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User ID: 2777



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User ID: 2777

We go to the ballot box with the election system we have, not the one that we might want.

I agree the US should have had better intelligence and taken the Chinese warnings seriously. And then blasted them to hell with superior firepower.

But Korea was a sideshow during the Cold War and not sufficiently important to get a war-weary public motivated to support it.

You're making the exact same mistake that MacArthur did.

I don’t think I am. I’m a China hawk myself. There’s a lot of unknowns about how well the US and Chinese militaries would operate in a full on war. With Russia, we saw massive underperformance in Ukraine, but we just don’t really know how good the Chinese navy and military technology is compared to the US.

Man, your understanding of the Korean War is limited at best.

The US got caught off guard and nearly pushed off the peninsula, sure, but we decided to only beat the ChiComms and North Koreans halfway back up the peninsula. We weren’t willing to seek actual victory, an attitude that went on to serve us well in Vietnam too.

(I actually think McArthur was probably right and we should have nuked the Chinese to keep North Korea from existing, given how things went thereafter.)

Well lots of people, including the mods, saw it differently.

He would not accept that many of us are color-blind meritocracy fans and recognize the factual reality of HBD. That combo just broke his brain. Perpetually misrepresenting the views of one’s opponents when explicitly corrected is shitty and intolerable behavior.

He would avoid dealing with the concrete evidence provided for the reality and utility of IQ, and its correlation to racial groups. He would make deluded attacks on academia—where IQ is not so popular a metric—and fail to acknowledge the contradiction. This is not denying the underlying framework. It’s being retarded and illogical. Several people who don’t like HBD pointed this out at the time.

If he had been consistently retarded but polite on the IQ issue, he wouldn’t have caught the ban and his average comment quality would have been good. Civility and order break down when those with status consistently and flagrantly violate rules and norms and the mods’ hands were forced.

Personally, I don’t care whether he caught a forever ban or just a really long one. Redemption is nice when you can get it.

He perpetually misrepresented his opponent and refused to engage with points actuality made, and he was snotty while doing it.

His average quality of engagement was low.

Why would these methods fail now?

Sure COVID was a thing in 2020, but Trump was in power and already suspicious of rigged elections. Despite that, the rigging took place ant 10% and there was no concrete evidence?

I don't see a good clear line between drone striking a citizen advocating the violent overthrow of the US Government and "assassinating a political rival.

The individual in question was unambiguously working for a terrorist organization.

Foreign vs. domestic soil and organizational affiliation matters quite a lot.

This is a hilariously weak whataboutism.

The evidence for election rigging was nonexistent.

At least Russiagate had enough evidence to put a few people in jail.

“Derail half a term”

Oh come on. What derailed a whole term is that Trump is an incompetent leader and he ran a clown show. Trump was the biggest setback for Trumpism.

The man clearly falsified business records for campaign purposes.

That’s a simplification, but not hard to grok.

Except this time it’s true.

And one can prove that by ignoring the media rhetoric and listening only to longtime Republicans and former Trump officials who have condemned Trump for a very long list of his personal and professional failings.

It’s funny because one thing so many Trump fans like about him is that he isn’t like normal politicians and doesn’t comply with various norms that supposedly made regular GOP politicians weak. Problem is, some of norms Trump has violated involved actual breaches of the law.

Biden is no doubt guilty of many felonies himself. The Clintons have as well. Yet they have not been prosecuted and for good reason.

Uhh, those are some bold statements. Bill did get himself impeached for lying about his affair.

Trump has flagrantly played fast/loose with the law for years. He literally refused to cooperate when the feds said “please give the classified documents back.” His brazen approach was going to catch up with him.

As @jeroboam said,

Mod fail. Nobody’s perfect.

Bush and Powell weren’t lying about WMDs. They honestly believed they were there.

Was there a bunch of motivated reasoning and shoddy analysis of poor evidence that got them (and many others) to hold those beliefs? Yes.

The US intel community failed to resist “spin” on various reports and assessments, but it was basically taken for granted that Saddam had had a WMD program before and still was pursuing one in 2003. There wasn’t definitive evidence that he didn’t, and there was crappy evidence that he did. Motivated reasoning and the emotional environment after 9/11 did the rest.

Not like Trump did. He refused to concede and he and his close associates pushed all manner of blatant nonsense that failed to get any traction because of a stark lack of evidence.

As with many things, it’s not that no one else in politics has ever done Bad Thing, it’s that Trump finds a way to take things to a new level.

  • -12

“Directionally correct”

The man has been lying for years about election fraud, even when he won (and didn’t mount an investigation).

Trump is an embarrassment to conservatism, morally and politically, and should have been jettisoned by the GOP years ago. He makes things worse by inflaming progressivism and turning away moderates/centrists, and the sooner he’s gone from political life the better.

Sure, this state-level prosecution was targeted/politically motivated, which I consider bad, but the man is a constant liar with no regard for rules/laws/norms, so he set himself up for this kind of thing.