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joined 2023 April 01 14:25:53 UTC


User ID: 2303



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User ID: 2303

Have you?

Why do you believe that "murdering people is wrong" eviscerates Christianity?

You don't believe in God and my question should be very simple to answer.

Great talking to you!

The prior lawsuit did not reject anything. They concluded that Trump was liable in a civil case, a far lower threshold than proving he was guilty. Even then, many of the arguments I have just made were not admitted into court. And they still didn't find that Trump raped her -- that jury's compromise position was that he probably assaulted her by touching her vagina with his hands, but not with his penis. (Perhaps because her own story changed several times.)

As I said: Carroll has absolutely lied in ways that destroy her legitmacy. The idea that she is telling the truth is totally preposterous.

The last time I looked into it, many years ago, Canadian real estate was a prime investment for Chinese elites looking to sock money away outside China. Perhaps the calculus haa changed, but it would take a lot of new housing stock to sate this demand.

Was the GOP about to challenge the deep state before the rise of Trump?

Of course I made it up, it was a hypothetical! Backhanded sarcasm troll concern "I'm sure you wouldn't just..." Don't be rude!

It's only considered fraudulent after the fact, when it's failed. How can they have known themselves to be fraudulent when it had never been tried before, and, in fact, was supported by many as a legitimate alternative?

I would imagine it as reversion to the mean, where most of the Kennedys regressed to mediocre politicos with no special ambitions or purpose. Denouncing Bobby and endorsing Biden is very rational if you're "normal" in many senses of that word.

Strelkov was important in 2014, but pretty marginal in 2022.

Strelkov started the chain of events that bubbled up to the war. It's a much bigger point: Putin didn't "just woke up" and create a war, there was already a war. It was started by other individuals, and Putin actually refused several earlier opportunities to escalate the war the way he did in 2022. The situation changed in 2022, which precipitated Russia's direct invasion. You can actually admit all of this without wanting Russia to win, or having to change any of your other opinions.

Nothing had changed in 2022 in terms of Ukraine's ability to join NATO

This is blatantly not true: The US refused to make a guarantee to Russia that Ukraine would not join NATO.

Well, last post you were supposing Putin's peace terms were the end of the Ukrainian ethnicity, now you're falling back on asserting that we don't really know what was in them. Which isn't entirely true: according to all reports the deal included total Ukrainian neutrality. And we have some of Russia's most recent peace terms, which are stronger now that they've conquered territory: they aren't as you've feared.

No doubt Putin did offer peace but I see no evidence it was anything less than the end of Ukranian nation/ethnicity (heavy Russian culturalization).

The terms as discussed to that point said no such thing.

Why else are there 85 different sects which have had (and still do have) their own violent confrontations?

Why do you assume violence is immoral?

so clearly I'm capable of having a decent conversation with people who hold very different beliefs

Good for you? I don't know who you are. This reads like you are trying to prove you're better than OP.

I think if you had stopped at your first two paragraphs ("Consider that [...] Orange Man Bad and TDS") you would have made a merited point and not sounded like you had something to prove.

Somebody who is not me has a position that is not mine. Looks like I have been totally eviscerated.

Beep beep boop boop, warning, human, jokes will not work on me. Display of humor in which words are intended to be used to generate laughter will have no effect. Please consider the seriousness of your arguments. Bzzzzzzzzzzt

Sorry, I realized as I was framing that last post it has an annoying tone-of-voice, especially since I licked an argument with you in a different thread, so I ended up fixing the end but not the beginning.

This has never been charged before.

What kind of creation? Most "content" is goons making faces for the camera, even if it's not the figurative soy. Five takes of molding your lobster ice cream pizza bagel so it looks good in the edit, or else, a lot of staging and arrangement so it works in one take. Content isn't candid, it only looks that way, because creators carefully arrange everything to look candid. This all changes the way they relate to themselves and their audience.

No one has ever been prosecuted before for posting text-to-vote memes. How could he have known it was illegal? They have enough laws and subclauses and fine print to make us all guilty of something.

Definitely. But in this case, China is exporting arms to Russia, which it does not really export to the West. I wouldn't put it past them to sell to both sides if they wanted to, but it moots any simple analysis about the US arms industry being larger than Russia's.

The fact that China outcompetes Russia and US is bad for US prospects against Russia when China is currently supplying Russia.

I mean to be antagonistic, within the rules. I think your frame of the issues is infaltalizing, and I want to call that out. It's not personal, I don't want to be simply mean, and I appreciate your graciousness in conceding a few flaws. For my part I thought my first post was phrased in an unnecessary way, especially my opening sentence But I enjoyed the work of putting my later objections down and I was too busy that day to write a nicer head. So if there's any bad-feeling here that's my fault.

Just on that description I'd bet money you're talking about Victor Davis Hanson. He's good.