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User ID: 2281



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User ID: 2281

Trad men should be angry about men ruining more pure women. That said, men and women aren't the same. All the men can rail a few prostitutes, which is fine as long as they still devote themselves to, and take care of their wives.

I would expect the number of trad men is larger than the number of virgins, because there are so few virgins.

This "double standard" of men being able to bang prostitutes (not wives!) has been common throughout history. If you really want to see real double standard hypocrisy, see the billion other double standards that favor women. Like women not going to war, not having the responsibility to have children and respect their husbands, female adultery being glorified etc.

It does look like a concurrency bug in Redis, but it's still not a good look. And an effective engineering org should be vetting it's open-source libraries better.

Also they took 9 hours to even take it down, while social websites online had news of the leak everywhere. That's just pathetic engineering. Early morning or not, they shouldn't be shipping stuff if they don't even have basic oncall.

Sure, you need to strike a good balance between speed and safety, but that bug was an incredibly embarrassing error and should have never happened with the most "skilled set of engineers ever!"

Oh I would def bang non-virgin women, but marrying one when I could have a virgin is what makes me so uncomfortable. Men in the west assume they wouldn't be like this and it's not part of their culture anymore, but I've met some muslim converts and when they realize it's an option they quickly change their minds lol.

Also you're only partly right about the tribes conquering, some of the women who weren't virgins were sometimes killed. Sometimes all women were killed. It really depends on the circumstances. I'd love to steal a loyal woman from another man as part of my harem, but that's not the same to me as being with a woman who had promiscuous sex before me.

I agree the gene-environment interactions are very complex, but that hardly means my jealousy instinct is just culturally instilled, any more than the fact that we can pressure people into killing themselves means they don't want to survive.

It's not just "security", it's an epic fail on a part of the core chatgpt offering.

And part of the OpenAI package is all the "security" conscious offerings, which, if they fail, will have huge consequences.

No trad men don't get a good deal because even many better women may have had one or a few one-night stands at some point, or some form of casual sex. And to a trad man that is absolutely repulsive, taking care of a woman who gave herself away to some other man to use as an object of pleasure. Even a small number of ex-boyfriends also don't help, the woman may still be bonded to them.

Trad men may accept these women nowadays, but that's only because there is such a limited supply of truly good women.

"How many men you claim to have slept with in the past" seems like a difficult target for a 'biological mechanism'.

Everything in human life is complex, so evolutionary targets and gene-environment interactions are always complicated, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.

And no evolution isn't just "random", I study it mathematically, it's meant to ensure survival and reproduction, and to assume it hasn't affected sexual jealousy, common in many animals, is just batshit crazy.

I can tell you what disgusts me about promiscuity and it's not necessarily body count, but imagining my woman giving herself to other men makes me want to vomit, so having a woman who hasn't had one-night stands is more important than absolute body count to me. I'd love to steal other men's loyal women though.

Pretty? Lmao she's not even very attractive.

You're still not making any sense. Our debate was about whether men's worry about promiscuity is purely cultural and affected by paternity certainty. Dude anyone can read this thread, where am I wiggling? You brought up nothing of substance

At this point you're not making any sense. Redpill can mean many things. In terms of men and women being different, that's just basic biology and common sense. Our discussion was around why men can't give up their jealousy and how it's linked to paternity certainty. Our discussion did not revolve around women, who have their own evolutionary pressures.

I'm responding for myself, you're the one accusing me of things I didn't say and being uncivil. My logic wasn't directly about how female jealousy works, while you said "your theory predicts a sort of anti-jealousy for women." No it doesn't, it just predicts a certain type of jealousy for men.

The comment above was about men and women being different, which, of course they are and do have different preferences. Female jealousy may be different, but I didn't say it doesn't exist or is always in the opposite direction of men. The point is that men have this hardwiring, and the fact that women don't have it the exact same way or in the same degree due to differing evolution pressures is not the same as "anti-jealousy". That's just silly and you are implying things that were never implied because you were thinking in terms of binaries while the situation is much more complex.

I never said women want the opposite, where are you making this stuff up from? Your imagination is running wild. Of course women evolved sexual jealousy, although not in the exact same way as men.

"Hormones released during sex leads to pair-bonding" is highly simplistic. I don't have sources on hand and am not putting together stuff for some clown who can't read and accuses me of things I didn't say, but mating strategies are a widely studied topic.

Women do experience sexual jealousy as well, not sure what your point is there.

Yes evolution is complex, pair-bonding did evolve and requires different investment as a strategy on the part of the male. All of this clearly happened and the different strategies can even be seen in different mammals, let alone the Savannah. Human males align with the different strategies and differ in their investment to loyal women vs promiscuous women.

Where is the contradiction?

It's not a complete binary, environment and genetics interact in very complex ways. But sexual jealousy is quite common in humans and other animals for obvious biological reasons, and to argue these are completely cultural is just insane.

it's somewhat hard to tell but their actions don't seem to contradict it

It's important to realize that it may affect the men at a deeper level even if they get into relationships with these women. There are a lot of biological mechanisms at play to prevent men from wasting their energy on strategies that don't lead to survival, so these men may not give these women as much attention, focus on committing adultery etc.

Those are good points, but the logic is mostly post-hoc for many men like me. This is about the most primal and fundamental instinct evolution has drilled into our brains. Even with 100% paternity certainty, non-virgin women disgust me.

No, the stuff that the model can do is hardly the bottleneck.

Telling men they shouldn't be worried about promiscuity because it's no longer linked with paternity certainty, is like telling people they shouldn't have sex because it no longer results in pregnancy when they use protection.

It's about how evolution wired our brains.

The best engineers in the world who leaked people's conversations histories and then blamed it on some open-source library?

This is the a common opinion in most of the world and throughout history, not something specific to redpillers. Also notice that women are allowed to have different desires of their own, it's only when men have some desire that isn't matched that western misandrist society considers it problematic.

Women hate feminine men much more than short men. A man not having jealousy is a huge red flag to women at an instinctual level. These same women who say all of these lies on reddit go on to pull out their latest romance novel about some controlling man who does the opposite of what they say they like. Either that or rape porn. And these types of dominant men are the ones they are pulled towards in real life.

There is a reason Andrew Tate blew up, men with normal structured brains quickly latch on to these types of "misogynistic" ideas, which are essential for their survival and reproduction, and are actually secretly attractive to these complaining women.

I cannot bring myself to condemn women for what I take for granted.

Men and women are nothing alike so this makes no sense. It's like a man saying women are hypocrites for wanting a man taller than them when they're only X feet tall. Nothing operates on logic here, so you can't suddenly apply logic to the male "hypocrite" case, everyone is a hypocrite.