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User ID: 1873



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User ID: 1873

German Greens falsified evidence

Those that do not like it, already know; those that do not know, approve it.

"Ottoman" isn't genetic, Turkic tribes assimilated tribes they conquered, so any genetic effect is minimal, Turks in Turkiye have somewhat little genetic ancestry besides what was already there before Turkic conquest and effect on the Europe is even less.

So at this point, we have pretty clear data that when Europe was Christian (and America), there was almost 0 non-white immigration to Europe

from wikipedia: By the mid-16th century, there were approximately 10,000 Africans in Lisbon, around 10% of the city's population. probably the reason there isn't large amount of blacks in Portugal now because they they all assimiated, this might be part of reasons why the country transitioned from a superpower to "hey, actually portugal belongs to eastern europe" tier.

Given how bigger Nigeria that Ghana is, if averaged, Nigeria has more effect on total. Also I don't know if Ghana's supposedly low crime attractrs tourism and money from elsewhere (e.g. why Russians escaping Russia would chose Argentina with reported homicide rates as 2.5-3x instead of Ghana?? Ghana could offer both less crime and lower cost of living, wouldn't it?)

these high crime American cities?

these high crime American cities are cherrypicked for his crime. Average African American homicide rate, i think, is about 20 per 100k and I think it's about same in Sub-Saharan Africa.

looking at reported rates, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate some cherry picked black majority countries have crime rates not far below cherry picked high crime US cities (Jamaica, U.S. Virgin Islands, Trinidad and Tobago)

In Europe, there seems to be correlation between country homicide ration vs corruption perception index. In Africa, there doesn't seem to be or it could be inverse compared to Europe, so I think homicide ratios are suspect. I googled some crime victimization survey, which includes Botswana (but sadly, not Ghana) and Botswana comes noticeably safer than average yet most of other countries have lesser reported homicide rate. Maybe i'll make plots if I have time and willpower. I'd guess Botswana reports true homicide rates and extrapolate other countries from that, given association from European countries.

Hhhhm i would like a good source on this

Special demographic operation: drafted to bear children

Why would you feel it's hellishly dystopian, when it's a positively banal part of the international system and has been for longer than you've been alive? As long as you claim citizenship of Country X, you have reciprocal obligations with country X

You're missing that part that all states conspired to make everyone have citizenship and do not allow to exit citizenship unless person has another citizenship (or guaranteed to obtain it). Exiting citizenship often is difficult thing.

So it's not a choice

What if Ukraine winning wasn't the goal in the first place but killing most Russians? .... Russia is big. And they can rubberstamp Russian citizenship to anyone wishing to enter EU. Wouldn't work.

a huge amount of Russians were accepted.

ahem. ahem. What means 'huge'? Ever since COVID times, EU does everything to let less Russians in, not more. And they mostly let those Russians the least likely to go to war (e.g. rich).

You answered neither of 2 my questions!

that year St Louis reported 200 murders in a city of 300,000 (of whom only 150k are black).

looks like you're showing number of murders for greater St. Louis (which is 3 million) with figure of population of St. Louis city.

why Nigeria reports more 10x homicide rate than Ghana, which it shares border with? Is 0.3 homicide rate per 100k for Senegal in 2015 close to truth?

15,000 British ruled over 400,000,000 Indians. In 2003, 130,000 NATO forces ruled over 20,000,000 Afghans, a vastly more favorable ratio. And yet they lost, because they were too afraid to do the needful.

I don't think it explains it. 5 centuries ago Babur the conqueror captured Delhi using Afganistan as his base. India is probably easier to conquer.

Your argument doesn’t really make sense.

Really? Do you object to that part that MAOA & DRD4 genes associated with climinality too?

specific dysfunctions, likely enabled by legal and social changes that were predominantly enacted by non-black politicians, entertainers and businessmen, that are not the natural destiny of their inhabitants per se.

I agree about this, but even if this this get fixed, we won't see B-W gap in USA disappear.

Why South Africa, Botswana and Nigeria officially report higher homicide rates (and by large margin) than less functional African countries? Low crime in African countries is suspect.

why high IQ black people do worse than high/mid IQ white people

Regression to mean: children of rich high IQ blacks regress to mean and thus end having lower IQs that children of rich high IQ whites. If you correlate this with individual's IQ instead of parents' IQ or SES, you get much smaller racial gap.

and higher average IQ should correlate with more pro-social,

Consider than men are more criminal than women even if they have equal or slightly higher IQs than women, Among dog breeds, Huskies are stupid but rarely kill people, Pitbulls are smarter but kill people on regular basis.

I've seen no theory for a separate "criminality gene" being fleshed out.

congratulations on anti-HBD people running successful campaign on obfuscation

https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11126-013-9287-x https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10802-013-9791-3

"Identifying with a criminal culture",

It definitely exists and it's partly downstream of genetics.

orthogonal to IQ.

nobody suggesting it's orthogonal

"vastly reduced in size" is antagonistic with preventing rent seeking

Exercise has much less effect on obesity than diet. Watching porn probably decreases consumption of food and decreases digestion efficiency. I read that diets high in fat decrease libido.

what do you mean?

I thought google forms has its own way to do so

I submitted data to SA survey using google forms (without saving a copy locally). How to get I so I can show it to other person (or vice versa)

Sociologist's fallacy

E.g. USA blacks and whites have same IQs after you "control" jointly for individual's income, education, marital status (and other factors which are downstream of IQs)

or, jokingly, controlling for lattitidue, Texas and Alaska have same climate.

How do get google forms data sent to Scott Alexander survey? Asking for a friend

All fitness and sport equipment will be tax-free.

how would that work if almost everything can be claimed to be for fitness and sport?

were they the only people in America, the ostracized criminals would have to live in a makeshift criminal colony far away from Amish areas.

if population density was allowing it, but if not, they would pretty soon get the need to have a prison system.

That doesn't tell you about the IQ of any individual standing in front of you. For that, you would just test them?

Sure, if you have the time and individual in the question agrees. But if you are a business owner considering opening a new branch and you need, to know, say if workers or buyers will do something complex or buyers attempt to steal from you, you cannot test all of the neighborhood beforehand.

If you doing hiring interviews and you have 3 applicants, one of them from lower achieving group and you're short on time, it might make sense to reject one from lower achieving group immediately and use gained time to do longer interview with others. Determining race white vs black takes 1 second, IQ test takes 1 hour. By criterion of information gained by time consumed looking at race is very efficient. Unless, of course, you beforehand know that you are dealing with sample where blacks would be matched for IQ.

I can't think of any policy we would change to address low IQ blacks that wouldn't also apply to low IQ whites.

We can stop trying to forcibly desegregate schools. We can stop rallying with "end racial profiling" and just catch criminals.

just a puppet state and source of expendable shock troops for the new Russian Empire.

Where does it come from? Belarus is often seen as a Russia puppet state yet contributed not a single soldier to Russia wars.