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joined 2022 November 01 14:47:58 UTC


User ID: 1775



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User ID: 1775

I found a reference in FC's comment to one of my old comments in the Reddit version this post, and it motivated me to respond for whatever reason. I don't know who remembers me but I recognize a lot of names.

That said, I probably won't stay, as FC is completely lying about what I said. I forget the details, but the deleted comment in question was someone's on-site reporting of the Minneapolis riots, discussing how most people in the community were pitching in to help, and the media wasn't reporting on that. So either FC remembers that and is lying about what happened, or he forgot but just filled in the blanks on his own based on what felt right. Either way, in no way did I say that the riots were "necessary". He's lying, in that unmistakably sanctimonious way of his, about how he's just a harmless, peace-loving family man being forced into conflict against his will.

If this is what the intellectual culture has come to, I'm glad I left and have no interest in coming back. Against shady thinking indeed.

Edit: Naraburns' response was fair. I have been very emotionally unstable lately, and seeing my old comments being referenced can be a bit of a panic moment.

Alright, well, the comment I was thinking of did exist, but it wasn't the one in this conversation. What (I think) I meant was, 1) on-the-ground primary-source reporting is always valuable for its own sake, and 2) if you model your enemies as being inhuman and monstrous in their desires will always fail as a model of reality, and if your model of reality isn't accurate how can you hope to solve the problem? And yes, this qualifies as empathy, the ability to understand viewpoints that are not one's own. Being symapthetic to those viewpoints is, well, sympathy.