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Talk to me on Discord! Westerly#7626


User ID: 316



0 followers   follows 4 users   joined 2022 September 05 00:45:34 UTC


Talk to me on Discord! Westerly#7626


User ID: 316

So Texas is directly nullifying federal law

Genuine question: Do states like California not do this regularly when it comes to sanctuary cities and enforcement of some drug laws? I was under the impression they got away with that without issue. Why should this be any different?

Am I the only one that gets tired of this guy’s schtick? It’s so repetitive and egotistical

  • -18

Does anyone have a link to a sincere presentation of the case for him being a federal agent? Googling it literally only shows references to a “debunked far-right conspiracy theory” but not one genuine presentation of it from a right-leaning source

Given the wide variation in homosexual practices by culture, it seems pretty evident that cultural pressure/conditioning/therapy/whatever can actually effectively change the sexuality of a significant portion of people

If you have kids, do you worry that there's some random perusing Instagram or willing to train ai on them?

I have a child. I don’t care if someone uses photos for sexual purposes, the same person could masturbate to them from memory of seeing them in public. If you’re female, people will masturbate to you countless times without your knowledge and they have never needed AI to do it. People are weird, that’s life.

The opening image, quote and first sentence are like a parody of these pretentious dissident right bloggers.

Again with the voice call polling. So in other words people answering a phone call from unknown caller. This is anecdotal but I don't know anyone under 50 who answers a call from numbers they don't recognize or don't hang up when it sounds like a telemarketer.

Reddit used to say this about Bernie polls all the time

This actually ties in well to that recent overkill conspiracy theory post. Surely the Israelis had to have known the US would figure out they did it, did Egypt even have any airforce left by that point in the war?

If Israel expected the US to figure out they were responsible, they would have to be absolutely confident in American subservience to them, that they would take such an attack lying down. But if they were absolutely confident in American subservience, why do they care if Americans hear about them killing some POWs? Wouldn’t it just be easier to count on American loyalty to look the other way on POW executions, as opposed to relying on Americans to look the other way on sinking their own ship?

Any way you slice it sinking a US warship is more likely to piss off the USA than executing Egyptian POWs. So doing the former to cover up the latter is nonsensical. Classic overkill conspiracy theory

Alfie Evans as well, nearly identical. That case shocked me. Absolutely brutal and senseless

Ah, the motte’s resident marine sniper with 100 confirmed kills is here

The TTI seems like a meme for attention-seeking victimhood-chasers on TikTok. I would definitely be interested in such a post because my instinct is to dismiss all their claims as general “trauma” nonsense