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User ID: 2984



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User ID: 2984

I can't name any others that has all those features, can you? Certainly not the combination with "rugged individualism"

Because I think most people except the zealots sleepwalked into Current Year, and a great enough shock could have changed the course.

Everything that's happened was due to people falling for a constant creeping barrage of lies and gaslighting.

I was in a luxury college with a free gym and lifting courses. Yeah, pathetic story, but it's a counterbalance to "with sheer grit, determination, and weighted milk jugs."
Also change doesn't have to come from within if your surroundings make change the default choice. This is an underappreciated lesson that explains a lot about the last decade.

After college I got a free set from a woman whose son left, because she couldn't lift the weights to get rid of them herself. And a bench press the school was getting rid of.

His mother I believe. I can't remember if it's the ancestor he shares with his wife or not (that would be a little too pat)

Do you just never use maximized windows with a 32:9? With 3 smaller 16:9s I have one window active in each of them, but you must have a way of aligning multiple windows on one screen to use all that space

I thought it might be him, but dismissed it because of "2018"

Incredible that wokeness is such a new term. The language treadmill is running in overdrive now.

I'm starting to hope it's enough money to buy you foreign citizenship somewhere

I think we're running into confusion about what a "not a life-changing amount" actually means. Can you get rid of 5 figures in cash eventually?

Foreign purchases under the customs limit are always a safe bet for using coins, it seems like.

The Iraq war came to 1-2 trillion though. That at least puts it (viewed as a single policy) in the same order of magnitude as the "inflation """reduction""" act"

That's terribly vague, but now it's nagging at me too. let me know if you find it?

employers must be permitted to “nip in the bud” the kinds of employee conduct that could lead to a “hostile workplace,” rather than waiting until an actionable hostile workplace has been created before taking action.

I wish I could just... Send these rulings 20 years back in time and preemptively use them against their creators. How were people so stupid to let this happen?

Good for him. Actually doing it might straighten him out a lot.

I just started using zyn. It's good but the 6mg is much too strong. I'd suggest the 2mgs or lozenges instead.

6 is enough to give me head and stomach aches.

Update: the cop has since died. I wonder if the stabbing victim he was pinning down will be charged for his death.

German press report that the motives of the stabber "remain unclear"

Sky news reports: "police officer stabbed during attack at far-right rally dies"

You don't hate journalists enough

Absolutely not, every "blue" woman I know is heavily into woo, and I know a broad profile of them. Even the ones who work in tech have Quantum Spirituality books on their shelves.
Horoscopes are almost universal.

Again this is a range from "part time barista" to "social worker" to nurse to an actual tech VP.

You shouldn't need to explain anything until you sell it, unless your country has some kind of asset reporting requirement. Like Fuck said spending it directly in small chunks is probably safest.

The grid already deals with sudden overvoltage from lightning by dumping it to ground without (usually) interrupting service. HVDC transmission lines would be interesting to learn about, but maybe it would just be free amps for them.

Yeah, I shamelessly stole it from your post about Orthodox communities abusing welfare state bureaucracy with their rabbinic skills

I haven't even heard anecdotes about the recent solar storm other than Musk noting that starlink was "under pressure" from it.

Am at the point of writing it off as doomwishing similar to zombie apocalypse fantasies.

Started to ask "but which half" and nearly died laughing that the question makes sense.

I'm pretty sure he's mentioned it before, and do you really think he'd be at this level without the +2 racial bonus to kvetching? He's too good.

(Edit: sorry, only a +1 bonus for half-jews, my mistake)

People here don't buy guns or gun accessories that the Biden administration is trying to use administrative procedure to make retroactively illegal?
People here don't read books the FBI considers "warning signs of domestic extremism" such that buying them puts you on an investigation list? We didn't have literally a thread about those books a few months ago?

FC might have something to say about that.

Citation linked for the 5th time btw because apparently nobody ever reads them or just pretends it never happened EVERY SINGLE TIME


If you're going to be a journalist, you need to be careful about precisely this type of thing.

You created and printed out fake worksheets to back up your claims. That's a level of preparation most 'it was only a prank' jokes don't go for. Now, the next time anyone gets a story with alleged "here is hard copy evidence", how are they to believe it's true? How do they decide or weight "don't investigate this, it's all fake like that furry story"? There are exactly these kind of stories about "here's the curriculum about CRT/gender and transgender that the school board is pushing on the kindergarten classes" going around, with alleged 'hard copy' evidence of "this is a screenshot of the actual teaching materials". Whatever level of scepticism that should always be around such allegations, now you've made it tougher to risk "if I go ahead with this story, will I end up looking like a fool?" and that is a loss for the public interest, because if these stories are fake, we need to know, and if they're true we need to know, too.

You've pissed in your own nest, sorry to say.

This post was spot on. That's what people who want to dismiss the evidence say every time now, and you helped them. LoTT has been one of the only people actually gathering and publicizing evidence of the batshit things teachers are pushing on American kids, and she was your first target, coincidentally(?) at the same time as the entire left wing organized a simultaneous assault trying to ruin her life.
Just why, dude.

The people who pushed the consensus that kendi and diangelo were serious thinkers about "whiteness" and that arresting people for going to the beach or a hike in the woods (but not a BLM riot) was perfectly normal have backed off those extreme positions, so there's less open fighting.
But the people they were pushing it on remember and do not extend the same spirit of charity any more.

It feels like many people have been waking up from a 4 year bender of religious mania and don't quite remember what they did or why their friends give them strange looks and don't return their calls now. Suggesting "covid amnesties" the way a drunk at brunch might sheepishly ask "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right guys?"

That's interesting. The majority of people I know here who did solar before the subsidies were fringe Christian survivalists (great folks, very practical, always good for a 5 gallon bucket of 1999-dated dried beans).
Now it's the Subaru and Prius crowd getting paid to put prayer flags on their roofs.

Think I ruined a "friendship" with one when the power went out at his place during the day, and I laughed at him because his grid-tie solar couldn't even power his own house. I may as well have been Mohammed spitting on his pagan idols.