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User ID: 2250



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User ID: 2250

As others have suggested, many women (performatively or genuinely) overestimate the danger men pose, due to a combination of lipstick feminism, movies and television, being meme-susceptible, humble bragging as to being so desirable as to be a constant target for rape, a lifetime of being sheltered away from actually being under real risk of physical harm, perhaps some rape fantasy and hybristophilic wish-fulfillment sprinkled in there.

I’d also posit that on the flipside, women underestimate the danger animals, whether wild or domesticated, pose in general. Or at least, the modal woman underestimates the danger animals pose to her in particular, under the belief that in such situations her Disney Princess powers will kick in and she’ll have immediate rapport with the animals. Hence why defending pitbulls as nanny dogs is female-coded and the countless selfies of young women making a sad face with cuts and scratches after some mostly gentle mauling from getting too cuddly with a dog.

There’s a video that comes to mind but I can’t find, of a girl in a skirt or dress and Uggs getting rammed by a goat or sheep (wait, not that kind of video) because she picked up its offspring for a cUtE Insta photo. When she saw the mother coming, she tried evading by daintily kicking up a puff of dirt (“ugh, stupid mother! shoo”) and half-heartedly jogging away with the offspring in her arms before getting chased down in like half a second. Thot status: patrolled and offspring protected.

And of course, as always there’s the whole Who? Whom? aspect, as the bear vs. black man permutation hilariously illustrates.

Mire how nice it looks on my bookshelf in between The Bell Curve and Race, Evolution, and Behavior before more drinks and having her play with something else exposed and visibly hard, such as the pair of bongos I brought back from the Caribbean.

If your daughter gets eaten by a bear, the Daughter Question pasta can still apply:

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having had that daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You were feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she could teehee off into the woods and get eaten by a bear. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it had one simple result: her body was more enjoyable for the bear who would eventually feast on her every limb.

That’s quite the coffee moment *chef’s kiss*.

Yeah, for each woman it’s an opportunity to reiterate her Emotional Truth that she’s a good person, one that is desirable and vulnerable, yet simultaneously strong and compassionate, a constant victim of men and their shittiness.

A good person, unlike insentitive jerks who—instead of validating her Emotion Truth—miss the point and fail to read the room with their bear facts and expected value calculations, and definitely unlike those icky racists and misogynistics with their gross gotchas like “what about a bear vs. a black man”?

That question isn’t the same because… it just isn’t, okay?!

If men are so bad, why would having more of them around help? If a majority of men decided to use violence to subjugate women, it would be easily accomplished since men are more violent, better at organizing violence and are stronger.

It’s because men and their shittiness cancel each other out when there’s a group of them :nailpolishemoji:

It makes sense if one is accustomed to expecting men to white knight against other men on your behalf, or if one’s mental model of the world is heavily influenced by media, memes, and tropes. Conservation of Ninjitsu: One man is a deadly threat, but an army of them is just a sea of potential simps and orbiters, ATMs and meatshields.

So true. This goes for basketball too, if not more so.

Basketball has become much more of a team-sport in recent years, with elaborate and intricate pick-and-roll schemes. Women, with their better sense of empathy and social skills, should be better at reading defensive coverages and coordinating pick-and-rolls with each other.

This superior ability to read and coordinate carries over to the defensive side, too. Women can better read the offense’s facial expressions and body language, better communicate with their teammates as to who’s-got-who, when to switch, when to stay, when to double. Unlike men and their stupid egos, women are more courageous in being brave enough to ask for help and thus more willing to ask for doubles when they’re needed.

Everyone knows women contribute more emotional and physical labor to housework while men laze around the house or at work. So, in a playoff situation, women have the decisive advantage over men when it comes to sweeping experience.

Women may be shorter and slower than men, but that’s only due to socialization, the height-stunting effects of the patriarchy and internalized misogyny.

As the patriarchy and internalized misogyny lessen, who’s to say women can’t be as tall or fast on average as men or even taller or faster? If women aren’t as tall or as fast as men, that only means we have ways to go in rooting out societal inequities between the two sexes that currently get assigned at birth.

Plus, height can’t be that important in basketball. Stephen Curry is only 6’2,” and there are women out there taller than that. Nor can speed be that important; Jokic lumbers around like a glacier. There have even been successful NBA players that were both short and slow, like Jason Kidd on the championship Mavericks team.

Like Barca’s tiki-taka for women’s football, I believe the Seven-Seconds-or-Less Suns or 2017 Warriors will become the standard template of play for women’s basketball in the near future. Only in right-winged echo chambers like The Motte are people denialists about women being better than men at basketball someday. Unfortunately, these kinds of misogynistic attitudes are not limited to this site—and are in fact ubiquitous througout society—oppressing women and preventing them from being better than men at basketball and other sports. Men and their fragility get so triggered and feel so threatened by the thought of women being better than them at sports.

It’s disgusting that the rich get richer each year while leaving 50% of people below median in wealth.

Or how #StopAsianHate saw a meteoric rise when the implicit or explicit blame was cast upon white men, but then got memory-holed when too many inconvenient videos surfaced that those predominantly responsible for acts of Asian hatred were black.

Did you kill him telepathically?

I don't see this working for Ukraine, absent a teleporting device that can be deployed accurately en masse from distance.

A baby boom would need young women for which to enable the baby booming. And young Ukrainian women are in Europe living their best Tinder lives and riding the carousel.

It's just so over for the life prospects of (young) Ukrainian men in so many ways, especially romantically.

It's no secret that women love men in uniform

When in war-time, the men in uniform need to win first, at least temporarily (see: French women with German soldiers in WWII). At the minimum: not die. The latter is not guaranteed, much less the former.

That's nuclear-grade propaganda right there. If I was a Ukrainian man I would want to burn the world right now.

The thought of getting sent by my government to be shot at and bombed while my countrywomen teehee and scamper away to fuck foreign men is some combination of massively infuriating, degrading, and demoralizing.

If I were Russian military leadership, I’d emphasize such points on social media for (young) Ukrainian men.

Airdropping on mobile (if that’s still a thing) and blasting on TikTok, Snapchat, Insta, VK and whatnot reels of seemingly limitless young Ukrainian women offering themselves up on dating apps/sites in Europe. Some bit about fighting for (magic) dirt and concrete while your (would-be) girlfriends and wives have already ditched you to do who-knows-what in Europe. Offer Russian citizenship to Ukrainian military men in exhange for surrender, no ‘gotcha’ clauses or hard feelings (and make good on that).

Then again, non-parents (especially non-parent women) are somehow even more risk/human-dignity averse when it comes to other people's children (which is why the education system is the way that it is), so maybe it'd still be an improvement.

Non-parent women can be quite risk tolerant when it comes to other people’s children for social engineering experiments in the interests of being decent people on the right side of history. Risk-seeking, even.

Out of the four combinations of parent/non-parent and men/women, non-parent women are the most ardent supporters with regard to minor LGBT+ exposure and subjecting Asian/white children to more “diverse” schooling. Other people’s children, by definition.

Question: The part about Indian men being the least attractive of the human species kinda stung. I wonder how much of all of this content with filth is just nth-order rollover from arranged marriages being a thing.

It's not some fundamental law of the universe that Indian men must be on the bottom of the totem pole.

Being the mimetic sex, a lot of what women find attractive or are willing to give a shot is socially mediated. If not for (the) Western media, entertainment, academia, and education system putting their thumbs on the scale, East and South Asian men would do materially better (and black men materially worse). Solving such a problem does, however, indeed sound coup-complete.

There was a post high up on reddit featuring a clip from Jack Reacher season 2's opening, where a man deduces that a woman in front of him at the ATM is being held hostage by a carjacker. For extra morality simplification in case the audience is thinking too hard, her kid is in the car too. The hero then walks over, smashes the window, and beats the shit out of the carjacker. Very cathartic, and the reddit post is titled as something like this is every guy's fantasy.

My fantasy is keeping myself out of trouble and to avoid injecting myself in such situations so that I can live to die another day. I rather enjoy living and having my body bereft of stab wounds and bullet holes. A random woman certainly wouldn’t reciprocate to provide free protection services if the situations were reversed.

Well, this is very dramatic, but I'd rather wish more lower-level heroics took place. Instead of beating up a carjacker to save a child, can we have a hero who beats on the door of the reserved parking spot thief and leave a note that says to never intimidate the poor woman ever again?

I’m more than down with normalizing vigilantism against antisocial behavior in the spirit of a general “fuck around and find out”edness. It should be open season for motorists to provide mostly peaceful love-taps to groups of “teens” riding their bicycles dangerously in the streets, for storeowners or third-parties to Rooftop Korean-away looting flash mobs like the compound outbreak scene in 28 Weeks Later. In the current state of affairs, this is largely restricted by Who? Whom? concerns, as a certain NYC subway marine found out the hard way.

However, I don’t like the gender-biased nature of it. Women already feel entitled to random men serving as their white-knights, meat-shields, and bodyguards; I’d prefer not to exacerbate that. If women are to be regarded as Strong Independent #GirlBosses with the rights and status of men, they can solve their own problems and fight their own battles. Fists, knives, and bullets hurt men too. I’m not a fan of Schrodinger’s feminism, where women are #GirlBosses one moment and damsels in distress the next, depending on what’s more beneficial and emotionally convenient for them.

If the Reddit woman in her 20s or 30s were instead a small man in his 20s or 30s, hardly would anyone call for a “hero” to step-up on his behalf. Beating on some hot-head’s door may result in it opening for a fist or knife fight. Who knows what might happen to your defeated body if you lose the fight. If you win, it may result in protracted legal, social, and professional troubles, especially if the hot-head is a member of a favored class. It’s also a great way to get yourself shot right through the door. You’d deserve it too for white-knighting, fucking around and finding out, when you’re not a peak human with borderline supernatural powers like Jack Reacher.

If she were my daughter, I think my system-level advice would be to try to escape that environment entirely, which might mean moving to a safer city/town, or paying more to go to a higher end apartment complex, etc.

Yes. To paraphrase Steve Sailer, the tough part of being poor in Western countries is not for lack of essentials or material goods, but rather having to live next to other poor people. And violent, low impulse control, and generally antisocial behavior is far more common among the poor.

In this specific case, the reddit thread mostly has people suggesting she call the apartment complex to tow the car next time this happens, and to file a complaint so there is a record of potential violence and intimidation. Another upvoted comment says to put up a camera near her car so she'd know if he retaliates, maybe by keying her car or something.

If moving is not an option, these are reasonable solutions for a woman (or a man, for that matter).

Chinese surveillance / social credit state. Use technology and broad public support to directly manage against low level offenses.

The cure might be worse than the disease here. The surveillance and social credit system could be readily turned against you in anarcho-tyrannic fashion.

Japanese homogeneity. Stop outsiders and troublemakers from entering society. Then in this cohesive society, everyone pitches in to punish low level offenses without the additional complication of being accused of discrimination.

Without mass deportations (or something more... drastic), the ship has already set sail on this front in the United States and Europe. Eugenics would work, but might take too long depending on what degree of eugenics is deployed, even if it somehow could be.

Semi-failed state where the stakes are high for low level offenders themselves. Some guy parks in your spot? Shoot up his car windows. No legal consequence will come because that's considered a misdemeanor here. Perhaps things escalate, but perhaps not, but at least he won't park in your spot again.

Tempting, but escalating when you’re less crazy and have more to lose than your opponent is a risky venture, to say the least.

Surely a rich society has a fourth option?

Calling for and voting in a manner for politicians, DAs, and the police to just do their jobs. For a Reddit woman in her 20s or 30s, chances are this is a leopard-eating-her-face situation.

A nice secondary or tertiary benefit about spending time in a LatAm country is experiencing the relative lack of pro-black and pro-latin(x) (ironically enough) propaganda, and relative lack of anti-white and anti-Asian propaganda. It’s a breath of fresh air.

Pretty much. “Teach men not to rape” is less consistent with a general principled stance on victim-blaming and more consistent with the usual Who? Whom? and efforts to maximize female freedom and minimize female accountability.

Hence why “teach men not to rape” is A Thing, but “teach men not to murder” sounds farcical and “teach black men not to murder” would be considered hateful and offensive by many.

Those who shriek against “victim-blaming” when it comes to advising women to be responsible for their own safety are disproportionately likely to immediately suggest that a victim of black-on-white or black-on-Asian violence said or did something to provoke the attack, a victim of pitbull-on-pretty-much-anything-not-a-pitbull nannying did something to trigger the pibbie’s reactivity (such as making a sudden movement, making a loud noise, or breathing).

They may also advise to leave your car windows and trunk open when you leave it as a good faith signal to Persons of Burglary that you have nothing to steal, and if you don’t it’s your own fault that your windows got smashed.

Ultimately, the author appears most affected by how his hopes/expectations wrote a check that reality couldn’t cash when it comes to living in red-state country, especially for dating. This is something often seen in men who travel abroad looking for love/sex, but leaving disappointed that they only seem to attract bargirls and prostitutes—or nothing at all (or worse, they leave blissfully unaware that their “girlfriend” is but a bargirl or prostitute).

Sure, your greater wealth, worldliness, credentials, and especially height (in the international traveling case) will give you a leg-up upon the local men when it comes to female hypergamy and polygyny. Your status as an outsider might even stir up some additional curiosity and intrigue. However, girls will be coy and passive regardless of locale, so you must put in the… leg-work. The local girls, particularly the attractive ones, much less the ones who are both attractive and chaste, will hardly line-up to suck your dick and join your harem upon your arrival like a more explicit Axe commercial.

However, I give props to the author for putting his money where his mouth was, and giving it a go at living in red state country (at least for two years). Some other thoughts:

We’ve also passed Peak Woke, and cancel culture is on its last legs.

Yes, and Hunter/Trump will surely go to prison this time.

It turns out safety is mostly achieved by cultivating a boring and risk-averse culture optimized to meet the needs of smallminded and gossipy people who get don’t get excited about much other than college sports and weddings.

Former White Nationalist reinvents the hustle and bustle meme.

And the people who rise to the top of the food chain are never quite as inspirational as they are in places where things are actually happening. They stop being sharp or hungry really early on in life—it’s like they universally have “big fish in a small pond” energy. They work hard until they can coast off a sinecure, at which point they become totally unremarkable and function on autopilot for the rest of their life.

Well yeah, working hard until one can coast off a sinecure is a large motivation for working hard in the first place. Hence #fatFIRE, #chubbyFIRE and whatnot, all the way down to #leanFIRE and/or gasp a normal retirement (the horror).

Of course this revelation won’t come easy to an inexperienced young buck who’s only been with a handful of women. That hipster chick’s tattoos or stripper past or body count of 17 will likely intimidate you. But once you’re nearing 30 and have come into your own as a man, the same girl will seem an ingenue compared to your own triple digit past, while the churchy trad girls you once idealized as innocent little angels will instead seem like frigid judgmental viragoes who could never understand you.

This reeks like cope. Or perhaps: as you amass more sexual and life experiences, you cherish and appreciate the churchy trad girls all the more, and the thought of wifing up a tattoo’d hipster, former stripper, or a girl with a body count of 17 fills you with all the more disgust as your options widen and your desperation decreases.

In fact, many of them seemed hostile toward the very idea of someone moving around in the first place. When I first arrived a lot of people were genuinely incredulous that someone from another state would ever choose to live there, and thus regarded me with suspicion. Midwesterners seem not to like people who move. Many of my new social circle had never lived outside their immediate area and still were geographically very close to their parents.

*shocked pikachu*. People who are self-selected temperamentally and/or perhaps genetically to prefer their way of life and staying amongst themselves, and regard interloping outsiders with suspicion. Someone hasn’t read their Cochran and Harpending on the Amish.

To put it bluntly, most of my White neighbors and coworkers basically resembled hobbits. They had no ambition to them, nor any aspirations of greatness. Nor did they think about the world in a dynamic way—the more educated among them certainly stayed informed about the wider world, but they largely took it for granted that their immediate universe was a static place where nothing would ever happen.

Don’t these stupid midwestern hobbits know how much better life would be with elves telling them what to do and orcs providing some vibrancy?

Agreed, though, that a lot of white Americans are kind of like hobbits, in their lack of antibodies against general blank slatism, outgroup preferences, and progressive American culture. They might make a stink face at the young white male cosmopolitan who arrives in town for an extended study abroad program, but will root for outsiders and people that hate them when it comes to college football/basketball, the NFL, the NBA. Quokka would be the rationalist sphere term of art, here. “Cucks” might even apply. Relatedly, this has been touched upon in the Norf FC series of memes with regard to whites on the other side of the pond.

It's a pretty common occurrence nowadays in mixed-sex online spaces when discussing the "Women Are Wonderful" effect and female in-group preferences.

The women will often lean-in to merited impossibility, claiming something to the tune of "Female in-group preferences are not a thing and just a misogynistic myth. But if they are a real thing, it's only because women, with our greater empathy and propensity for emotional labor, are better at starting and maintaining support networks and social groups. If you don't like it, build your own support networks and social groups."

Yet, countless male support networks and social groups have been infiltrated and canceled. When men do build their own support networks and social groups, such women will recoil "wait... no! Not like that!" and be immediately screaming at the door to get in and/or trying to get such networks and groups canceled, claiming that such venues are but old-boys'-clubs and hotbeds of supposed misogyny and other types of crime-think.

Which then should make us disgusted that the woman who caused it received attention and pity after the event.

There's certainly a vibe of "women have always been the primary victims of their boyfriends'/husbands' suicides."

However, it's not exactly rocket science to avoid wifeing-up promiscuous women, say... single mothers, women who'll suck and fuck male teenagers and adults on your tab, women who will cuck you to your face and ask what's up, as in Bourdain's case.

Bourdain should had known better than to get oneitis and treat a hoe as a wife.

Indeed… “counter-culture” nowadays is basically being a white- or Asian-adjacent heterosexual male without tattoos (or at least, minimal tattoos), unapologetic and unashamed of who you are.

(Pop-) punk bands, to the extent they were famous in the 90s-10s, have their views well-represented in academia, government, and Hollywood. It’s like the Babylon Bee headline: “Man Who Agrees With The Media, Universities, Corporations, And Hollywood Thinks He's Part Of The Resistance.”

If you’re salary-grinding at XYZ Corp, it’d be far less controversial or eyebrow-raising to say to your coworkers that you’re a fan of Good Charlotte or NOFX, than to say you were a fan of Paulo Costa, Tyson Fury, or Nikola Jokic.

Anakin: Other potential activities are left to the imagination.

Padme: Like surfing and sightseeing, right?

Anakin: …

Padme: Like surfing and sightseeing… right?

There’s fitness and then there’s fitness.

I agree there’s a likely correlation between male SES and fitness-when-it-comes-to-lack-of-obesity in Western countries, but the correlation between right-wingedness and fitness-when-it-comes-to-aesthetics can be on a similar magnitude or even higher, especially when holding some confounders equal.

Weight-lifting and belief in sexual dimorphism is highly right-coded, and male aesthetics fitness lore heavily invokes sexual dimorphism: Wide and capped delts, portruding traps, thick and wide back, strong chest and arms, relatively thin waist.

Grab a random guy from a gym who has less than 15% BF and can bench-press >1.5x his weight. Is he more likely to be right- or left-leaning relative to a randomly selected peer of similar geography, age, education-level?

The modal “in-shape” guy among the PMC, who does some running, cycling, or squash when he doesn’t have a Dorsia res conflict, maybe some light weighting from time to time, is still a DYEL and/or perhaps skinny-fat compared to what might be considered aesthetic.

Just-worldliness and presumed agency (of say, an advisor and advisee) are two key dimensions to differentiate between blue, red, and blackpill in a general sense. Dating/relationships are perhaps the central/archetypal example, but it’s hardly limited to dating/relationships.

The bluepill presumes a just-worldliness in contrast to the red and black pills; the red pill generally presumes a degree of hyperagency in opposition to the blue and blackpills.


Bluepill: The world is just. Be a decent person, read the room, try your best, and it’ll all work out.

Redpill: The world is not just. But here are some One Weird Tricks by which you can reshape (and even exploit) the world to your liking.

Blackpill: The world is not just and there’s nothing you can do about it, other than eating shit.

Eventually, my boyfriend and I decided we couldn’t carry on like this.

This was my favorite part of the article, that she just casually and suddenly mentioned that she had a boyfriend who was suffering alongside her Effective Altruism all the while.

The things heterosexual men will put up with for sexual access.

But yeah, it’s not necessarily all EA specific. OOP reminds me a lot of young and not-so-young women I’ve known socially and professionally. The first to make a song and dance (“omg eww!”) when an insect appears, but also most insistent that someone (not her) deal with it or the greater building-dwelling insect population in a gentle and humane way. At least OOP owned up to much of the task, albeit in her own peculiar manner.

”Those who would like to see a ceasefire in Gaza. A ceasefire is on the table today for six weeks to be built on into something more enduring if Hamas would simply release women, wounded, and elderly”

Life imitates art: bill_burr_bullets_hurt_me_too.mp4

I believe it’s Hanania who has made comments that if you take a liberal woman and asks her beliefs on a host of woke topics she will answer correctly. But then make a comment about her weight and she will become upset and apparently all women aren’t beautiful, etc.

Hmm, don’t know if it’s Hanania-related or not. But in crimethink-spheres, it’s long been a meme/pasta that liberal women generally aren’t too pleased if you compliment them for being passing transwomen.

And for the record I 100% think women should get special treatment in times of war.

I disagree. Rules applied evenly are preferable to rules applied selectively. If women have the rights and status of men, they can #GirlBoss and meatshield on the front-lines alongside men.