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joined 2022 November 16 09:17:52 UTC


User ID: 1873



0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 November 16 09:17:52 UTC


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User ID: 1873

I wish I felt this way

what is your point, that IP owners hire people to purge content from article to look like ad?

Why wikipedia articles on fiction are so often look like ads from publisher, avoiding any spoilers? Isn't it also supposed to shortly summarize for those who didn't read, and why exertps are very short or low resolution even if they are very publicized on the web (e.g. rickroll). (in part, shortness of exerpts might be due to concern for users with weak computers)

Fat standing between unpenetrated vest and heart area would distribute kinetic energy pretty much

maybe by attention span ruined and/or Lovecraft being tedious and boring, as I am being said. Honestly I find reading wikis about Lovecraft more rewarding

Yes, you're right, often a garbage showing YT'r face, gestures, room etc with low amount infortmation, but a lot of people like it over texts even when text is more appropriate so you can't blame it only on google

There are some communities which take major effort to keep information organized. e.g. read-only channels where only moderator unlocks for specific instances and closed after posting.

well honestly discord wasn't intended for this, it's for gaming and short attention spans.

I guess you meant Americans? For me, it was like "Have you heard there was assasination attempt on Trump? - Yes" and that's all

In theory, yes and there are lots of websites that do that. If particular stubborn site doesn't, you might use a userscript to do it.

I think soy protein is the cheapest, but soy flour is somewhat difficult to find

Somewhat related to Trump assasination attempt: does it occur that sometimes doctor beforehand plan for possible surgeries for people in dangerous professions? Documenting body's unusual features like abnormal positions of blood vessels or organs, keeping a pool of compatible blood, etc.

tried reading Lovecraft, failed to start

why? late 19-20th early century rifles (e.g. Mosin) used more powerful cartridges than later assault rifles ("intermediate cartridge")

but the 10-12 inches around his heart definitely is,

Theodore Roosevelt not only survived being shot at torso, but even continued his speech for 1.5 hours after being shot.

.223/.308/doesn't matter.

of course it does, size of bullet and whether it rotates on impact makes different size hole, .22LR might fail to reach heart vs. vest + rib at that distance.

Well I found at least one publication on fat&muscles vs cortisol, but it is from.... Poland: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34452601/

it's certainly more boring, but also much less politically sensitive.

It is also known that USA Black children have slightly stronger grip strength than USA Whites.

comparing between-countries, yes, inside-country no.

There are some peer reviewed publications that poverty increases cortisol levels which stunts developing of brains which makes the poor do poorly on tests. I understand I probably would not get a good faith discussion with these people about this, but high cortisol also does stunt height, fat mass, muscle mass (often simply measured by grip strength). Why would we see only the brain stunted but none of the latter? What do the authors even think? p.s. I mean the poor in USA and other first world countries p.p.s ("opression by poverty")

I know with 99% certainty

What is the average percentage of "I don't like this" reports averaged by each user ever submitted at least one report? Is distribution bimodal?

needs HGH unless there's a genuine medical condition there, not just "Dad thinks I'm four inches too short for the optimum life".

there is negative correlation between height and longevity, so probably competition for higher height would be bad

Had he said this before, or you asked him specifically (e.g. on reddit)?

he mentioned many times that IQ isn't intelligence

I'm afraid he doesn't want to answer that.

Imagine you're Hlynka. Or better, a version of Hlynka that cooperates. I ask you to give examples of individuals or groups that are high in intelligence (rated by you) and have despicable (rated by you) personality. What do you answer?

  • -13

Things are an absolute fuckton better than they used to be for Black people in the US. On top of the whole notion of "blackness" which doesn't make genetic sense, it doesn't make historical sense, it doesn't generalize to the world, and can only be understood in a US context.

It's possible to cherry pick a some definition of "blackness" which does not make sense. Slaves from various Western African polities were brought to various American polities and were indiscriminately mixed, losing their pre-slave distinctiveness. So most other American polities got about same mix as USA did, the difference is that south to USA, there were more race mixing.

Is MLK's dream of kids being judged by the content of their character a bad dream?

And somehow we got non-sequitur "intelligence and personality are same on average for all populations"