@Snakes's banner p


Something hidden. Go and find it. Go and look behind the Ranges—

4 followers   follows 13 users  
joined 2022 September 04 19:08:16 UTC

aka TwoLargeSnakesMating, TLSM, Sneks, 2snakes, :marseysnek::marseysnek::marseylove:
No, I'm not a furry.

2022-04-01 20:40 UTC — Got my first AAQC.
2022-04-02 02:10 UTC — Martyred by reddit admins for placing pixels on a cat.

Github: TLSM / GPG E745A82778055C7E


User ID: 86


Something hidden. Go and find it. Go and look behind the Ranges—

4 followers   follows 13 users   joined 2022 September 04 19:08:16 UTC


aka TwoLargeSnakesMating, TLSM, Sneks, 2snakes, :marseysnek::marseysnek::marseylove:
No, I'm not a furry.

2022-04-01 20:40 UTC — Got my first AAQC.
2022-04-02 02:10 UTC — Martyred by reddit admins for placing pixels on a cat.

Github: TLSM / GPG E745A82778055C7E


User ID: 86

The session tokens identify logged-in user by user ID. This is cryptographically signed serverside. The first person to make an account on the empty site got the server to give them a valid signed session token for UID 9, which persisted after restoration. Anyway, changing the signing key like you did fixes it.

There was a bug with filtered post visibility to moderators, so things were getting left in filter much longer than they should've. Think we just patched it up.

That honor goes to 2+2 = not what you think, which at time of writing is -32 (+3 | -35)

User.is_private is a legacy of Ruqqus. We considered dropping it on rDrama (though after the time of the Motte fork), but rDrama has an influential minority of paranoid users.