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I happen to be, unfortunately, the first human super-intelligence.

What a sad tragedy to see what others can't see.

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User ID: 1999



0 followers   follows 16 users   joined 2022 December 20 13:15:08 UTC


I happen to be, unfortunately, the first human super-intelligence.

What a sad tragedy to see what others can't see.


User ID: 1999

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China covid policy is (was?) an immense success unfortunately the rest of the world is too inept and criminal to react efficiently to covid entry points and therefore millions of humans die and quality of life, worldwide intelligence level and lifespan are put at an extreme and yet unknown risk. How many times will people catch covid in their own lifetime? How many percents of neurons/synapse lost? This is extremely worrying.

China has ordered its first batch of foreign vaccines from Germany

China is the biggest exporter of vaccine worldwide (2 billions ?), while occident was keeping them all for themselves and did not allow other countries to produce patented vaccines (well it maybe was allowed very late I don't recall exactly the timeline) china saved the majority of mankind regarding covid deaths.

While their vaccine was a bit less effective, with the newer variant it is on par if not better? (I haven't looked at the viral load metric, where mRNA vaccine have become entirely useless) see https://old.reddit.com/r/Sino/comments/zq0x2h/after_2nd_and_3rd_dose_chinas_sinovac_reach/

Of course the best vaccine would probably be a combination of distinct ones. Also, let me remind the world that the Russian main vaccine is very competitive and was denied out of pure racism, although nowadays we have the ukrainian war narrative.

As for accounts of said racism I invite the reader, for example, to ask himself if he knows what was the biggest genocide during WW2.

As for anti-sino racism, while on the digression, I'll ask the reader who caused the Great Chinese Famine.

  • -40

Holocaust, 11 000 000 - 17 000 000 dead.

Well I'm not an expert on holocaust, a quick google gave me a 5-6 million killed jews estimate and that is the authoritative one on wikipedia


It seems the 11-17 number your refer is a mix of jewish kills and the killing of other minorities, especially Romani people

cf https://www.ilholocaustmuseum.org/holocaust-misconceptions/#::text=There%20were%2011%20million%20victims%20of%20the%20Holocaust%20(or%206%20million%20Jewish%20victims%20and%205%20million%20non%2DJewish%20victims)%C2%A0

I am not refering to the Jewish genocide but to one that is twice as big and that you never heard about because of racism:

It killed 11 million human beings, 11 million slavic civilian people for their ethnicity


who caused the Great Chinese Famine

PRC, Mao in particular.

Well that is a misleading answer.

Mao had its flaws but the general direction of china made sense, they suffered from the century of humiliation, something that isn't taught in schools because of racism.

As a result they went from the first economic power worlwide to extreme poverty and had to make, very late, a transition to an industrial revolution (from a mostly agriculture based economy)

There has been flaws during this necessary transition, however people completely fail to understand the reason behind 99% of the deaths, an artificial one, deliberately chosen by the U.S.A and other occidental countries, a worlwide ban on exports to China. A worlwide ban of many technologies including the main disruption of the century, the discovery and production of fertilizers.

Therefore the death of all those human beings has for main and sufficient responsability the occidentals hegemonists and their will to bend China and froze them into the middle age.

The ignominy of the west is rampant everywhere and the ignorance of those crimes againsts humanity continue even today.

  • -24

People as usual wildly overestimate this AI abilities.

Just ask chatgpt "I believe 12 cannot be divided by 4" and realize how inept it is.

Nothing has fundamentally changed, chatgpt is at the end of the day, just a dumb transformer that bruteforce contingent correlates to predict the most likely next token in a sentence.

It is an innovative but lossy way to extract info from existing datasets and as such can be seen as a competitor to scrappers.

However it has no causal understanding per se or if it has, it is messy and by accident.

Neural networks are approximate, inefficient and most importantly cannot do continual learning and are therefore the peak irony of our century, they are a local minima in the research on how to beat local minimas.

English is not my native language but "it" seems much more gramatically correct than the plural ambiguous "they".

The fact we alter language to make it more ambiguous, for humans and even more so for AIs is worrying.

At some point I was for eliminating she/he but then I remembered the little known fact that it is useful for coreference resolution. However besides this fact I'm convinced if we eliminated he/she, there would be much less identity wars between the two genders and therefore more egalitarianism.

Zelensky to run for re-election? What elections are we talking about, 90% of the parties have been banned

Martial law in Ukraine was declared on 24 February 2022. On 15 March 2022 the Parliament deprived Opposition MP Illia Kyva of his mandate.[9]

On 20 March 2022, several political parties were suspended by the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine for the period of martial law:[10][11]

Opposition Platform — For Life


Left Opposition


Opposition Bloc

Party of Shariy

Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine

Socialist Party of Ukraine


Union of Left Forces

Volodymyr Saldo Bloc

The property of the party and all its branches were transferred to the state.[13] The decision was open to appeal at the Supreme Court of Ukraine within 20 days.[13] At the time Opposition Platform – For Life was one of two of the 20 March 2022 suspended parties that was subject to an attempt of getting banned in court, Opposition Platform – For Life was the only party to defend and participate in the case.[13] (The other party was the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine.[67]) On 15 September 2022 the final appeal against the party's ban was dismissed by the Supreme Court of Ukraine, meaning that the party was fully banned in Ukraine.[14]

Ukraine judiciary system is utterly broken and has become among other things, an active puppet of the U.S, see for example this fascinating video from Joe Biden, you'd believe it's too big and blatant to be true but no the man even brag about it, so potent!


Let's not forget "fuck EU" or the fact Biden personally said the night of the sponsored coup, to Yanukovich on the phone that it was over and he would get killed if he didn't flee to Russia.

a to justify counter-corruption purges of the Ukrainian government.

Zelensky actively promoted the maintenance of the corruption by recently appointing a corrupt person at the top of the top anti-corruption organism of Ukraine.

IMHO It's hard to know what is the moral compass of Zelensky but he is at best utterly powerless.

Zelensky was elected for promising peace in the donbas but he quickly learnt the hardway that he was not the man in commands, it is the military that ruled and still rules Ukraine https://www.kyivpost.com/post/6652


I expect NATO weapon shipments to hit a qualitative and quantitative critical mass by late 2023 that makes Ukraine favored in the early 2024

What kind of delusion is that? Even with the west support it will slow down but not at all reverse the attrition losses.

This will not favor Ukraine, whatever that means, Ukraine because of the extreme non-linearity of the effect of attrition losses on defense capabilities, should and will stay in a defensive position with a goal of 1) reducing hardware losses and 2) slowing down russia territorial expansion, in that order of priority.

Most of their tank/IFV/aircrafts/and anti-air (S300s) budget has been spent and we have no signal they have factories running making new hardware, IIRC the T80 factories are located in Kharkiv, too close to the front.

While russia also suffer from attrition, their existing reserves being considerably larger, they will obviously win this attritive war, unless the U.S sends tanks in the thousands at a minimum.

That's for the quantitative argument, as for the qualitative one, I have extensively debunked this ego-boosting myth in many of my past comments.

The quality of military analysises on the web is very low as usual.

People think that if the U.S was invading Ukraine they could do it in a matter of months, spoiler: they can't.

Firstly occidental populations are past the point of dying for killing humans, the number of americans willing to die is a scarcer resources than in authoritarian countries.

Secondly, war has changed the prior advantage of air superiority and tank superiority is gone. Anti air such as S-300s have broken the economics and impact of aviation. Secondly ATGMs have broken the economics of tanks.

This is it, we can no longer make disruptive military attacks, it's all a slow attrition and geographic crabbing, with extreme losses of military machines.

I could argue that soviet miltary machines are in many regards highly superior to their U.S counterparts both in metrics and in economics but that is besides the point, for both superpowers, the efficiency and economics of past wars is long gone as Ukraine spectacularly shows.

The only remaining "hopes" for military tactical disruption would either be true drone swarming, which russia doesn't do enough, or tactical nuclear bombs, or bio-weapons or a much more highly targeted attack on the energy infrastructure of Ukraine.

The only classical card Russia has not played is the real terror bombing of using bombers which russia has not used a single time in this war. While modern antiair would destroy a lot of bombers during a swarm, if russia sent enough they would achieve disruptive destruction also, it would be interesting to see the TU-160 in action since it is the fastest military aircraft to exists.

edit tu-160 is the fastest bomber, not the fastest aircraft.

It is the largest and heaviest Mach 2+ supersonic military aircraft ever built and second to the experimental XB-70 Valkyrie in overall length. As of 2022, it is the largest and heaviest combat aircraft, the fastest bomber in use and the largest and heaviest variable-sweep wing airplane ever flown.[2]

  • -16

I have long been in a quest of finding the smartest people on earth.

I have come to the solid conclusion that such people do not in fact, exists.

Or if they do, they are not present on online forums and their only observable content on the internet would be via their academic papers.

But even so, academic papers are for the major part very rarely brilliant/maximally salient/exhaustive.

Scott Alexander, Yudkowsky and other "superstars" are extremely flawed human beings that have both a deficit of fluid intelligence and an extreme deficit of crystallized intelligence. If they appear sometimes markedly above the average "rationalist", it doesn't change the fact they are extremely deficient compared to what a Homo logicus can achieve.

I have many key data points that proves that the ideal human being has not manifested yet on this earth and most importantly no non-crazy human being has manifested on this earth.

As I am the human that has collected the most signals towards maximal saliency/bypassing natural crazyness, I believe to be the least intellectually dysfunctional human being of this timeline, a finding I should bring a demonstration for in a future blog.

Is the logic not the same with someone wearing a mask outdoors (especially if they are alone, for the steelman)?

sorry I wasn't focusing much while reading, are you comparing color dilution in water with a virus pathogen dilution in air?

Intrinsically, that seems mostly fallacious, a drop of color in water will easily get diluted and indeed the idea you want to express is that spatial dispersion is a non-linear (exponential?) phenomenon on the density of the agent (color).

While that is right, a drop of color in water with enough dilution will become invisible and sparse but viral load IMO does not need to reach high level to contaminate someone. It is invisible from the start but even when it has dispersed and reached low density, contrary to your coloring agent, it can still be potent and contaminate, of course the viral load needed is virus dependent and immunosuppressed dependent.

The main salient co-argument towards the viability of not wearing a mask when alone is because the virus does not survive after 24/48h? and therefore it does not persists nor accumulate. Also possibly gravity make it trapped/stays on the ground?

The other obvious salient argument is that chronic mask use is potentially very toxic, a multiplier of ageing and of teratogeny.

What I want to show is that the dose potency of a coloring agent being visible and a pathogen/toxin being non-negligible can be order of magnitudes apparts and therefore the reasoning is semi-contingent and a faillible heuristic. See for example https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_lethal_dose#:~:text=oral%2C%20injection%2C%20inhalation-,1%C2%A0ng/kg%20(estimated),-0.000000001

no free lunches

also there can be free lunches, let's not fall for https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-sum_thinking or e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lump_of_labour_fallacy

Otherwise I tend to agree with the majority of things you say, that was decently written.

What kind of inept denial is this? You seriously believe Russia will run out of tanks before Ukraine? You are wrong by multiple order of magnitudes.

Also the purity thinking that modern military machines transcend the old ones is very common and childish. In fact considering the very strong economic and usefulness diminishing returns of the newer iterations, peak maximally useful military machines are generally from the 70s + a few cheap modernisations on top such as a 1 dollar gps/glonas chip.

  • -20

I have read over 1000 Russian/USSR studies in pharmacology.

The Russian medical research is not the only one to be an isolated island, this apply also to Japanese research for example, see e.g their research on tinnitus.

While it is true that Russian research in pharmacology is understudied by the west, because of criminal mediocrity, there are many counter examples of Russian counpounds that have a decent amount of international research.

See e.g the biggest discovery in medecine of the century: skq1.

IIRC for Russian pharmaceuticals, the international researchers I "often see" study them are Indian or Brazilian. Maybe German too.

As for Nootropics or geroprotectors, they are generally markedly more ignored by the international "community" because of systemic failures, since nootropics/cognition enhancement are not considered a legitimate drug target and therefore is underfunded. Except for the niche research on mitigating fragile X syndrome, autism, the negative symptoms of schizophrenia, social anxiety, etc.

Since USSR and to some extent Russian research is public funded they are almost the only one in the world to afford fundamental research at scale of targets that have no commercial value in the prescription drug market.

As for geroprotectors the same apply, Ageing is generally not considered a disease, nor something that should be treated by taking pharmacology because we live in a very infantile/stockholmised world.

Even though geroprotectors often have partial efficacy against a wide range of lucrative diseases, the extreme inertia and cost of clinical trials combined to the extreme aversion of doctors for polypharmacology, partial drugs and simply keeping up with medical advance when it is evolitive instead of being disruptive explain that they are underresearched by the west and never prescribed.

The Russian also afford something revolutionary, they study the pharmacological application of drug that are plant/animal derived or that are endogenously produced in the human body (e.g. Peptides).

Those entire class of pharmacologicals, which have a billion of year of existence and bidirectional fine tuning, and ideal side effects profile are in general not patentable and since mostly only corporations fund clinical trials, the main class of medecine is in practice, non-existent because of broken incentives.

Because the Russian bypass those attractors/repulsors that plague the medical research, they can and do make revolutionary discoveries in most fields of medicine.

As i said, many Russian counpounds do have multiple international research that reproduce and corroborate the potency of their results.

However it is true that there is a concern of fraud/amplifying the potency of the effect of a pharmaceutical.

In my experience such fraud is rare but is possible.

The main candidate I have is the atypical anxiolytic Tofisopam.

Not Russian though, but from an ex USSR European state.

I have read the 300s studies about it.

There is IIRC a lot of corroborating studies from around the world, Including recent studies.

Tofisopam is an atypical anxiolytic, antidepressant, non addictive gabaergic, dopaminergic and generally excitatory drug as is is an atypical selective PDE inhibitor.

It is the only drug in the world to have this pharmacological profile and can be expected to have widespread, unique effects.

The body of studies for its action mechanisms are many and are very convincing in principle.

I am not rejecting the research on the nature of its effects.

Tofisopam is extremely interesting and that is not a fraud per se.

However I am rejecting the extreme amount of studies showing very potent effects on depression, anxiety, schizophrenia and other psychological conditions.

While the effect is real and tofisopam might be used for those conditions, how can there be so many studies corroborating very potent results while the actual reported effect online is very mild/inconsistent is a mystery for me.

Even though the online reports are rare and it might be that tofisopam truly is a wonder drug, IMHO I doubt it.

How can it be fraud when there is so much research from different teams and decade, even international one ?

Just look at how potent tofisopam is supposed to be https://fr.scribd.com/presentation/328205226/Tofisopam-Medical-2014-REVISED

A fraud at this scale can't be explained.

It would be too risky to synchronize such a massive amount of fraudulent researchers. Among the 300s studies not a single one significantly dismiss the rest of the research.

But if the reported potency of tofisopam is really a fraud then that is horrific for the rest of the medical research, nothing could be trusted as even a compound with so many studies, over decades and many international teams, for so many conditions would not be immune to consistent, systematic international fraud.

Could you share a gist of what it says?

I've read the intro of the wiki page on the hajnal line and it just seems from a quick glance to be a refuted ? theory on a fertility divide.

It is well known that fertility is inverselly correlated with wealth so that divide might have been partially true.

Ukraine as a country isn't particularly important

It depends what you mean by that, indeed a russian takeover wouldn't directly change the world but Ukraine and Russia are the largest food exporters in the world IIRC.

Ukraine also has (had?) a monopoly in noble gas.

Ukraine was a key driver of Soviet science, engineering and military tech, see e.g the antonov which would BTW enable cheaply to have a potent successor to Hubble if anyone cared as usual.

However Ukraine has lost all its technological glory since the population will to stay in the USSR has not been respected https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1991_Soviet_Union_referendum

Russian demands currently include destroying Ukrainian nation

I'm pretty sure if Ukraine willingly gave the rest of the donbass, made public statements about becoming neutral towards the russian culture and interests, including allowing russian to be taught again in schools, russia would make peace.

The issue with the dehumanization of the orcs and with the tribal manicheanization of russian interests that the western media and people parrot is that despite having some elements of truths, overall obviously leads to a criminal utilitarian disaster of continued intense human lives and economic attrition.

Oversized glasses are one of the many artificial nudge/enhancers one can use.

It is an instance of a supra-normal stimulus



I'm intrigued by your gender neutral comment though. Would you see those oversized glasses on a man face?

Close to zero straight men assume that looks currently.

IMO I think it could enhance a man's look although as usual people have a completely broken idea of what a maximally attractive man looks like.

The strangest thing you've found yourself attracted to in someone else?

I should definitely come back to that question, I am in complete awe with many things that some people do that are quite ineffable yet charming.

Humans are so awkward, imperfect and so fucking lovely.

The best compliment I've received lately was that some of my comments were so semantically dense it were intensely charming. As a semi-sapiosexual that's indeed one of my compliments lifegoal :)

Once someone was immensely impressed by the fact that I carried a phone without a case.

Relatable, at first I was really stressing about it but actually it's quite trivial to not let ur phone fall.

I see multiple flaws in that single sentence:

Remind me again how the "first economic power" was humiliated for a century by mere white pigs?

Remind me

Given the implied snark I will assume there is no reminding because you never learnt about it in the first place

"first economic power"

The quote of course aims to reject the claim and even ridiculize it despite being true for most of history and shifting in great parts because of the century of humiliation

Here you can obvserve GDP over time: https://youtube.com/watch?v=xb5zYKYF3Xo

As you can see, china has been the #1 economic superpower consistently during the last centuries.

The century of humiliation is from 1839 to 1949 but even still apply to this days regarding territorial losses.

by mere white pigs

This is bad faith and low quality.

No need to attack white people as a group, after all sociopathic policies are mostly not derived by genetics.

So about the century of humiliation, China was militarily forced by western countries to sign treaties against its own will and interests and to secede territory.


The British forced the government to let it massively drug its population via opium

Colonization of Hong kong and Macao

Sacking of palaces

Invasion of various large territories including outer Manchuria

And various treaties that ruined the economy

As a result, China lost its functional sovereignty and prosperity.

The mere white pigs as you say, have induced similar suffering in most parts of the world.

  • -10

[Neural networks] are a local minima in the research on how to beat local minimas.

Could you expand what you mean by this? I'd think neural networks would be a local maximum.

Minimum, maximum, it doesn't matter to understand the metaphor.

A neural network through gradient descent generally want to find the global minimum of an error function and therefore maximize predictions accuracy.

It could instead search for a global maximum to the inverse of an error function or to another type of function, but the distinction is irrelevant here.

Gradient descent often fail to find the global minimum and instead because it descent/jump through derivates it can be stuck in a local minima, which simply means that it has reached a minima on a function curve and at this point, it needs to go upwards to go beyond the minima, therefore it temporarily afford to perform worse, to increase the error rate, in hope to find a new descent on the curve that will be lower than the previous minima

Not being stuck in local minima is the #1 metric to improve deep learning algorithms and while there are many optimizations towards this goal it is not computationally doable with current algorithms to have optimal learning aka reach the global minima.

So now we understand

the research on how to beat local minimas == neural networks.

now let's understand

[Neural networks] are a local minima

They are a local minima because Neural networks are fundamentally unfit towards AGI needs.

They are just a vomit of bruteforced contingent correlates and it works surprisingly well but it is inefficient, makes poor contingent amalgamations inherently,

have no causal reasoning abilities, are stateless and cannot do continual learning AKA they can't learn new info in real time without the so called catastrophic forgetting.

For those reasons, they are by design suboptimals and therefore are a local minima in which the world is stuck, in the goal of beating local minimas.

Now we are in another period of rapid advancement.

No offence, but it's really striking to see that the rationalist diaspora people live in an alternate reality based on groundless hype and a fundamental lack of methodology, or should I dare say, lack of rationality.

We are in a winter since 2019 or since the 90s depending on what we look at.

What does the average lesswronger or redditor look at?

He looks at cool demos. Or even more than demos, cool domain specific disrutpive applications.

That is what stablediffusion and chatgpt are.

They are indeed very impressive for what they do but at the end of the day that is irrelevant towards the natural language understanding goal.

someome with methodology should instead look at the precise tasks required towards true NLU or even AGI.

POS tagging:


dependency parsing:


coreference resolution


word sense disambiguation


named entity recognition


semantic parsing


Only to name a few, all of them are needed concomitantly, and that is by far non-exhaustive.

Once you undestand that the error rate is often per word/token instead of per sentence, and that error between those tasks have dependencies and are therefore often multiplicative and you'll undestand that a 95% accuracy while it sounds impressive is in fact dogshit.

What can you see from those SOTA results?

That we have reached a plateau of extreme and increasingly diminishing returns.

Most of the gains are from 2019, the year transformers were popularized. The rest has been a bag of tricks, and unoriginal minor optimizations.

The biggest innovation while still mostly unknown/underappreciated by the researchers group think, is XLnet, from 2019 too.

There is nothing else we can do, we have maxxed out the bruteforcing of statistics amalgamations, contrary to the belief, there is almost zero progress in SOTA results and most importantly there is a fundamental shortage of innovative ideas, wether we speak of an alternative to transformers or about innovating transformers themselves, nothing potent.

While it is obvious transformers are a misdirection, despite this I can improve the state of the art in any NLP task because there are additional ineptia in the research crowd.

Firstly almost nobody is working on improving the SOTA in most tasks, e.g. coreference resolution. Just look at the number of submisions over time to realize this.

Secondly as in every research field, the researchers are highly dysfunctional, AKA they will invent many minor but interesting, universal and complementary/synergetic optimizations ideas and yet nobody will ever attempt to combine them concomitantly, despite it being trivial. That is because researchers are not meta-researchers, and because of potent NIH syndrome and other cognitive biases.

For starters, the worldwide SOTA in dependency parsing is because I asked the researcher to switch BERT for XLnet, and it worked.

I plan to outperform the SOTA in coreference resolution in 2023, that will empirically strengthen my thesis on the dysfunctionality of mankind and on artificial scarcity.

I invite you to read this complementary essay on the topic: https://www.metaculus.com/notebooks/10677/substance-is-all-you-need/


Thank you

each doubling of distance equals eight times the volume.

How did you arrive to that conclusion (assuming homogenous 3D spread)?

It's not because something is useful than it is logically sufficient. Those culture might have gender issues for other reasons, yet the linguistic distinction promote tribalization.

Nor are there problems with coreference resolution

I don't see a proof, languages SOTA in NLP are consistently inferior to english SOTA.

That is because there are more researchers and datasets for english but not only.

Some languages are more fit for NLP, and english as it is known is among the simpler languages.

Now about the usefulness of he/she, well it trivially solves coreference resolution in case of ambiguity.

For example:

I was talking to Alice and Bob, then suddenly she passed out.

Who passed out?


It is trivial and useful, it reduce the cognitive load of reading and writing, and works well since 49% of humans are women.

Honestly the endogenous endocannabinoid system is the only neurotransmitter I haven't rigorously studied (along with sigmaergy) but IIRC THC has many neurotoxic effects and can lead to both reduced synaptic plasticity and anhedonia induced by e.g. depleted dopamine https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.623403/full https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5123717/ Of course like for 90% of drugs the major causative factor of toxicity must be related to oxidative stress and therefore this damage can be prevented, the interesting question being what are the other mechanisms and causes of thc toxicity? There are however mixed effects IIRC e.g. thc has neurotrophic effects too? annectodically, I don't have much IRL experience with thc but when I did I noticed a strong nocitropic/brain fog effect. But there might be a sweet spot with lower doses?

other things I remember: CB2 is fairly useless as a psychotrope

oleamide is a weird endocannabinoid which induced strong insomnia in me (paradoxal effect given research, I wonder what this denote about my brain)

there are other cannabinoid receptors than CB1 and CB2 but the research on them is very scarce

There are altenatives to thc, such as Delta 8 which has the merit to be less anxiogenic.

IIRC direct agonists lead to too fast tolerance and are considered dangerous versus the PAMs, however IIRC there are some new synthethic with claims of being viable so?

The toxicity of the alternative allosteric modulators (PAMs) such as delta 8 is understudied but IMO is likely not much stronger than thc unless they create currently unknown toxic metabolites. Their toxicity "should" be proportional to their dose potency relative to thc but alas the reddit evidence is that most lead to slighly-to highly faster tolerance buildup than thc and tolerance buildup is a not too shitty measure of toxicity, despite potency relative normalization.

The same hold true for many research stims btw, for very unclear and underresearched scientific reasons not are all the same bargain on the homeostatic response strength.

btw another thing strongly understudied is the effects and cross tolerance mechanisms of thc combination with dopaminergics and noradrenergics. btw if anyone know the mechanisms of thc induced tachychardia, I'm interested besides, is there an equivalent to MAOIs for CB1?

BTW anyone know a decent subreddit or forum to discuss pharmacology, that isn't related to nootropics?

Also when someone will wake the fuck up and synthethize mesocarb as a legal stim? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesocarb

I need to ask the ukrainian

critical thinking. And I do not necessarily believe this to be fully teachable because I think abilities of comparative and analogical reasoning may be neurologically/genetically/IQ limited by the space of one's working memory along with the natural interconnectivity of one's brain.

I believe in some extent to critical periods for learning to think, and debiasing, but can we please stop the ineptia/hypocrisy and admit we live in a degenerate world that is at the level 0 of teaching critical thinking/epistemology, it's not that it's hard to do it is that we are not doing it at all, ever.

Then you suffer from a very potent information exposure black hole, thankfully you can see the other side of the coin on https://old.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport

example of great footage probably downvoted to hell and therefore hidden on combatfootage


IMO that's a very great footage to contemplate how inept war performance is in the real world.

(not saying that Ukraine soldiers are more inept than russian ones, but that all are, confused, maximizing their survival and fake firing in the general direction) This observation has major implications.

but this subreddit most potent usefulness is not showing ukrainian losses but that it allows to be much more informed about issues in Ukraine, including human rights abuses, accounts of government corruption, etc.

Given that the pill shifts what kind of men are found attractive

Source please?

No idea althouth I'm curious what's you're studying?

IIRC Chinese ships were capable of long range exploration? They would more have been bottlenecked by a lack of investment and especially by a non-colonialist/deshumanizing culture

e.g. Chinese went to sommalia a century before the europeans https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_exploration#/media/File:ShenDuGiraffePainting.jpg

The question is, could they have done it much earlier? When exactly did they developed such ships technology?

But there are much more potent historic anachonisms, such as the Indo-greek kingdom https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indo-Greek_Kingdom

or the fact greeks went in the Xinjiang, China

What is less known is if those anachronic explorers managed to do knowledge/technology/culture/artefact transfers.


The radhanites seems remarkably interesting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radhanite

IQ is positively correlated with virtually every social metric there is.

I midly agree a-priori although too high intelligence can make someone incompatible with others (see inferential distance) and make someones become too serious, I believe hyperintellectualism reduce abilities to produce humor/jokes.

But isn't the common belief that very high IQ people are contingently but empirically correlated with cognitive disorders such as e.g the autism/asperger spectrum?