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joined 2022 September 12 14:22:17 UTC
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User ID: 1163



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User ID: 1163

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The problem with communal property is it is usially poorly maintained and policed by hall monitor personalities.

I like my yard. I keep it the way I want it. My neighbors do their own thing with their yard. It is different and highly personalized.

I give up my seat for elderly, weak, and pregnant people, but not women.

There are lots of reasons why, but the biggest reason is I want to be the kind of person that I like.

I'm neither pro nor anti-HOA. I just want people to have their pick.

Its very easy to find neighborhoods thay are 100% HOA controlled. If you look at a mixed development, its easy to buy a house with no line of sight to non-HOA property.

The people I sympathize with are the ones trying to find a home that isn't HOA controlled. That is very difficult if you live in a part of the country near major job centers.

That's not a problem. The neighbor can just ignore his whining.

I also give up my seat for elderly men, so ending that phrase with women would have been incorrect.

What's the problem here?

That worked, thanks!

How do I figure out the email address attached to my account? I forgot which email address I used when I signed up.