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joined 2022 September 04 21:37:31 UTC
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User ID: 168



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 21:37:31 UTC


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User ID: 168

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TheMotte was the only ray of sunshine keeping me on reddit. Good riddance reddit! You were once a wonderful place to have open discussions, but that was a long, long time ago.

Image embeds are a terrible idea for the culture we're trying to inculcate. It will invariably be used for low-effort meming. Links to images are fine if you need a visual aid to explain an idea.

Not a specific source, but I believe this opinion is widely held and discussed often on Hacker News.

Yea, that sentiment is like the other side to the same coin.

I look at this website, and it looks modeled on reddit. Is that what you meant?


But reddit wasn't like this pre-2014(?). Early in it's life it was much more pro-free speech. Something happened. My guess is words were exchanged in the board room when they realized they couldn't monetize users the way things were going.

So I’ve now been banned on all of Reddit’s neutral subs. This might not belong here but perhaps we should go back to Reddit?

Sounds akin to spousal abuse.

emasculation of women

emasculated women

Did you perhaps mean "masculation of women" and "masculated women"? What you wrote means the opposite of that.

Joe Rogan is no longer the biggest creator in podcasting. He stopped making podcasts 2 years ago.

  • -17

Could you link to the RSS feed?

Then it's not a podcast. It's some streaming service.

  • -17

Not an RSS feed, not a podcast. Not sure how movies are relevant.

Spotify paid Rogan $200 million to stop releasing podcasts and instead release his content in their walled garden, which doesn't have an RSS feed. I used to be a regular listener, but I haven't heard Rogan's voice since the switch. 2 years on, and I'm still salty about it.

If you have a way to listen to Rogan without a Spotify account or app, I'd love to hear it.

This is without a doubt the least interesting thing I’ve read this year.

Replied to wrong comment

You’re single and don’t watch porn. Low libido sounds well within the range of normal.

Yea. Date a girl you’re really into, and if you still have a low sex drive, only then is it a problem.

Some rather personal shit I’d rather not air even pseudonymously.