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User ID: 1873



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User ID: 1873

and the Soviets tried to look for the differences between the bourgeois and the working class in genetics

sorry, what? Stalin threw many geneticists to jail.

Stalin even tried to enhance the human genes by mixing them with apes' (you don't want to know how),

that happened was before Stalin consolidated power, and Stalin certainly did not try that, eventually the biologist pushing that idea was sentenced to 5 years in exile

It's by design, 2rafa likes incels to suffer more.


The fact that sexually promiscuous men are far more likely to face prosecution for rape than non-promiscuous men seems strong evidence in favour of the theory that nerdy incels have already been successfully "taught not to rape".

Not sure it is strong evidence. It's possible in theory that suppose the lowest SV occurs at average number lifetime number of sex partner (which is about six) and grows at extremes.

Even trans issue, as controversial as they've been, are only the thin end of the wedge for transhumanism.

could you please be more specific? You say that transsexuality is associated with transhumanism?

because they don't think about people like you or me much at all.

it makes sense that they do not think about people they do not consider significant.

curious. what they are thinking about?

Reducing birth rates even in Islamic countries show it is not immune.

Birth rates are reduced in Islamic countries, but birth rates of Muslims in countries where they are not a majority are high.

We've won so hard a tiny Westernised nation can essentially hold off the whole of the Middle East on its own.

If the nation put this as a goal, maybe.

But the split happened in Europe. If that made Christianity stronger why would the effect be more pronounced in the US?

Doesn't matter where schisms happened. Result is that European countries got one official church (or rarely two) with intimate relationship to state. USA got multiple independent confessions which had to fight to earn their bread. Schisms in Europe were usually followed by realignment of boundaries of chruches with states.

And the percentage of non-religious is

Obviously, vague wording of "religious" hides the differences. If you ask people more specific question, e.g. did they visit church weekly, a large difference between EU and USA reveals.

Looking at Argentina homicide rate, 4.62 in 2021, only slightly below pre-Floyd USA.

Russia is only about 70% ethnically Russian

80.85% of those who declared ethnicity at 2021 Census.

Do I think left wingers are generally worse about it than right wingers?

there were polls on how likely a person would be unfriend those politically opposite views, so big yes.

As for black people they are useful for the system. A black lesbian woman with a rainbow flag is ideologically loyal. There is no risk that she will turn against the system or be disloyal, she truly believes in the liberal project.

Sounds pretty much like dictatorship allocating chief positions for loyalty over competency.

Blacks are not neccessarily loyal to liberal project. Blacks have highest transphobia amongst US race groups, in opposite what you could think if you just voted on them voting R vs D. There are more of such issues.

The way for average black IQ to rise is for black women to choose intelligent black men to father their children. This is not impossible.

sounds even less likely that mass genetic editing. Also, making male fertility eugenic might be not enough if female fertility is dysgenic

Black tax pretty well might have genetic basis too.

The only reason we fetishize IQ is because it predicts academic performance and we use academia as the filtering mechanism for our elites.

how did you get from this to this??

But virtually none of the smartest people in the world are in charge of much of anything.

That's a violation of common sense and shows that something's obviously wrong with the HBD idea.

Why? Beyonce owns a sweatshop in Bangladesh that makes clothes and shoes. There are lots of modern industrial productions, including state of art modern electronics, in poor South East Asian countries. AFAIK there are none in sub-Saharan Africa. It's all minerals and crops. When intl megabrand grows something in Kenya, they don't really need local workforce, they need soil and climate. My common sense says that "mentally retarded" is accurate if they can't even sew shoes.

As for immigration, I'd say "regardless of any arguments about regression to the mean, nobody in the West is giving race-based preferential immigration to Asians.

The 5 IQ point advantage for East Asians is much smaller than 20 point IQ genotypic gap with most Africans. It makes entire sense to ignore 5 points gap while consideing 20 points gap. Also, East Asians countries strangely underperform in scientific output compared to their IQ. The 5 IQ gap is about Chinese, Japanese and Koreans. Malaysia, Philipines and Indonesia are much lower.

then it would boost the AADOS IQ.

Yes. However, for some cases it will increase AADOS IQ but decrease USA IQ.

Regression to the mean doesn’t happen that quickly.

All (or most) regression happens in 1st generation.

Clarence Thomas? He is noticeably more light-skinned than average US black. So the result would be whitening, too.

I believe the current transgender advocacy, on the reverse, requires trans individuals to be recognized as such even without surgery and/or HRT, Laws requiring surgery and/or HRT, sterliziation are widely seen as transphobic.

This isn't just my interpretation or extrapolation of my opponents' position, this idea is written down in manifestoes

I don't think this has anything to do with mainstream.

I find such large discrepancy hard to believe. If so, why front moves very slowly? Russians have more artillery, but Ukraine has access to American intel & sattelite data.

I don't like this fact, and think it would be amazing if earth was less dense and had only 2 m/s^2

Earth would have had no air, then.

My experience with Bumble that women write a emoji or "Hi" then it's same as Tinder, they expect you to make a move. Don't use any of these, try meatspace

This also ties into the general phenomenon of men driving themselves crazy trying to attract the small minority of highly promiscuous women (who, sure, are going to be pretty superficial) and then extrapolating their behaviour to everyone else.

There are no large dating apps/sites for non-superficial people. So probably non-promiscuous women are about as superficial as promiscuous.

most interracial relationships involving black people involve a black man and white woman.

this is evidence that black women have very large troubles attracting anyone rather than "black men have no trouble attracting white women in the west"

I think Scott Alexander once sarcastically mentioned genetic testing for recessive disease(s) in Israel something along the times "yes, a nazi thing... practised as XYZ in Isreal". I fail to find the reference. What is the name and is it obligotary? Will some or all rabbi require testing before marriage?

The old OKCupid data showed a huge effect of non-African men finding African women less attractive, but it didn't apply to African men.

Look at the numbers again, it did apply.