s already had her fun and is weirdly protective of her phone, at least I can lord my greater morality over you in that I have the “correct” values and behavior and you don’t. If I’m a woman, let me deign to descend from my pedestal to educate you on reasons why you and your icky incel morals suck.

Calling the Dodgers a “baseball team” is like calling the Lakers a “basketball team.” The Dodgers are a historical, legacy team in the premier league for its sport, combined with a built-in fanbase via geography.

God this stuff is demoralizing. Is that the point?

Yes. Shock and awe. “All your base are belong to us” is more pertinent than usual.

Lower your shields and surrender your sports. We will add your last bastions of cismaleness to our own. Your fans will adapt to serve us.

Some were originally using the original disinvitation of “The Sisters” as an example of “the Right” winning. However, they may be underestimating progressive plot armor.

From an accelerationalist standpoint, I’m more than open to the idea of LGBTQ+ sacking and conquering collegiate and professional sports, whether it be cultural dominance in men’s sports or replacement in women’s.

“We need affirmative action to normalize black doctors and make people less racist and lessen stereotype threat when comes to grades and MCAT scores” -> Black doctors less in human capital -> Patients reluctant to go to black doctors -> “This is all just further proof that we need even more affirmative action to normalize black doctors and make people less racist and lessen stereotype threat when comes to grades and MCAT scores”

I hate to say it, but if I or a loved one was seriously ill, I would try my best to get a non-black doctor. If I wanted the best, I'd probably follow Peter Griffin's advice.

Why should you hate to say it? There should be no shame in applying a little Bayes to keep yourself and your loved ones healthy. However, beware of imposters and their stolen valor.

It's Tuesday in some parts of the world, so Throwback Tuesday to a time where we discussed a similar incident.

It does appear that for many, the mere existence of a white, non-interracial, non-obviously LGBT family is enough to engender seethe. Seethe that is within the Overton window, in contrast to Noticing the overrepresentation of blacks in media and advertising or the overrepresentation of interracial couples (especially black men with white women).

Obligatory in-group biases by race/ethnicity.

In many ways, FDS is but the quiet parts of mainstream Western lipstick feminism said out loud.

Thus, I rather enjoy FDS. At least FDSists acknowledge that men and women are different, with different and often conflicting interests in courtship, relationships, and sexuality. Unlike sexual/gender egalitarians who insist men and women are the same aside from superficial characteristics and possibly the socialization effects from The Patriarchy.

Men’s sports being open leagues is already the current state of affairs, for the most part.

It's always hilarious when the topic of Western men geographically broadening their dating horizons comes up in mixed company online. The normally extremely anti-racist "western, educated, secular, metropolitan, young, trendy" women become the most virulent racists and reach for the most offensive stereotypes in their seething. Gross, if you stupid incels find better success and happiness with foreign women like Russians or Filipinas, it's only because Russian women are soulless sex-doll gold-diggers and Filipinas are just midgets desperate to escape their boondock huts. Have fun exploiting your mail-order brides, you losers.

My use of “Five minutes of Alpha >> lifetime of Beta” should be parsed as a descriptive 1) “women will often have a larger part of their mind- and/or heart-share allocated to fleeting moments with (a) past Chad(s) than her longtime partner Brad” rather than a prescriptive 2) “it’s better to be the five-minute Alpha than the lifetime Beta,” for variants of the saying are generally used along the lines of 1). As we saw in Titanic, the five-minute Alpha died young, childless as a human popsicle, his Alphsicle corpse to serve as chilled chow for deep-sea fish and bacteria.

The point is that most men would find it horrifying, the prospect that they’re second, third, or n’th place in their girlfriends/wives hearts, that they hold but a peasant’s garden plot in their girlfriends/wives’ “emotional landscape,” as @Hoffmeister25 put it above. Hence why I mentioned “Five minutes of Alpha >> lifetime of Beta” alongside a 4chan screenshot (a most rigorous and sophisticated citation) about Rose thinking of Jack instead of her husband and children on her possible deathbed, in a post where the second half is about Titanic being a horror film for men.

My personal circumstances are largely irrelevant to the commentary. If we accept the premise that I have an aversion to settling down, it wouldn’t be any more relevant to a discussion on men finding it horrific to be n’th place in their girlfriends/wives hearts, than if we accept a premise that I have an aversion for going on cruises to a discussion on men finding it horrific to drown/freeze in icy waters as a part of an anonymous, forgotten horde while the women flee.

Yeah, and/or a false impression of the franticness and stakes when grappling outside of controlled conditions like in the octagon or in the gym, especially with a wild hobo.

MMA fighters often make it look so calm when they're grappling, as both the choked and choker are trying to conserve as much energy as possible while looking for subtle repositionings or the next opportunity. The stakes are also relatively low; if you have your opponent in a choke-hold but fail to choke him out, maybe you can just choke or knock him out later, maybe it goes to a decision. Worse comes to worse he later makes you tap, or chokes or knocks you out, but it's just another day at the office.

In contrast grappling a wild hobo is much more frantic, like a desperate fight for a knife in the mud. "Crackhead strength" used to be a common phrase. The stakes are much higher if you release your opponent before you're absolutely sure he's out, as he could do anything ranging from biting to stabbing you, or both. While his opponent was not a hobo, and "just" a home invader likely high on drugs, UFC Light Heavyweight Anthony Smith described how terrifying and difficult it can be trying to fight a deranged opponent, even a much-smaller one (albeit with high school wrestling experience): "No normal human is able to fight like that," Smith said. "I'm by no means the baddest dude on the planet. But he's a regular Joe and I had a hard time dealing with him. And he took everything that I gave him—every punch, every knee, every elbow. He took every single one of them and kept fighting me."

I'd much rather get into a street grappling match with a professional or ex-pro MMA fighter than a hobo. While my chances of winning are much lower with a professional MMA fighter (obviously), the downside of losing to a hobo is that you have no idea what he might do to you given an advantageous position—whereas a lot of pro-MMA fighters are quite merciful in street fights (e.g., Matt Serra and Ryan Hall) and most importantly, likely smell better (for example, Luke Rockhold was literally the figurative face of Polo Blue). It would seriously suck, though, if one got into an altercation with someone who sits at the intersection between ex-pro MMA fighter and wild hobo, like Krazy Horse Bennett.

My guess would be that if you're male, it's mostly pointless, since you're just outing yourself as a person that's too socially inept to get a date the “regular” way, which is a huge turn-off to women, while if you're a woman then you can get away with it since the pool of men who this sort of thing appeals to is at least an order of magnitude larger than the number of women fishing in this pool, so the only limiting factor is whether the woman is willing to lower her standards to the point that she will accept the vaguely-autistic sort of man that this appeals to.

Pretty much. Women have automatic social legitimacy, and thus can get away with—and even be praised for—behavior that would get men mocked and laughed at. Marginal Revolution user Microchannels remarked:

"I think the long-form document works far better for women. It comes across as sincere and nerdy-cool.

For men, these type of documents come across as desperate and weird.

I have no idea why this double standard exists, but you can't fight reality."

If your daughter gets eaten by a bear, the Daughter Question pasta can still apply:

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having had that daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You were feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she could teehee off into the woods and get eaten by a bear. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it had one simple result: her body was more enjoyable for the bear who would eventually feast on her every limb.