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joined 2022 September 04 18:23:45 UTC


User ID: 61



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User ID: 61

So, I watched the first two episodes of the Rings of Power -- and it wasn't that bad.

For the record, I thought Wheel of Time was pretty horrible, and while it was far from the only problem, the woke aspects (forced diversity, all men have to suck, all women have to rock) was definitely a big part of the issue. RoP has some forced diversity as well, but it's somehow not as bad. The black elf is one of the few elves who actually seems attractive and somehow beyond human -- the others come across as Roman Senator types.

Galadriel is a Mary Sue, but I guess she is in the books too. We'll see how her story develops.

I'm not happy with the proto-hobbits, and of course, the one who pushes the rules and is clever and daring is a woman, but that's mostly okay.

Dwarves -- well, of course the woman gives wise council to her buffoon husband, but it was still fairly well done I thought.

The visuals were great, and you did somehow get a sense of fleshed out, interesting and complex world. I'm very cautiously optimistic. Miles and miles ahead of Wheel of Time.

For the record, I'm /u/The-WideningGyre on reddit, but felt like grabbing one of the more common usernames I use on the new Motte.

I'm really disappointed by the weird groupthink shitshow I feel like 'normal' reddit has become, so I will do what I can to support this new Motte. Thanks /u/ZorbaTHut and other creators!

I think there's truth to this -- I think Italy, which is another 'modern but antiquated & extreme gender roles' country has one of the lowest rates in Western Europe.

Well, if you assume disproportionately many will come from the "young men" demographic (which does most of the crime) I would predict a considerably larger reduction.

The image on the login screen seems quite large -- I have a decent connection normally, but spent 20+s seeing it incrementally load.

Usually you can shrink images signficantly without much quality loss just be encoding differently, e.g. lower quality. I used imagemagick's convert with the following parameters quite successfully (to make 1920px wide image)

convert -quality 65 -resize 1920x> -strip -interlace Plane -sampling-factor 4:2:0

Nice! And ha, that sounds like a weird variant of rubber-duck-debugging.

At least you know at least one user appreciates it!

Yes, it feels (ha) like there is an increasing war on meritocracy, and truth. And it also seems like it's having consequences, making the world worse for everyone.

Jesus, on r/ comics there are regular comics that I guess are intended to be "slice of life" from a woman and there is nothing funny or enlightening about them at all. It's "wow airplane food sucks" level stuff, and it keeps getting upvoted, and I don't understand that at all. Even on reddit, I really don't understand it -- there's just nothing remotely funny.

(Seriously, if someone likes them, I'd be interested to know why, each time I read one I just kind of shake my head, and feel incredibly out of touch.)

FWIW, "sight words" can complement phonics, it doesn't have to replace them. I think it's actually a good thing both for some tricky spelling, and for quicker reading -- as long as it doesn't exclude phonics.

Sadly, there was a similar movement in Germany, where regarding spelling they allowed all manner of misspelling -- as long as it "looked like it would sound" (which doesn't really make sense as a concept). This has led to a ton of kids who can't spell properly, for no apparent gain (and lasting surprisingly late in life). It's really annoying. I see it in my kids, where I'm a much better German speller, even if they are better speakers (as they are native, and I'm not).

What does that have to do with anything? That was the best way, and those table were painfully calculated (e.g. by series expansion), and then shared with others so they wouldn't have to repeat the work.

With phonics (and word attack skills, as they were called when I learned them), you have a better way than "memorize each answer).

Even tables are better than this -- you interpolate between the given values to get the ones you need.

(Also, in some domains tables is pretty close to how those things are still done, it's just the computer is doing it for you. Admittedly for most there are fairly good functions or HW that converge on the answer quickly, so that's done rather than just a table, but even that is something of a blend, where a number of coefficients is saved, and the computer plugs the number into a long polynomial).

Doesn't that lead one to wonder: "How did the Patriarchy ever gain power?" Are men just better at organizing? Women were too nice? But doesn't that suggest general differences between men & women.

It's an incoherent (and inconsistent with science and trivial observation) viewpoint.

I always thought that was a great response to the women's soccer pay thing in the US. They're not playing the same sport, any more than the U15s are. The hard question would be "should the U15s be paid the same as the men?"

(Yes, I know that in the end they were actually getting paid more, AND they chose that model after rejecting the same contract as the men. Such a shit show of lies.)

Yes! My company wants to increase the representation of "Indigenous+" in Europe, and make no effort to explain what that means. I'm in Germany, so I assume they want more Neanderthals....

But these days you won't know the skin color of an artist unless someone goes out of their way to tell you (which they will in certain cases).

Discrimination is a completely bogus reason to explain why some works are popular and others aren't.

I tend to think fine art, especially contemporary art, is mostly a scam anyway, but the cries of racism here just ring painfully deceptive.

It's probably too late now, but I'm pretty sure once upon a time I was on hiring committees at the same company, and you should have told that recruiter's manager (the recruiters are almost always TVCs, who only care about hitting their hiring targets) about that. They shouldn't waste yours and others' time, and they shouldn't be getting incompetent people hired.

I too have set my interviews / week to zero.

*edit: should -> shouldn't

The problem is, some -- too many -- do treat them that way, and have banished the use/mention distinction. It's like the Jehovah scene in Monty Python. So rather than risk crazy people trying to ruin your life, people avoid the words.

I prefer to take it further, and talk about either Voldemort or "the letter-after-m word". Well, actually I generally prefer not to talk about it at all, since there are too many rabid, crazy people out there. (yet here I am, oops)

I agree it's a bit too much, but they don't have to be evil to destroy everything. I think many of them have good (if unexamined) intentions, at least at a surface level. I think they still tend to fundamentally destroy things, rather than make them better.

Is there a summary of that anywhere? I seem to have missed it. Was it something in the SciFi community?

*Thanks y'all, that was a wild ride.

I think they're talking about it because things keep happening, the most recent being the chess.com report saying he had likely cheated at least 100 times (in online games), and apparently admitted to it when confronted with it (I haven't dug in though), including fairly recent games (within the last two years) and in games for prize money.

I think you've nailed it -- and part of it has been an erosion in the social judgement against cheaters & defectors. I somewhat hate to yield to the 'blame the woke for everything' bias I apparently have, but I think they have definitely amped up the excusing & rationalizing. There was a big thing about various people should be allowed to cheat at school, it was just bogus and unfair to them anyway.

I think once you let people justify that cheating is okay, many indeed will.

And I find it really sad, because I think it makes the world a worse place for pretty much everyone.

That's partly why I get extra grumpy at scams that take advantage of people's better nature (money for gas, help for grandkid in a foreign country) -- it ruins things for everyone.

I think the biggest thing to me would be not wanting to be a chump. I have a pretty strong aversion to cheating, but if my class were grading on a curve, and I knew most of the others were cheating, and the administration knew and weren't doing anything, I would feel the honest people shouldn't be punished.

I very much doubt anyone in the head offices of Amazon or Sony or Disney is saying "Fuck next quarter's earnings, we need more diversity in this place, dammit!"

The thing is, I think they really are saying that, they just don't realize they are saying that. I'll skip RoP, because, while not great, I'd say it's also not awful (although it's trending downwards). Instead, look at Wheel of Time, which was a major shitshow, and one where the woke aspects really ruined the story. Isolated village where exceptional character stands out now looks like a NY subway stop. Central tenet of the entire magic system and primary plot point depends on differences between the magic of men and women, and they undermine that, claiming the dragon can be a woman. Some of the most noble characters are undermined so the women can look better.

It really really hurt that show, and I think it must have been somewhat clear it would.

Ha! I'll make sure to pass it along ;), but sadly, it does not appear that that is what they meant...

I'll just say I've known a number of excellent women programmers. My personal opinion is that the main issue is just different interests (and often other options). Research seems to support that (roughly, women are interested in people, men are interested in things), it's one of the most repeated findings with biggest effect sizes in psychology.

As to teaching CS, I can't really remember what worked well for me. My sense is to focus on solving problems, and building out the world of tools, knowledge, and techniques that allow you to solve larger and more complex problems. I think it's important to have something concrete to attach abstract things to when learning. But that's just a first thought.

It's not that it's diversity, at least with endangered species, it's the finality of it. If you wipe out the last one (or nearly the last one), the entire species can be gone forever. If you kill an extra deer, there's lots more elsewhere. In some sense, deer are fungible (a sentence I didn't think I'd ever write).

It's less clear to me, but I'd also say Hitler was extra bad because he targeted innocent people for something they had no say in, AND he was trying to wipe out entire groups (that hadn't done anything to him). There's something hateful about that, and I think it's more about the finality and arbitrariness than a desire to maintain diversity.

This feels like the right take to me. The recent cut of two internet cables, hundreds of miles apart, that resulted in the trains not running for hours in Germany seemed like another flex -- your infrastructure is vulnerable, stop supporting the Ukraine or things will get worse.

I'll admit, this aligns with my bias of the Putin as the bad guy, rather than the US. I do find the idea of the US taking pressure off the German politicians an interesting one. The gas shortfall is not getting as much news attention as I would have expected, yet fairly serious steps (e.g. all public pools and saunas being closed to save heating costs) are being taken, which does suggest a "this is serious, but don't cause a public panic" type approach.