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joined 2022 September 05 11:38:24 UTC


User ID: 537



4 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 11:38:24 UTC


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User ID: 537

I am pretty sure that the school is for the underclass/lower class. In those cases, yes, in order for people to get along even to the point that they stop disrupting the learning process you practically have to beat the tribalism out of them.

Yeah, I went to a "multicultural" school mainly made up of the children of middle-to-upper-middle class people from across the globe. Russians, Chinese, Nigerians.

None of this shit was needed, because people mostly self-segregated and figured out a way to live within that* and teachers simply didn't tolerate shit, it's not like they couldn't find someone else to pay those extortionate tuition fees. My first assumption hearing this was this was a no-excuse school for the problem kids (I wonder if this is a "win" or not for Wax's model: the 'no-excuse' school still faced attempts to destroy it on grounds of difference, just as she claims income-integration schools do, yet it survived)

* Though maybe the next generation will lose the segregation aspect and have more conflict as a result...

(even though, as of yet, this hasn’t been implemented afaik)

I still don't understand why this is some impossibility. Is it really that huge a technical issue or does British policy just move at a glacial pace?

Well, assuming a Euro win, I'm sure there'll be votes. And, if people vote to become just one part of a Euro federation, who's to say it's a bad choice? They chose it, better than being Belarus.

I'm sure some Irish revolutionary who died wanting wanted a socialist state or some other vision of the country is dissatisfied in his grave. The people seem to be managing fine.

As lines go, not that bad.

Of course, that's assuming a Euro win.