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joined 2022 September 04 19:34:26 UTC
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1 follower   follows 3 users   joined 2022 September 04 19:34:26 UTC


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User ID: 108

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I have watched a few foreigners who speak noticeably slower than usual (Marbozir and Great Scott) at 125-percent speed. But I generally stick to normal speed.

Some rough numbers:

Efficiency of transportation. Transport has a cost, and the farther things go, the more the buyer has to pay. This is expressed as a proportion of agricultural produce consumed per mile of transportation. For human bearers and beasts of burden, that cost is 1/30. If goods are transported by cart, it's 1/60. For transport largely by boats, it's 1/300 along rivers, or 1/1500 for transport by sea (exceptionally extensive canal and river systems may come close to this as well). Most cities fall in the range between cart and river travel.

And for me the three things I think would work definitively to define a state are things like a security force of some sort for defense purposes (which Israel will never allow), a border that it controls, and its own diplomatic and trade policies.

Are Panama and Costa Rica not states? They have abolished their respective militaries.

According to Wikipedia, the UN's definition is:

The state as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications:

  • a permanent population;

  • a defined territory;

  • government; and

  • capacity to enter into relations with the other states.

I have a TODO for exploring backblaze, AWS, and other places for offsite storage of large unchanging data sets since I want to keep my data in the event of a house fire.

Have you considered keeping a periodically-updated backup in the trunk of your car?

I just finished it. I'm only an unthinking consoomer of product with no deep literary opinions, but I thought it was very enjoyable, and I can think of nothing to complain about.

If you want to air your grievances, I'm sure they would be interesting to hear. (Remember that this website does have spoiler functionality.)

Also read Jasper Fforde's Red Side Story last night, and regret the wasted time. Dreadful sequel 15 years too late to use the original ideas of the first book.

I'm enjoying it, personally. But I wouldn't call myself a literary connoisseur.

75 °F (24 °C) and clear around the clock. Of course, that's a pipe dream.

The GURPS Transhuman Space series may qualify. In this setting, set in year 2100, many different groups of space colonists have engaged in extensive genetic modification. There is no FTL, and the setting is limited to the Solar System.

It's worth noting that the administrator of Kiwi Farms is hostile to people who join the forum solely for arguing about politics rather than for the forum's actual purpose of laughing at lolcows.

The code is linked in the menu at the top of the page.

Note that Alexander Wales also has an ongoing work, Thresholder (currently at 650,000 words, vs. 1.7 million for Worth the Candle).