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joined 2022 September 05 11:38:24 UTC


User ID: 537



4 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 11:38:24 UTC


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User ID: 537

an embarrassment that is disliked by its own peers, but still to be defended from outsiders

DeBoer has outright stated that, in his ideal world, "the wokest person you know" get 90% of what they want. Combine that with his strident attitude towards gender topics (where his anti-idpol takes give way to annoyance that anyone has an idpol skeptical take)...

So yes.

One argument in the Teaching Paradox series of blog posts is that the games embody a certain historical theory, and players are essentially forced to make the same choices as the nations did

CK2 teaches the incentives of patriarchy better than any other game I can think of.

The trans debate has taught me to be careful about forcing people to either abandon their position or bite bullets. They just might!