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joined 2022 November 16 09:17:52 UTC


User ID: 1873



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User ID: 1873

Sociologist's fallacy

E.g. USA blacks and whites have same IQs after you "control" jointly for individual's income, education, marital status (and other factors which are downstream of IQs)

or, jokingly, controlling for lattitidue, Texas and Alaska have same climate.

How do get google forms data sent to Scott Alexander survey? Asking for a friend

All fitness and sport equipment will be tax-free.

how would that work if almost everything can be claimed to be for fitness and sport?

were they the only people in America, the ostracized criminals would have to live in a makeshift criminal colony far away from Amish areas.

if population density was allowing it, but if not, they would pretty soon get the need to have a prison system.

That doesn't tell you about the IQ of any individual standing in front of you. For that, you would just test them?

Sure, if you have the time and individual in the question agrees. But if you are a business owner considering opening a new branch and you need, to know, say if workers or buyers will do something complex or buyers attempt to steal from you, you cannot test all of the neighborhood beforehand.

If you doing hiring interviews and you have 3 applicants, one of them from lower achieving group and you're short on time, it might make sense to reject one from lower achieving group immediately and use gained time to do longer interview with others. Determining race white vs black takes 1 second, IQ test takes 1 hour. By criterion of information gained by time consumed looking at race is very efficient. Unless, of course, you beforehand know that you are dealing with sample where blacks would be matched for IQ.

I can't think of any policy we would change to address low IQ blacks that wouldn't also apply to low IQ whites.

We can stop trying to forcibly desegregate schools. We can stop rallying with "end racial profiling" and just catch criminals.

just a puppet state and source of expendable shock troops for the new Russian Empire.

Where does it come from? Belarus is often seen as a Russia puppet state yet contributed not a single soldier to Russia wars.

Is it THAT different from much more popular "any Russian killed is a Russian who will not invade western countries"?

Losers, low status, poverty, lack of access to quality consumption

Nice post, but it is firmly estabished that in most countries wealth and fertility has inverse correlation except top few percent of wealth.

Most of men 'died in SMO' I read about in social media had children.

effect on the populations over which it applies (lower base rate of mental illness, less tolerant of selfishness).

Mental illness is weeded out, but it has average heritability, and high IQ is weeded out, and it has high heritability so decreasing IQ will dominate.

what you do mean?

(2) isn't good evidence for (1) because Brazil Blacks are much more mixed than American, ditto Brazil Whites.

I'm not saying it woudln't. Yours publishing ELOs is like leaking answers to exam before giving it to students. I am wondering about identifying people who have unbiased estimate of their own SMV. If they can read it from app, they can copy-paste it and pretend they have correct estimate of themselves.