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joined 2023 November 22 14:08:03 UTC
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User ID: 2762



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User ID: 2762

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Having struggled on and off with motivation and generally down feelings, I recently started journaling. I've only been at it for a few weeks, but it seems to be helping. I feel more energized after writing something down, and it's more motivating than my 'passive" entertainment options of reading and watching films.

Do others have a similar routine around writing, or similar experiences? I know the stoics are all about it.

Think it's similar to an argument against alcohol. It's obvious that some people simply can not make good decisions about alcohol and would be vastly better off if it were not available. But everyone knows prohibition was a "failure", so its inherently discrediting to advocate legal remedies. I don't that that means it is pointless to make an argument that society should voluntarily lower the status of alcohol consumption.