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User ID: 1873



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User ID: 1873

In a large thread about HBD, this comment https://www.themotte.org/post/877/culture-war-roundup-for-the-week/187753?context=8#context was not replied. @OliveTapenade @guesswho @HlynkaCG @Questionmark

Since IQ scores are usually unavailable in large genetic databases, largest studies use "educational attainment" (EA, a variable dimensioned in number of years studied for individual's highest degree). Davide Piffer took polygenic index function derived from European populations and computed its values for some other populations, and plotted them vs their phenotypic IQs.

Of course, using polygenic index on another population than which polygenic index was derived isn't good. But this is bad in a sense that it is not accurate for estimating an individual from that another population (mostly because of linkage disequilibrium) but here we are interested in relative ranking of population averages, and they align fairly well. If using PGI to get another population averages was bad, we could predict it would be produce zero correlations and correlation -1 just as likely as +1. We could have seen bias associated with genetic distance from reference population or bias associated with relative position on PCA chart, but we don't. Maybe Piffer cherrypicked results? If so, why wouldn't be the best response to it is to re-do his analysis and show proper ~0 correlation?

Anti-HBD, what's your response to this? Why do you repeat "legacy of slavery" ad nauseam but ignore what genetics starts to explore? (link about mostly the same: https://www.emilkirkegaard.com/p/sasha-gusev-wont-answer-basic-questions )

I want to whine about weakly upvoted comment https://www.themotte.org/post/109/culture-war-roundup-for-the-week/15573?context=8#context

In a strictly genetic sense, the Mongols may be one of the most successful people groups in history; in terms of their culture, society, and way of life, they are largely extinct

The Mongol culture didn't spread because the premise (genetic success) is BS. Mongol conquests were due to better generals, discipline and ability to recruit non-Mongols into their war machine. They routinely beat numerically superior armies.


So it's a very bad example of thesis 'genetic success doesn't imply cultural success', rather it's evidence in another direction.

Another thing I have with this that it looks poster is Western supermacist and imagines Mongols aka dumb zerg being strong only with their number.

Why larger animals need larger brains to get same intelligence?

In 1960s, Harry J Jerison collected and plotted data on brain size-body size on log scale. He also calculated different fit lines for mammals, birds and reptiles, and they have different slopes, though often slope 2/3 is used for convenience.

While difference between reptile slope and bird slope is probably insignificant, between birds and mammals probably is (about 0.580 vs 0.72 IIRC).

Extrapolating from this data, a 70kg bird might have same intelligence as human with only 400g brain instead of 1400g. A card which birds dinosaurs didn't get to put good use for.

You're not engaging the argument. If it's not proxy, then it should be uncorrelated?

Ok, you reject that both axes of plot are proxies for intelligence. But that is semantic distinction. Ok, call it "ability to do IQ tests". Do you agree that these plots demonstrate various populations different genetic predisposition to do well on an IQ test?

We cannot have a genetic study with N=100,000 of "Hlynka intelligence" as Hlynka is the only person who can measure it and it takes a lot of time.

The median east African has a room temperature IQ.

The median east African is more intelligent than most posters here on TheMotte.org including myself.

Hlynka confusing extroversion with intelligence once again.

Africans do pretty poor on real-life tasks "realizing witchcraft isn't real" and "whether having sex with virgin cures you of AIDS".

You're a military man. So tell me why McNamara's moron corps were bad at real-life tasks they were assigned, and damaging to other units' morale even though all what they were different is just worse result on paper-and-pencil test?

number of languages spoken

Do you believe if we compelled children to learn multiple languages at gunpoint they'd be any smarter? Compelling vaccinating children makes them healthier, at least for most vaccines.

Can someone understand anti-vaxx perspective on this? Why vaccine lobby does not promote vaccines against HIV? Mainstream science position [is that] existing HIV vaccines are experimental and not effective, but if anti-vaxx believe vaccine lobby promotes ineffecient or harmful vaccines, why would it be an obstacle?

Even trans issue, as controversial as they've been, are only the thin end of the wedge for transhumanism.

could you please be more specific? You say that transsexuality is associated with transhumanism?

towards China and Iran, solidifying an anti-Western axis that spans Eurasia

Fun:looks somewhat like Mongol Empire.

so that Kiev can hold onto predominently Russian-speaking territories whose population mostly doesn't even want to be part of Ukraine?

It looks like that before population movement, only Crimea had solid majority who didn't want to be in Ukraine. Speaking Russian language doesn't necessarily mean being want to be part of Russia, compare Ireland and UK for example.

Your average car salesman can sort alphabetically.

It appears you use 'intelligence' is sense 'personality which I like'. This is not a useful meaning.

you double the number of potential sexual and romantic partners you can have

Can you stop with that argument please. It's not true, and repeating does not make it true.

Isn't deBoer a pro-HBD leftist? Closer to witch than "normal people".

why high IQ black people do worse than high/mid IQ white people

Regression to mean: children of rich high IQ blacks regress to mean and thus end having lower IQs that children of rich high IQ whites. If you correlate this with individual's IQ instead of parents' IQ or SES, you get much smaller racial gap.

and higher average IQ should correlate with more pro-social,

Consider than men are more criminal than women even if they have equal or slightly higher IQs than women, Among dog breeds, Huskies are stupid but rarely kill people, Pitbulls are smarter but kill people on regular basis.

I've seen no theory for a separate "criminality gene" being fleshed out.

congratulations on anti-HBD people running successful campaign on obfuscation

https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11126-013-9287-x https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10802-013-9791-3

"Identifying with a criminal culture",

It definitely exists and it's partly downstream of genetics.

orthogonal to IQ.

nobody suggesting it's orthogonal

most interracial relationships involving black people involve a black man and white woman.

this is evidence that black women have very large troubles attracting anyone rather than "black men have no trouble attracting white women in the west"

There is a simple explanation as to why the White Nationalists are more tolerant than other groups

Um... really? in the story, Indians accepted Elizabeth with supposed 1/8 ancestry. I do not think White Nationalists would accept a person who has only 1/8 of white ancestry...

Doesn't a doctor (or a nurse) need only to put needle in convict and actual dose injected by executioner?

I talked with an Ukrainian and he was unaware that Ukraine is still a net exporter of electricity.

Did we discuss here why Russian missiles target transformer stations but not turbine halls?

So can the average African,

Source? Do you think Scott just badmouthed Haitians when wrote they had problem with numerical sorting?

I could just easily accuse you and the rest of the rat-sphere pf doing the same.

Based on which posts?

Equating Intelligence with nueroticism and holding blue-tribe values rather than ability to think

You were just provided with a source that IQ has very weak negative correlation in this comment


and now you repeat this...

Does it tell something to you if a right-winger (are pro-HBD more likely to be right-wing?) says that intelligence correlates with blue-tribe values (which is weak, anyway; I'm lazy, no source)

You are a military man. Does https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_100,000 tell something to you? Isn't it a real-life experiment confirming vailidity of IQ?

Re ru-ua war: Anatoly Karlin tweeted "The war is substantially enabled by couch observers who fantasize about 10:1 ratios and believe the last pigger/orc is about to croak any any day now."

https://twitter.com/powerfultakes/status/1742557887472316916#m what do you think about this? Looks like kill ratio is not far from 1:1

Basically, he's right except he translator added "one day" and "comrade". (an example where translations go longer and feature meanings which original didn't have)

The word is допереключаешься.

-ся is the reflective suffix/ending (offtopic: cringe spelling, compare e.g. Polish cognate is written się, more letters and diacritic, so it must be better)

-аешь is the ending for verb 2nd person singular. The future time rather than present is obtained by that complete word is a finite verb by virtue of its first prefix

ключ is the root for key/switch. Needs both prefix and ending to become a verb (some nouns don't need a prefix to become a noun, but this does).

пере- is prefix, one of many which could produce switching verbs; unlike English "switch on" Russian uses prefixes

до ???


I don't know much about Quechua but I think Quechua has more grammatical categories for intent and completness of information, apparently Incas liked Quechua so much so they shifted from their native language to Quechua.

What exactly do you disagree with? That tech allows to analyze embryo genome before implantion? That tech allows to choose from multiple embryos to implant for pregnancy? That polygenic indices have relevant relationship to live outcomes?

Curious. Why people do genetics research at all if it's prohibited where it matters the most, or "EA PGS explains 4% of variance"? Do (some) geneticists secretly hold politically incorrect opinions?

What if we asked them 'how fast we could genetically engineer 300 IQ humans if genetics budgets were >10% from military spending"?

Is there any evidence that using IQ tests generated media blackslashes when using IQ tests was legal?

can tell the difference between "mentally incapable" and "can not be bothered".

Well wouldn't the latter imply it's difficult to them? Maybe as difficult as for us installing AOSP on their cellphone.

If your usage of intelligence is not tied to personality, does this mean you can tell that many intelligent people exist who are intraverted/whose personalities you dislike and if counted on population level, the correlation be near zero (say, -0.1). Which IQ fetishists can demonstrate. Can you?