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joined 2022 September 04 19:08:17 UTC


User ID: 88



0 followers   follows 2 users   joined 2022 September 04 19:08:17 UTC


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User ID: 88

Oof, I read through Kuang's Poppy War trilogy and had no desire to read more of her. The first half of the first book is Kung Fu Harry Potter, then it shifts hard into Chinese nationalist fever dream, complete with a few chapters dedicated to the rape of not-Nanking so you don't feel as bad when the main character commits genocide on the not-Japanese. Then she spends two books ping ponging between ruthless sociopathy and helplessness as the plot demands. People called the details of the setting (food, clothing, etc) really well researched, but then the author described the not-Mongols as using huge longbows on horseback and that kinda brought everything into question for me.

Ideally, sure. I don't think he was asking for ideals. What would actually happen? What do you believe would actually happen to Israeli Jews if Israel no longer existed?

And even when it did it treated him with deadly seriousness right up until the second he died, unlike rest of the cast, the flesh lumps in waistcoats. Regardless, fantastic movie!

My initial thought was, "Aren't Serbia's sworn enemies pretty much all of the Balkans?" Then I checked a NATO map and saw an ocean of blue, except for Serbia and Kosovo.

@HlynkaCG, I believe you have been summoned.