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a natural neural network

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joined 2022 September 05 10:53:13 UTC

Politics is the continuation of drama by other means.

Programmer and mind upload enthusiast from Finland. Trying to become a better writer.


User ID: 529


a natural neural network

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 10:53:13 UTC


Politics is the continuation of drama by other means.

Programmer and mind upload enthusiast from Finland. Trying to become a better writer.


User ID: 529

Coffin of Andy and Leyley

I'm certainly with you as well! This has been a frustrating debate to follow if not only for the satisfaction of reading someone else express my views on continuity of self identity almost exactly. I wish people would not sneer as much, but I suppose as an uploadist, one needs to have the humility to recognize their view is the more peculiar one.

What do you mean by "incoherent"? Do you mean that the concept of a p-zombie is like the concept of a square triangle? - something that is obviously inconceivable or nonsensical.

Not him, but basically this. If you define consciousness functionally, then a p-zombie is conscious because it is functionally equivalent to a conscious entity. Whereas if you define consciousness non-functionally, then it becomes impossible to verify that even humans are conscious.