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User ID: 1873



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User ID: 1873

Is it THAT different from much more popular "any Russian killed is a Russian who will not invade western countries"?

Losers, low status, poverty, lack of access to quality consumption

Nice post, but it is firmly estabished that in most countries wealth and fertility has inverse correlation except top few percent of wealth.

Most of men 'died in SMO' I read about in social media had children.

effect on the populations over which it applies (lower base rate of mental illness, less tolerant of selfishness).

Mental illness is weeded out, but it has average heritability, and high IQ is weeded out, and it has high heritability so decreasing IQ will dominate.

what you do mean?

(2) isn't good evidence for (1) because Brazil Blacks are much more mixed than American, ditto Brazil Whites.

I'm not saying it woudln't. Yours publishing ELOs is like leaking answers to exam before giving it to students. I am wondering about identifying people who have unbiased estimate of their own SMV. If they can read it from app, they can copy-paste it and pretend they have correct estimate of themselves.

The point is getting ones who correctly estimate their rating, just publishing it serves no reason.

and you don't think there's any risk of those wars spilling over into the first world or using nukes

If 1st world nations somehow agree to legalizing conquest in Africa, they can work out so they don't get nukes as well.

...but Ethiopia is lost Eritrea and has problems with Tigray. Still better than Somali, thought... wait... why the international community accepts secession of Eritrea and South Sudan but does not accept secession of Somaliland?

We've outlawed any sense of enlightened self-interest.

Similarly, study of genetics of humans is backward because slavery is illegal, nobody can't design 200 IQ obedient slaves and profit from it.

are you going to say that that poor backward Russia conquers rich Ukraine due to number superiority?

A part of answer might be that USSR early gave equal rights to high IQ Jews which partially offset the inefficiency of planned economy, then after creation of Israel most Jews eventually left and economy became less free in 1960th-s. In some things, it wasn't (unironically) real communism:

abortion banned by Stalin

education in schools after 7th year was paid

...I could even speculate that if Stalin had better health and lived longer, he'd change mind on genetics too...

Thanks! Maybe you'll mind answering two questions: About using local models, can it be tweaked so it doesn't forget context so easily? Maybe using learning runs on previous conversations? How does chatGPT retains context? I understand it does multiple processings for each prompt, and does lossy compression of previous chat history. How to simulate in in API?

A thought was pursuing me for a long time, and visited me during Scott's poll again. What if we polled a large number of people about their SMV (e.g on 1 to 10 scale) and their SO SMV, and then check those whose estimates match estimates made by another people. It's very well known that people of both genders greatly overestimate their SMV. What if amongst people with no SMV self-bias we could find some people who are superforecasters without them having to spend tens of hours to play a game. And if you want answer to some difficult ethical question, it might be wise to ask them, they are more likely to give correct answer than people who can write long texts with links to "peer reviewed" articles.

Certainly obesity is a factor, but black females have other traits reducing SMV: those that are considered masculine: prognatism and dark skin (remember that ancient Egyptians drew their women white and men brown). With this, Black males partially offset their SES disadvantage in SMV.

I am not worrying about Ukraine here, I'm hoping loss in Ukraine would show the West they're doing something bad. I poorly phrased this.

one of reasons I wish Russia win over Ukraine (if closely aligned with EU&US they will get this too, eventually)

Ok, lobbying for unrestricted (or barely restricted) usage of blockers and hormones by youth can be seen as libertarian and transhumanist. But others? The same people push for obligatory pronouns and orwellian phrase "gender affirmative therapy" referring to transition. They make to fight for trans represenation. If I implant a multispectral camera in my body so I could enhance my vision, there people would be amongst the first for me to be punished.

I use the scare quotes and distinguish "African"

Thanks for clarification.

I don't quite understand what QuickMatch means.

"black" men rated "black" women about the same as other women

You can say that, or you can say that for every single year between 2009 and 2014 black men rated black women below both Asian and Latina women and that Black men are the only group of men who didn't not rate their women positively.

If you scroll down page to DateHookup data, it is worse for Black women: here Black men prefer White women over Black.

I guess reply rates, female sender is closer to actual rather than stated preference, black males respond only to 37% messages from black females, and 46..57% to other categories, it's not even close.

The old OKCupid data showed a huge effect of non-African men finding African women less attractive, but it didn't apply to African men.

Look at the numbers again, it did apply.

I think Scott Alexander once sarcastically mentioned genetic testing for recessive disease(s) in Israel something along the times "yes, a nazi thing... practised as XYZ in Isreal". I fail to find the reference. What is the name and is it obligotary? Will some or all rabbi require testing before marriage?

most interracial relationships involving black people involve a black man and white woman.

this is evidence that black women have very large troubles attracting anyone rather than "black men have no trouble attracting white women in the west"

This also ties into the general phenomenon of men driving themselves crazy trying to attract the small minority of highly promiscuous women (who, sure, are going to be pretty superficial) and then extrapolating their behaviour to everyone else.

There are no large dating apps/sites for non-superficial people. So probably non-promiscuous women are about as superficial as promiscuous.

My experience with Bumble that women write a emoji or "Hi" then it's same as Tinder, they expect you to make a move. Don't use any of these, try meatspace

I don't like this fact, and think it would be amazing if earth was less dense and had only 2 m/s^2

Earth would have had no air, then.

I find such large discrepancy hard to believe. If so, why front moves very slowly? Russians have more artillery, but Ukraine has access to American intel & sattelite data.