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User ID: 1133



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User ID: 1133

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when someone who is physically and mentally healthy suddenly develops some kind of physical or mental issue without a clear cause, is that due to some kind of diffuse undetectable mental trauma 5 layers down or is it a physical issue we're not aware of yet?

It's a great question certainly, and I'm sure the answer is contextual. Initially when I was experiencing all these weird new health problems my prior was that since I was emotionally positive / upbeat all the time, the causes were likely only physical. However, while that's still completely possible in my case, given the large number of (seemingly) independent weird issues (listed here https://www.themotte.org/post/731/ways-to-address-underlying-emotions-that/153116?context=8#context), it becomes more plausible to me that there is an underlying emotional component that is either modulating the symptoms, or leading to some of them.

Basically you'll have to introspect regularly. [...] If it is the case that you have something within your mind that is making your body dysfunctional, you're the one who has to discover it and work with it.

I appreciate this framing. More productive than trying to find the needle-in-the-haystack therapist for sure.

I'll definitely a look at ideal parent figure meditation, and internal family systems. I've been sort of following the mind illuminated's path for awhile, with the general goal of hoping that will lead to increased mindfulness and ability to address these sorts of things.


I haven't really yet, skimmed a bit of it, but I should probably go back and read it. Thanks for the suggestion.

Could you elaborate on the issues in question? It's a bit hard to even begin evaluating you when your only specific complaint is just being a happy go lucky person!

Haha yeah. So

a) hot showers make me tired and foggy for the next 24ish hours

b) some chronic gi issues, have trouble digesting meat / fatty foods. Have seen a lot of gi doctors, haven't made much progress

c) some kind of weird endocrine-related thing where if I eat "faster" carbs (=sugary foods, white rice, white flour, etc) I feel super fatigued, and heat/cold sensitive for a few days afterward. This is not gluten related, and my blood sugar/a1c numbers are all pretty normal.

d) Chronic tension headaches, which I've been trying to address with various prescription meds.

e) Had bizarrely bad seasonal allergies abruptly pop a few years ago, but allergy shots helped dramatically.

f) I get headache-y from bright screens, so I eg wear sunglasses if I'm watching a football game on a friend's tv at their place.

Here, a diagnosis of anti-depression and a prescription to boof an anti-depressant in the hopes that PR administration will reverse the mechanism of action.

Lol. I'm pretty upbeat / positive despite having all these random issues, but I would still like to address them somehow. It seems plausible to me that there is some underlying emotional issue that is modulating these symptoms.