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joined 2022 September 05 16:19:15 UTC
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User ID: 622



0 followers   follows 3 users   joined 2022 September 05 16:19:15 UTC


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User ID: 622

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You're walking in the woods. There's no one around, and your phone is dead. Out of the corner of your eye, you spot him...

Woman or bear: would you rather have to deal with a bear, or a woman who potentially has no water, food, or gear and needs your help to get to safety? I feel like the latter is more likely to ruin my day in the woods.

It's all just signalling, though; at most 1% would take the bear. Plenty of women go on hikes in the woods and regularly share the space with men without issue or note, and the few who encounter a bear would typically throw a fit over it. I read it as low-key trolling of men more than anything else. (And I have to admit, it's at least a little bit funny to see some men seemingly taking the question at face value and getting testy over something that obviously bears no relation to reality.) It's like someone joking they'd rather have a blind person drive them around than someone from California.