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joined 2022 September 04 19:34:26 UTC
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User ID: 108


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1 follower   follows 3 users   joined 2022 September 04 19:34:26 UTC


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User ID: 108

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Vancouver's housing could be made cheaper by allowing single-family houses to be built in the empty "Green Zone" (1 2).

The idea that Vancouver-area residents should suffer the least affordable housing in Canada in order to preserve rural open space in a province that has millions of hectares of open space and some of the lowest population densities in the world would be comical if its results were not so tragic.

I have found that the resale market for 2 year old Android phones is not as active

But that doesn't matter if the cost of the phone is negligible.

Boost Mobile (formerly Virgin Mobile): 35 $/mo for the plan plus 100 or 150 $ / 4 a for the phone = 37 or 38 $/mo total

something that can run Elden Ring, Starfield, etc. and not lag out like crazy on 1080p

I am open to building a PC

Anything at or above the "very good" tier (914 $) on Logical Increments should fit your criteria.

Animated gifs for user badges are crazy fucking distracting.

You can hide user profile pictures by adding the following line to the custom CSS in your account settings: .profile-pic-20{display:none!important;}

A parent is the trustee/owner of his child. Therefore, he is empowered to sell to the kindergarten a share of that trusteeship/ownership.

In the unlikely event that the child disavows the contract with the kindergarten when the trusteeship is terminated (whether at adulthood or at some earlier date), the parent is obligated by the same contract to repay to the kindergarten the lost expected value of the child's future earnings.

I used the Metro only to show that the idea was realistically possible to execute (e. g., on a new Mirage). I wasn't suggesting that the Metro was comparable to a new Mirage.

No fuel-economy measurement is given on the for-sale page. But it seems obvious that reducing the car's weight in this manner will improve its fuel economy by reducing its rolling resistance. (I admit that the worsened aerodynamics may cut into that improvement somewhat.)

I am inclined to agree with this framework, but my opinion is not very firm.

It works on my machine. (It's a PDF file with an attached XHTML file.)

They've banded together and declared standard commissions

Source? This article says that any explicit attempt to "declare standard commissions" would fall afoul of antitrust laws.

If I imagine a hypothetical where I have to pick between saving two eighty-year-old men or one eight-year-old boy, I will save the boy every time. Moreover, I would honestly think less of the two men if they advocated for their own lives while understanding the full situation.

I think a fertilized egg is a human life in a very straightforward and technical sense, such that I think it is wrong to kill it, but I would not pick to save a fertilized egg over saving the eight-year-old boy, either. (I also wouldn't pick it over the eighty-year-old man.)

What does your function for the "default value" of a human look like? (Time since conception) × (time until natural death as estimated by a neutral doctor), generally measured in units of daa2 (decayears squared)?

GovInfo offers full-text searches of opinions from federal appeals, district, and bankruptcy courts.

base 12

*base 6

Gary Grigsby's War in the East 2 may qualify. This page describes the game's logistics system.

Related issues and pull request in Marked.js (the Markdown parser that this website uses): 1 2 3

Issue created on this website's Github page

It occurs to me that it might be useful for moderators to have a moderator-specific badge, so that you can tell whether a user is a moderator without having to (1) see him make a moderation action or (2) go to the separate page that lists all the moderators. I think that, currently, the only badge is for having verified your email address.

It appears that an "ante" rule exists, but is not used in official events.

This argument has exhausted my reserve of charity, so I will not participate further in it.

We're talking about "exhorting", not "exhorted".

Here are some sentence diagrams.

You seem to be saying that, if a participle is active, then it must be treated exclusively as a verb, with no trace of adjective nature. I reject that assertion.