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I would be surprised if Toyota/Panasonic/Yamato etc. don’t own their own land.

Toyota's most recent annual SEC filing indicates that it owns land worth 1.4 billion dollars, or 1.9 percent of its assets. "Of Toyota's principal facilities and organizations, all are owned by Toyota Motor Corporation or its subsidiaries. However, small portions, all under approximately 20 percent, of some facilities are on leased premises."

In comparison, GM owns land worth 1.3 billion dollars, or 0.47 percent of its assets. It has "rent expense under operating leases" of 350 million dollars per year, or 0.20 percent of its revenue.

The normal sedan can accommodate two car seats at the back, but not three. (I remember reading a surprisingly informative post about this whole issue on the old subreddit.)


We estimate that car-seat laws prevented only 57 car-crash fatalities of children nationwide in 2017. Simultaneously, they led to a permanent reduction of approximately 8,000 births in the same year, and 145,000 fewer births since 1980, with 90% of this decline being since 2000.

LessWrong article

New Caledonia is a large Pacific Island territory

I guess it can be considered "large" for a Pacific island. But it has population of 270,000 and GDP of 2.4 billion dollars.

I think the moderators have mentioned several times that they often do not notice rule violations because no one has bothered to report the violations. Did you report this comment and give the moderators enough time to process the report?

The approach that I've seen posted on /g/ is to use the "PLUSNIGGER license", which consists of adding to the license a clause stating that the word "nigger" must always be included.

I think they're anonymous on Reddit. It's also a little surprising that reports are not anonymous when upvotes and downvotes are.

I have no opinion on whether anonymity of reports is desirable.

There is a pie chart of government expenses at the end of the Form 1040 instructions.

Akido (six times)


Found on 4chan:

Cordite Eating

The British soldier has discovered a new intoxicant. In the October number of the Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps appears a most interesting paper, in which the author details the results of inquiries regarding the consumption of cordite by soldiers. Cordite, the new substitute for gunpowder, is composed of 58 parts of nitroglycerin, 37 parts of guncotton, and 5 parts of mineral jelly. A Lee–Metford cartridge contains sixty “strands” of this material. It has “a sweet, pleasant, pungent taste and is only slightly soluble in the mouth”. It causes “throbbing, headache, flushing of the face, visible carotid pulsation, giddiness, and disordered action of the heart”. The author sucked a fourth of a strand for two minutes and experienced the most racking splitting headache he ever felt in his life, together with hammering and ringing noises in his ears. The headache lasted quite thirty-six hours.…

Possibly worth noting is that Hispanic was upgraded to race status on the Census a month ago (along with Arab).

A Sopwith Camel fits in a garage and can take off and land on a piece of uneven land 300 m long. And that's with 1910s technology.

See also the autogyro/gyroplane/gyrocopter, developed in the 1920s, which can use 75-foot (25-meter) runways.

Activities that are both fun and cheap:

  • Playing video games

  • Reading

  • Converting texts from print or PDF to HTML

  • Watching video games on YouTube

t. zero friends and zero romantic partners

I) Some kind of technical solution. Exo-skeletons, shopping-as-a-service, whatever.

Relying on technological solutions will not always work.

Why not? Putting a request for grocery pickup with reimbursement on Instacart or Craigslist or the public library's bulletin board or whatever seems very simple and reliable. I assume it's backed up with small-claims court.

See Distributed Proofreaders and the Text Encoding Initiative for examples of people who do stuff of this kind collaboratively, as a volunteering project. I just do it for fun.

Example (incomplete) files that I have produced: 1 2 3

Funny court opinion

  • Guy seeks to buy a gun

  • Background check is still pending, but he's allowed to take the gun home anyway

  • The background check eventually fails, so an ATF agent is dispatched to retrieve the gun

  • The gun buyer isn't at home, and his wife (with limited command of English) thinks the ATF agent is a robber and calls 911

  • Two local police officers arrive and tell the ATF agent to put his hands up

  • The ATF agent's response: "I'm a federal fucking agent!"

  • The police officers tase and handcuff him, and detain him for twenty minutes before verifying his identity

  • The ATF agent sues the officers, and the trial judge denies qualified immunity to them

As a person who regularly calls other people "murder victims" as a muttered insult despite not being particularly homicidal, I would lean toward option 1.

The Stubborn Skill-Grinder In A Time Loop

Based and—dare I say it?—Perfect Lionheart–pilled.

My family had a PlayStation 1, a GameCube, and a PlayStation 3.



The US Bureau of Labor Statistics provides some "jobs in field of degree" statistics here. For example, among workers with psychology degrees, the top occupation groups are "management" (15 %), "community and social service" (13 %), "educational instruction and library" (13 %), "healthcare practitioners and technicians" (11 %), and "office and administrative support" (9 %).

I think it depends on the terms listed in the fine print of the coupon.

  • If this was your first time using this trick at this store, then I see no problem. Otherwise:

  • If the terms say that the offer is valid only once per person, then you have committed fraud. Otherwise:

  • If the terms have no such clause, or no terms were presented to you at all, then it is reasonable for you to consider the offer valid once per email subscription, and I see no problem (since you did subscribe with a valid email).

I can very easily imagine a situation where the user wants to achieve the specific zoom level that will perfectly frame a certain set of items in a CAD workspace, but is too lazy to open the marquee-zoom tool to do so. In such a situation, achieving an irregular 93.75-percent zoom level by zooming in and out several times with the mousewheel perfectly serves the user's desire.

These files (many, many more are available at this link) always make me extremely angry. Why are people so obsessed with making them images rather than PDFs (or, even better, HTML files)? The 4000×4000 JPEG file linked above is literally four megabytes! Imagine how much smaller it would be if text were actually stored as text.