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Talk to me on Discord! Westerly#7626


User ID: 316



0 followers   follows 4 users   joined 2022 September 05 00:45:34 UTC


Talk to me on Discord! Westerly#7626


User ID: 316

Am I the only one that gets tired of this guy’s schtick? It’s so repetitive and egotistical

  • -18

False, this is Kinsey style propaganda like how 50% of men have had homosexual relations. Pure cope from blue tribers who feel compelled to insist everyone is as sexually perverse as they are. I have lived with female roommates, lived with multiple girlfriends and am married. This tactic doesn’t work on me

edit: I’m just speaking the truth of my lived experience, please stop invalidating me

  • -14

Where is Shakesneer to tell us how this is good for Russia?

  • -11

This is 100% your bubble. I have never met a woman that owns a sex toy or masturbates. This is media programming of masculinized blue tribe women

The absolutely autistic behavior is not going to help him get people to engage with him. It is clearly inadvisable to engage with him, you just keep walking and look down

Sorry, those guys aren’t straight

Desantis is not funny or cool. The 2016 primary debates were hilarious and will never be topped. Trump is way more entertaining. Who wants some boring unfunny guy

Ah yes, wouldn’t want the spiritually honorable trad masculinity of kiwifarms to be compromised

I feel a low effort/bare-links CW thread would be best. Now that we own the codebase I imagine we can have multiple pinned posts and the bare-links post could be separate from the CW thread. So if users dislike it they can just ignore it.

90% of women you know are into bestiality. You can’t object to this by bringing up personal experience or studies because they are clearly just ashamed about it and lying to hide it

That study supports my point. Even among WEIRD urbanites willing to sign up for a study to discuss masturbation habits (which is surely biasing the numbers way upward) only 38% of women masturbated. Now I haven’t read their study, maybe they were ambushing Amish girls and forcing them to discuss their masturbation habits at gunpoint to balance things out, but I assume not.

I’m not saying I have never brushed past a woman at the grocery store who has masturbated. I’m saying that among women that I’ve known well enough to be confident about their masturbation habits, which is around 10 women, the rate is zero.

Given that I probably have some spooky law of attraction thing going on that biases the pool of women that I know, my experience seems eminently plausible given this study.

At least for me this is confounded by demographics. Any “reasonably nice” hobby I am involved with is overwhelmingly made up of college-educated whites and jews. That alone tells you what the slant of the place will be outside of explicitly contrarian spaces like TheMotte

Socioeconomic factors

IIRC Scott has written about having very little interest in sex as reason for letting his trans gf (male) cuckold him. So I doubt it

Wouldn’t you get the same feeling volunteering in or contributing to a local kitchen? Or mentoring through Big Brothers/Sisters? Coaching Little League

an affective bias against giving and working where one is

You seem to fundamentally not understand EA. In principle, it is not about hating your local community, it is just that mentoring through Big Brother is hard to justify if you count the life of an African child anywhere near to the value of some kid geographically near you. Even if your mentoring was able to save that kid’s life, that kind of one-on-one volunteering is a highly inefficient use of your time compared with just earning a few extra bucks to buy malaria nets with.

You can spend several hours per week for years as a Big Brother to save one kid, or you could take that time to earn money, donate it towards malaria nets and save many times more (depending on your earning ability).

Now you can say you just don’t care at all about the lives of African kids, which is fair, that’s why I’m not a part of EA. But if you claim to value their lives at all it renders these time-intensive charity efforts like coaching sports highly inefficient

Hardcore fans are defined by their slavish devotion to some IP, if any group especially lacks taste it is hardcore fans. The tasteful enjoyers move on from a product when quality declines, the cultlike fans are the ones still buying iteration 37 even though quality went down the drain

I like that name, The Unanswerable Question as it feels very accurate. I have always wondered why democrats dont push republican politicians on this very directly in debates? It literally does feel unanswerable, so why isn’t it used more often? Why didn’t Hillary or Biden just repeatedly cudgel Trump with this for instance?

If I collapse a comment then refresh the page I would prefer it to stay collapsed

Actually yes it is, when you are having the woman dress up as a man (by donning a prosthetic penis) and pretend to be a man anally penetrating you, that pretty clearly evinces some homosexual desire

You’re missing the point. It’s not that you literally changed the base, but you did effectively the same thing

Sorry, but what do you find utterly repulsively evil about it?

Edit: To clarify a bit, you never explained what your problem with EA actually is. You just stated that focus on “global moral enterprises” is utterly evil, but why? I can understand valuing your own country higher than one halfway around the world, and perhaps you can’t emotionally identify with the EA view, but calling it utterly evil seems bizarre and ridiculous

I think you are giving too much credit to the content of their beliefs. History has shown that Christianity can be compatible with and used as justification for any number of completely contradictory actions. I think @4bpp has the right idea, the average person simply doesn't believe things with 100% confidence and logically follow them through to conclusions that are not openly endorsed by their social group and peers. They just sort of pick up their morality from social cues, while texts are used on an as-needed basis to post-hoc justify conclusions they had arrived at by other means in a sort of parallel construction.

I’m nobody special, but neither is the guy that decides we need to have a policy ensuring no children starve, but his policy shapes evolution just the same. Nearly every policy that touches on life and death is influencing evolution whether you like it or not. At least we can acknowledge that and bring it into the discussion of tradeoffs. Instead you seem to just want to stick your head in the sand and pretend our actions have no effect on evolution.

I don’t seek to impose any values. I’m not arguing for sterilizing Africans or whatever you think I’m angling towards. I’m just trying to explain eugenic/dysgenic to someone that seems to be willfully misinterpreting it

I don’t even understand what argument you are making and neither do your interlocutors seem to. What is the point of the haggling over the price comment if it has (apparently) no bearing on anything?

Just being honest, it is pretty well known that you can post any uncharitable thing you want as long as you bury it in 500 words and don't descend into slurs.